Family Support
Parents and Carers are welcome to come into school to discuss their child’s progress. It is important that any difficulties are clarified before they become problems. In order for quality time to be given to Parents and Carers we do ask that whenever possible you arrange an appointment for a time suitable for all concerned. The Head Teacher is always happy to see Parents and Carers and appointments can be made through the office.
Pastoral Care
The Head Teacher and Deputy Head Teacher exercise overall pastoral care of the children. However, in day-to-day matters the teacher has the best knowledge of those in his/her class and minor problems can often be dealt with informally. Members of staff refer difficulties of a more serious nature to the Head Teacher and Deputy Head Teacher. In either case appropriate discussion or contact with parents and carers takes place.
Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA)
We have two Emotional Literacy Support Assistants who are available to our pupils. Our ELSAs build the capacity at The Hayes to support the emotional needs of our pupils by developing and delivering individualised support programmes. It recognises that children learn better and are happier in school if their emotional needs are also addressed. ELSA is an initiative developed and supported by educational psychologists, who apply their professional knowledge of children’s social and emotional development to areas of need experienced by pupils.
Parent Support Advisors (PSA)
The school presently has one member of staff who has been trained to give parental support and advice.