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Welcome to The Hayes Primary School

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Please keep up to date with all the news happening in school at the moment and click a headline to read more.

  • Week beginning 2nd December

    Sat 30 Nov 2013

    Apologies for the late circulation of this weekly bulletin but as I am sure you are aware, we had a very busy week with our Ofsted inspection taking place. Thank you to all parents who completed the parent view questionnaire for our inspection. The team were impressed with the number of responses that we had. The data (that you can view on line) summarised that 95% of parents agreed or strongly agreed that their child makes good progress here at The Hayes. Thank you for your on-going support. We are also very proud of your children who were very articulate and demonstrated positive behaviour and attitudes to learning (as they always do). Unfortunately, the final report has not yet been shared with the school and we are therefore unable to share with you their judgements so please do not ask us to do so. We hope that we will be able to distribute this to you before Christmas.


    On Wednesday at 9:15 we are hosting one of our coffee mornings with our Parent Support Advisors (PSAs). Please do come along to meet other parents or have a chat with our PSAs regarding any issues to do with school life!


    On Thursday our year 5 and 6 children will be attending the CSMA carol concert at The Fairfield Halls. Please ensure you have signed and returned the permission slip or we will be unable to take your child. May we also remind you that whilst the children will be back in school for lunchtime they have been asked to bring a packed lunch just in case the concert over runs or there are any delays with the coach. If your child is eligible for free school meals and you would like us to provide a packed lunch for them please let us know by Wednesday morning at the latest.


    On Thursday the year 4 children are in for a real treat with the ‘Rock Man’ visiting the school to lead a fun-packed day and equally our year 3 children on Friday will be in for a treat when the ‘Roman man’ comes in to take them back to Roman times! We are sure all children in these year groups will have an excellent day!


    Good luck to our football team who are playing in an away match against Atwood on Thursday. Fingers crossed for a win!


    Saturday is our excellent school Christmas Fair from 12-3pm. The PTA have worked extremely hard to organise this event so please do come along and support Mrs Doble and her wonderful team…you could even win an iPod touch in the raffle!

  • Week beginning 25th November 2013

    Fri 22 Nov 2013



    Thank you to all parents who returned the parent questionnaires. We are busy analysing these at the moment and will provide you with some feedback asap!


    On Monday the school council are meeting at 12:30 in the ICT suite. Please remind your child if they are their class rep!


    Thursday is Open Afternoon from 2-3pm. Please do try to come in a look at your children’s learning. They are always keen to share with you and show you what they have been up to. May we politely request that you do not bring buggies or younger siblings to this event as fitting 30 children and 30 parents into our classrooms is a challenge in itself!


    On Friday you may return your ‘Phil the bag’ bags! Hopefully you will welcome this opportunity to help you de-clutter get rid of some of your unwanted clothes etc.


    On Saturday it is The Hayes Christmas Fair run by the PTA from 12-3. Please come along for a fun afternoon and to support this event. There will be lots to take part in including an 8 lane Scalextric, Santa’s grotto, Secrets room and much more. Not forgetting the chance to win and iPod touch 5 32mb in the grand raffle draw!

  • Week Beginning 18th November

    Mon 18 Nov 2013

    Week beginning 18th November 2013…


    Thank you to all those who attended parent/teacher meetings this week. We hope you found them useful and informative. May we remind you that we are always available to discuss any worries or concerns that you may have. Please catch your child’s class teacher at the start or end of the day to make an appointment or phone the school office to make an appointment. Please remember, if you have not already done so, to return your completed parent questionnaires by Monday 22nd to enable us to analyse them. If you did not collect a copy at parents evening you may collect one at the school office.


    Congratulations to Dr Bruce Pilbeam who was appointed as our new parent governor. Thank you to all those who voted in the election and also to the other parents who volunteered their services to represent the views of parents on the governing body.


    You should have by now received a letter regarding contributions to the swimming pool fund. After many parents requests for an online system of making swimming donations I am pleased to report that this has been arranged. Click on the following link to make a payment.

    This link has also been put on the parent information section of our school website.

    Please note, that at present, you are unable to gift aid your declaration on line so please still fill in the remittance slip to let us know you have paid and also to allow us to claim back the gift aid retrospectively.


    I am pleased to report that works to the new Children’s Kitchen have almost been completed (see picture attached) and we are currently developing plans for children to use this area to enhance their learning in the curriculum and for extracurricular activities.


    Coming up next week…


    Children in Years 2 and 3 will be taking part in an Eden Food Services course. This will involve taste testing food, making things to eat and learning about eating healthily. The session will last for 40 minutes and is run by a member of the Eden Food Services team. The course is fantastic and a lot of fun for the children to take part in as it will link to their current learning. All children across the school will take part in one course during the year and we will let you know the dates for other year groups as they arise.


    On Wednesday, children in Year 6 will be participating in Swing dance sessions to support their topic learning!


    On Thursday the school nurse will be carrying out the Year 6 height and weight checks. Apologies that this was rescheduled, the letters were not delivered to us in time.


    Have a good weekend.

  • Week Beginning 11th November

    Fri 08 Nov 2013

    Week Beginning 11th November 2013…


    Thank you to all those who supported the Link Romania Shoe box appeal. With your help we managed to collect 68 filled shoe boxes. They were collected yesterday and are now in the process of being transported to help make a family who have very little very happy this Christmas! Your kindness and generosity is appreciated.


    If you have not already done so today, please remember to make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher to discuss your child’s learning and progress. Parents teacher meetings will take place on Tuesday 12th (3:30-5:00) and Wednesday 13th (3:30-8:00) this week. During these evenings we shall be putting out our annual parent questionnaire. Please collect one and fill it in. Your feedback is appreciated and helps us to continue our successes and build on ways to improve in the future. You can submit completed questionnaires on the evening and put them in the collection box in the main entrance or complete them over the weekend and return them to us by Monday 18th November.


    Tuesday 12th is also our PTA shopping event held in the hall. Please do come along for a great opportunity to start your Christmas shopping!


    On Thursday afternoon, the school nurse will be carrying out height and weight checks with our Year 6 pupils.


    On Friday, the children in Class 10 will be leading our school assembly. If you have a child in this class and wish to join us for this event, please come to the hall for a 10:15 start.


    Finally, our new website goes live today. We are still in the process of updating some of the information but hopefully most of what you need is already there. Let us know what you think on your parent questionnaires! Thank you!
