Parent/Carer Survey - Your Comments
Summer 2022
After two years of upheaval and change for everyone in our school community, we are hugely proud and heartened to receive such positive feedback from our parents, thank you to everyone who contributed to the questionnaire that was linked to the bulletin and Head Teacher's newsletter in July 2022. In particular, that our parents and carers think that: 98.7% of The Hayes children are happy in school, 97.6% of children do well at The Hayes and 95.7% would recommend our school to others.
We are delighted to share some of the highlights from the survey and the actions we are taking as a result of the feedback.
Parent and Carer Questionnaire 2022
We are listening....
Through the survey and your comments, we have recognised there is improvement to be made with the way we communicate with parents and carers regarding children’s learning (‘The school makes me aware of what my child will learn during the year’: 90% agree). In the comments section, you also requested some improvement in communication and requested sports clubs for KS1 children after school. We have added these to this year’s school improvement plan and to that end we will:
*Re-introduce 'what we will learn this term' meetings at the start of each term, include in the class newsletter (issued at the start of term), learning and planned trips for the term/year, inform parents/carers if a child is falling behind and not wait until parents’ evenings, re-establish open afternoons so parents can see child’s books/learning with their child, parents evenings take place face to face, again and website will continue to house all curriculum mapping.
*Advise parents/carers of the best communication route for their concerns: if want to contact a teacher urgently and cannot do at drop off or collection, please email the office ( and the message will be passed on. Please note, Google Classroom and teacher emails are no longer being used for communication between home and school because we are now in school, together.
*Ensure communication is not last minute, to this end, we may not be able to take part in some sporting events because often information is shared with us in a last-minute fashion by external parties. We will make decision, based on whether or not we have time to act on information given. For any other late comms/mistakes in texts, we will endeavour to do our utmost to ensure time is always given in advance and will reread our comms before sending out. Please see Important Dates on our website and subscribe to the diary dates calendar.
*Organise opportunities (particularly sport) for the younger years where we can, although this may involve using outside resources.
Finally, please note, you can always contact your child’s teacher or a member of the senior leadership team via the school office if you have anything you wish to discuss.
Feedback from Parents and Carers- Partial Closure January 2021-March 2021
Feedback from Parents and Carers - Partial Closure March 2020-July 2020
Parent and Carer Questionnaire 2018
During the final part of the summer term, we sent out a parent/carer questionnaire which was advertised in the HT newsletter, Twitter, bulletins and on our Facebook pages. 103 parents completed the questionnaire (60 in the previous year). Once again, we received a lot of written feedback - both positive and constructive and where the development areas doubled, we have added them to our School Improvement Plan and written comments below.
Overall, we have seen an increase in all agree/strongly agree areas from the 2017 questionnaire which is excellent news with particular mentions for our close knit community, caring and enthusiastic staff, our enriched curriculum and the warm, inclusive and welcoming atmosphere. As one parent commented: ‘We love the Hayes’. We can only hope that Secondary School gives the values, care and individual support that you have given us. You understand individuals and what makes them unique. Thank you!’
Particular areas identified for improvement related to improving the quality of handwriting, shade in the playground, air con in the hall, more sport, more preparation for KS1 Sats and the rest can be read at the bottom of this report. These areas have been fed into discussions with staff and governors and is addressed through our school improvement plan and updated policies, where necessary. We are extremely grateful for the ongoing positive feedback which we receive during the year either via email or in person. If you have any further comments or suggestions to make, please contact Miss Slade or a member of SLT, we would love to hear from you.
Best wishes
Miss Slade
Head Teacher
- My child is happy at this school: 98% agree/strongly agree.
- My child feels safe at this school: 98% agree/strongly agree.
- My child makes good progress at this school: 97% agree/strongly agree.
- My child is taught well at this school: 98% agree/strongly agree.
- My child receives appropriate homework for their age: 93% agree/strongly agree.
- This school ensures the pupils are well behaved: 98% agree/strongly agree.
- This school deals appropriately with bullying: 89% agree/strongly agree. 8% don’t know (therefore assuming child has not been bullied).
- This school is well led and managed: 97% agree/strongly agree.
- This school responds well to any concern I raise: 96% agree/strongly agree.
- I receive valuable information about my child’s progress: 98% agree/strongly agree.
- The school gives good information about what is going on at The Hayes via the weekly bulletin, half-termly Head Teacher newsletters and updates on Twitter: 99% agree/strongly agree.
- I would recommend this school to another parent: 97% agree/strongly agree.
2017-2018 Questionnaire
2016-2017 Questionnaire
Parent View
Please click on the this link to access the Parent View questionnaire which gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about The Hayes Primary School, from the quality of teaching to Leadership and Management. Please not this is an external questionnaire, manned by Ofsted.
We will be sending out a parent survey ourselves at the end of the Summer Term, 2019. Please watch this space!