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Please keep up to date with all the news happening in school at the moment and click a headline to read more.

  • Week beginning 25th November

    Sun 24 Nov 2019

    Week Beginning 25th November

    This week we were informed that we have been awarded the Healthy Schools London Gold Award. The highest award! In addition to holding the Silver Award, we had to show how we have engaged the wider community, and supported others to help children maintain a healthy weight, healthy lifestyle and wellbeing. In the next few weeks, we will receive a letter of congratulations from Deputy Mayor, Joanne McCartney and a certificate. We will also have a new Healthy Schools logo to add to our growing list of awards on our letter footer – please watch out for it! That just leaves us to say a massive thank you to our children who played a large part in achieving Gold and our Healthy Schools team, led fantastically by Mrs Shaikh.


    On Tuesday, we had a fabulous assembly led by the children in Class 7 who reminded everybody about the UNICEF Rights of Every Child. We reflected on how lucky we are to have an education, clean water and safety which many children across the world do not. Thank you to the children in Class 7 for this wonderful reminder. Our School Improvement Partner also attended (every school in Croydon has someone in this role) and she was very impressed with the content, maturity of the class in delivering the assembly and also the respectful attitudes of the children listening, who asked thoughtful questions. Well done all!


    The children in Year 5 had a great day out at the National History museum and despite arriving back slightly later than anticipated due to heavy traffic, the children were full of positive feedback and excitement from the brilliant day out that they had.


    Congratulations to Elina in class 9 who won our times tables rock stars competition and was awarded with a certificate and trophy in assembly.


    Thank you also to all of the families who came to our book fair. In total we sold £1041.77 worth of books and as a result are set to receive approximately £600 commission which we will be using to buy a selection of new and exciting books for our class book corners. Thank you so much for your support which enables us to further promote a love of reading amongst our children.


    *Tomorrow, we are hosting our SEND coffee morning from 9:15 to 10:40 and will be joined for part of this meeting by our SALT (Speech and Language Therapist). If you have a child with known SAL difficulties or are concerned about your child in this regard, then please do come along and join us for an opportunity to talk informally to the speech therapist or a member of our inclusion team about your concerns. We welcome all parents who feel they may be struggling with any additional needs even if your child is not on our SEND register as feedback from parents who have attended previous events has indicated that the opportunity to discuss every day challenges with others experiencing similar issues invaluable.


    *On Tuesday our Reception children are going on their ‘Wellie Walk’ and will need to remember to wear their wellies and wrap up warm with a coat, hat, gloves and scarf! They will also need to remember to bring their school shoes in their book bags to change into when they get back to school. Year R will enjoy using their senses to learn more about autumn and using natural materials to build their own dens! Exciting!

    Also on Tuesday, the children in Key Stage 2 will have a road safety assembly which we hope will help them to stay safe on and around roads by improving their awareness of risks and hazards. On that note, please can we ask parents to watch their children carefully on the way to and from school. On Wednesday morning we had a very near miss where a parent in a car almost hit a child who stepped out into the road. Thank you for your efforts to ensure our children’s safety.


    *On Wednesday, our Year One children will be visited by a toy maker who will spend the day talking about old Victorian toys and how they were made. We are sure they will be fascinated. The children will also have the opportunity to make their own toys.

    *On Thursday, the children in Year 4 will be climbing inside the Space Dome to learn all about their new IPC topic which is Time and Place, Earth and Space. We have no doubt that they will love this amazing opportunity during which they will tour the solar system and beyond and learn about space exploration and moon landings.

    *Liam from the Croydon Schools Sports Partnership (CSSP), who took over from David Smith, will be in team teaching PE with the Year 5 teachers. The children enjoy working alongside an expert in their field.

    *After school there is a netball match verses Christchurch at home. We wish the team the best of luck! Be the best you can be!

    *At 3:30 on Friday, our boys’ football team have a match at home against Beaumont. We also wish them lots of luck. Go team Hayes!


    Further to the letter emailed to parents last week, on Thursday 5th December we will be collecting the ‘Phil the Bag’ donations at school. Please bring any donations of clothing, shoes, handbags, curtains, hats, belts, towels and household linens to the school by 9:00 am. It is a perfect, hassle free opportunity to clear some space before Christmas. The school receives 90p per kilo which will all be invested in the children. No donations will be accepted before this date due to lack of storage.  Thank you.


    Thank you for your swimming donations so far. We have received donations on behalf of 246/412 of the children on roll through either instalments or payment in full so a huge thank you to those families who have paid, we are really grateful. However, this means that we are yet to receive a donation from 166 children meaning we are currently £9130 short of our anticipated swimming pool income. If you are yet to make a donation, we would be extremely grateful if you could log on to parent pay and do so. Failure to receive adequate donations from our families puts our pool at risk of closure as we are unable to subsidise the running of this wonderful facility via the main school budget. Thank you in anticipation of your donations.


    And, last but by no means least, on Saturday we are holding our Christmas Fair. Many hours of planning have been spent by our wonderful PTA to ensure that we are all set to have an AMAZING day! We thank you all for your many donations that help to make the fair a great success and to all of those parents and carers who have agreed to run a stall. The fair takes place from 12:00 until 3:00 and we would LOVE to see you there.

    See you all tomorrow!

  • Week Beginning 18th November 2019

    Sat 16 Nov 2019
    We have had another great week at The Hayes starting with a very moving assembly for Remembrance Day. To learn more about this please see our school website and Twitter feed. Our football teams experienced great success winning a tournament and qualifying to represent Croydon against other boroughs in a future competition. Go Team Hayes! We have also had a successful anti-bullying week teaching the children about the theme `Change starts with us!' focusing on small changes they could implement that make a big difference to others. And, despite the miserable weather, Year 2 have enjoyed a great day out at RHS Wisley today exploring habitats and making a home for a robin. Our football team also celebrated a win 8-0 in our match against Harris Kenley. Well done team!

    Here's what's coming up next week...

    *It's Maths Week. The children who participated in the timestable rockstars challenge will find out which class and which child won the competition. During the week the children will be participating in problem solving activities and take part in some special maths assemblies. Our focus will be on promoting a love of number and solving challenges.

    *Year 6 and Reception Height and weight checks take place on Monday with visiting NHS staff. The outcomes of these checks are not shared with the school but will be shared directly with you via the post.

    *The girls have an away football match at Atwood after school and we wish them the best of luck!

    *On Tuesday we host our second reception open morning. If you have a child due to start school in Reception in September 2020, please phone the office to book a space at our open morning where you can come along to a talk from Miss Slade, our Headteacher and receive a tour of the school.

    *On Tuesday after school there is a netball match against Kenley at home. Again, we wish the team the best of luck!

    *On Wednesday the children in Year 4 are leading their class assembly to parents. If your child is in this class you are warmly invited to attend at 9:15 in the hall. We hope you can make it.

    *Year 5 are visiting the Natural History Museum on Thursday to support their learning on Ancient civilisations.

    *On Friday afternoon we are hosting our open afternoon. Please do come along from 2:15 to visit your child's classroom and view the children's learning. After you have seen your child's work, you are welcome to take them home. Where possible, we ask that you refrain from bringing buggies into the classroom as they can become very crowded during this event. Thank you.

    *At 3:30pm, there is a football match at home between The Hayes girls' team and Selsdon Primary School. We wish them the best of luck.

    Finally, here are a few festive reminders to ensure you have plenty of notice:

    1) The children should all come home today with the Christmas Fair Raffle tickets. As per the norm, they are £1 each and we ask for parents to please sell them to friends and family. If all monies and ticket stubs can be returned to the PTA Box in the office no later than Wednesday 27th November. Any unsold tickets we ask that these be returned too so we can sell them at the fair (taking place on the 29th November 30th).

    2) The children will also come home with a brown envelope and hopefully a slip which explains what they are for (`find a fiver stall'). Each envelope needs to be filled with loose change of any value up to £1. These too need to be returned to the PTA box no later than Wednesday 27th Nov.

    3) Please also see the attached poster for the Fund Matching & Silent Auction gifts.

    4) On the last day of term there will be a Christmas fancy dress /mufti day. This can be a Christmas fancy dress costume, a Christmas jumper or something as simple as a piece of tinsel around the wrist!

    5) Breakfast with Santa will take place on the 9th December from 8:00. Tickets will soon go on sale from the PTA and sell out quickly.

    6) On Wednesday 11th December we have a pantomime company coming in to entertain the children. We thank the PTA for funding this for the children.

    7) The dates and times for the Christmas performances are as follows: Reception: 9th of December 1:45- 2:45, Year 1: 10th of December 1:45-2:45 (please note date change due to general election), Year 6 Drama Club and Junior Choir: 17th December 6:00pm, Xmas Jumper Day and school Christmas dinner on the 18th Dec and Years 2-6 Carol singing: 19th December 3:00 in the playground (on the raised area).

    REMINDER: School is CLOSED to children on the 12th December due to our facilities being used for polling in the general election.

    School closes to children for the Christmas holidays at 1:30 on Friday December 20th.

    Thank you for your ongoing support. Have a lovely weekend.
  • Week beginning 11th November 2019

    Sun 10 Nov 2019

    Week Beginning  11th November 2019

    *We have great pleasure in announcing that The Hayes has recently been awarded the Music Mark award for our high-quality music education and dedication to offering a broad and balanced curriculum. This is an award that we have been nominated for by Croydon Music and Arts, our provider for many of our instrumental music lessons and Soundstart (Year 4) within school. Thank you to them, all of our visiting music teachers and Mrs Yates, all of whom provide a great music education to our children. Please click on this link: to access our letter written by Bridget Whyte, Chief Executive of Music Mark.

    *Well done to our Year 4 cat walk models who on Tuesday put on a fantastic display of fashion to conclude their Fashion Unit for the IPC. They wore their tie-dyed t-shirts that they made and also wore a t shirt which was customised through cutting, stenciling and sewing. The children enjoyed having the opportunity to show off their hard work in style. Well done all!
    *On Thursday, Class 3 delivered a fantastic assembly on Bonfire Night. We learned about the history of Guy Fawkes and the Gunpower plot, alongside firework safety and the children sang ‘Fireworks’ and choreographed it really well. Well done to all in Class 3 and many thanks to all of the many parents and carers who came as their audience!

    *On Friday, the winner of the Firework Safety Competition (a School Council initiative) was announced. Out of 57 great firework safety posters, we chose 1 winner. It is really important to understand about safety because fireworks can be dangerous if they are not treated with care. We are pleased to say that Milly R from Year 5 won with her amazing ‘rules’ poster. Well done Milly and to all who entered, her entry can be seen, attached. By Joel, Gracie and Jonus.
    *Thank you again to the Year 6 girls who sold scrunchies for The Royal Marsden Hospital and raised over £50. Aly Foyle, a Matron from the hospital (and parent at The Hayes) came and thanked them in assembly on Friday and gave them each a certificate, well deserved and thank you to Mrs Foyle.

    *Well done to the girls football team who played against Selsdon Primary and won 6-1! Great score!

    *This week we celebrate anti bullying week and will be teaching the children the importance of kindness and friendship.
    *On Monday at 10:45am, we are holding our Remembrance Day assembly. This event is only opened to children and staff at our school (not to parents) because as you can imagine our hall is full during the service. However, please look out for updates on our school Twitter feed and website of this poignant assembly.

    *On Tuesday, from 3:30-6:00pm we are hosting our ‘early’ parents evening. Please ensure you have booked your appointment online prior to attending. Our ‘late’ parents evening takes place on Thursday 14th between 4:00pm and 7:00pm. We look forward to seeing you and sharing your children’s achievements so far this year.

    *On Wednesday, there is a football event at Trinity for the boys football teams.  If your child is involved you would have received notification prior to this bulletin.

    *We also welcome our new sports coach, Liam, from the Croydon Schools Sports Association who be working with our Year 5 teachers and children team teaching on Thursday. He will be back at various points throughout the year to work with other children across the school and he will soon become a familiar face in our school, we are sure!

    *On Friday, there are two football matches. Our boys team will play against Harris Kenley (away) and the girls team will play against Gresham (also away) we wish them the best of luck.


    A message from Mrs Randall, our English leader: please could all children and parents look at home for any reading books that have not been returned over the years. We are missing many and they are expensive to replace! Many thanks. Finally, a message from the PTA: The Hayes Firework event is rescheduled for Friday 20th March 2020, from 530pm-730pm. They will send more information out very soon but in the meantime, any questions, please email Thank you.


    Have a great test of the weekend and see you all tomorrow.


    The Hayes Team

  • Week Beginning 4th November 2019

    Fri 01 Nov 2019

    Week Beginning 4th November 2019


    We have had a great first week back after the half term break. The Year 6 Anne Frank Trust ambassadors led a brilliant assembly to the whole school about prejudice and discrimination and the importance of standing up for equality. Please see more information about the workshops on our website: Well done to all involved.


    Thank you to those of you who bought scrunchies a few weeks ago after school, the girls in Year 6 raised over £50 for The Royal Marsden Hospital. They are very grateful for the money raised. Well done to Gracie, Millie and Jessica.


    Here’s what’s coming up next week…

    *We wish ‘buon viaggio’ to two members of staff from our Reception team who are travelling to Italy for five days to visit a centre of excellence in Early Years Practice for the week. As a school committed to ‘being the best we can be’ we are always seeking to innovate and improve our practice and we look forward to hearing about what they learn during this professional development opportunity.


    *On Tuesday, the children in Year 4 will be hosting a Fashion show to parents to show their fabulous learning in IPC (International Primary Curriculum) in the hall at 2:30 pm. Please do come along and join us.


    *As you will be aware from our Important Dates sent out in July, we will soon be hosting our autumn term Parents/Carers meetings. We encourage all parents/carers to schedule a meeting with your child/ren’s class teacher to discuss their achievements and progress so far this year. On Wednesday, the sign-up sheet for Parents evening will go live at 10:00am. To book your appointment to see your child’s class teacher on either 12th November (3:30-6:00) or the 14th November (4:00-7:00) you will need to click on the following link:


    *On Thursday, Class 3 are hosting their assembly to parents. If you have a child in this class you are warmly invited to join us in the hall at 9:15. We look forward to seeing you there. At 3:30pm, on Thursday, our girls football team have a match again Selsdon.


    *On Friday at 3:30 the boys team have a match against Kenley at home. We wish both teams the very best of luck and will be cheering them on!


    Please may we remind parents who have not yet made their donation for their children’s swimming lessons to do so. We do rely on donations from parents to enable us to maintain this wonderful facility and thank you in advance for supporting this area of our school curriculum.


    We wish you all a wonderful weekend.

