Class Representatives
Volunteering as a Class Rep is a great way to help The Hayes Primary School and get to know other parents and carers. Some Class Reps are members of the PTA, some are not involved in the PTA (but many help at events) – all are an essential asset to The Hayes Primary School. The PTA are not responsible for Class Reps, the school are. However, Class Reps help to bring the PTA, our parents/ carers and school together in partnership.
Class Representative Role Description
The exact duties of Class Reps will vary from time to time. Tasks can be shared between two people and also delegated to other parents. The role can be rotated every year – ideally in September. The Hayes Primary School is very grateful to anyone who offers to be a Class Rep and does not intend for Reps to feel over-stretched so please adapt the role to suit your circumstances. Class Reps work with the school and often the PTA to establish where the money raised should best be allocated. The Class Rep also helps to build a feeling of community between the parents in their year group.
Class reps are not able to act as liaison between other parents and the school. If approached by a parent with a query or complaint, please ask the parent to contact the school directly. They should contact the class teacher in the first instance and if not resolved, Mrs Olley (Deputy Head Teacher) and finally, Ms Slade (Head Teacher).
The role:
To be a point of contact for new parents/carers and welcome them to the class/year group.
To enlist any help needed to support with school events such as the summer fete and Christmas fair. This may involve helping on a stall, and/or compiling a rota of class parents that are able to help on the day. The PTA will provide you with a ‘Doodle Poll’ which will go on your Class Page.
To organise social events for parents and carers throughout the year, such as coffee mornings and meals out. Not all year groups will have the same uptake on social events so please only do what you feel comfortable with.
To support in ensuring appropriate behaviour on Social Media. Please remind parents and carers of the correct steps to take if there are concerns or complaints (see pg1).
Acting as an extra line of communication between the teacher and parents/carers, for example by passing on messages about school trips and events via social platforms/communicating face to face.
Where possible, attending other school events such as sports day and concerts to help serve refreshments, sell programmes and other similar tasks. The more volunteers the PTA have, the more they can do.
Please click on the below link to read the Class Reps Handbook.