At The Hayes Primary School, we believe it is essential to provide a well‐balanced, challenging curriculum for all pupils. Inclusion looks at the needs of all pupils including children with specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, pupils with emotional and behavioural difficulties, EAL pupils (English as an Additional Language) and pupils considered to be More Able.
Our aim is to provide all children with the best possible outcomes in preparation for life‐long learning. We believe it is important that children acquire skills, knowledge and confidence that can be applied to all future learning experiences, including social, physical and spiritual development. We endeavour to raise aspirations and expectations for all pupils by working in partnership with parents/carers and listening to our pupils.
At The Hayes Primary School we follow the principles of Inclusion as laid down in the Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs 2014, and which is fully endorsed by the London Borough of Croydon:
To ensure all pupils are offered full access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum;
All pupils will be given the opportunity to reach their full potential educationally, emotionally, and physically;
All teachers view themselves as teachers of pupils with special educational needs, teaching such pupils is a whole school responsibility;
All pupils with special educational needs should have their needs met;
Pupil's special educational needs will normally be met in the mainstream classroom;
Pupil's views should be sought and taken into account;
Parents/carers have a vital role to play in supporting their child's education and therefore good home/school links are established.
We are committed to ensuring that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), receive their right to a high quality, accessible and balanced curriculum. ‘The Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)' has changed. From 1st September 2014 children who have learning difficulties or disabilities and who require additional or different help to others of the same age, will be known as 'SEN Support' – the term replaces 'School Action' and' 'School Action Plus'. Your child’s class teacher will be able to explain any support your child may be receiving. If a child does not make progress and has long term, complex needs, an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) may be applied for which replaces the Statement of Educational Special Needs.
Events in Ukraine- Support for parents
SEND Information Report
Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy
Accessibility Plan and Policy
Covid-19 SEND - Support for Parents
Locality SEND Support
Guides for Parents and Carers
SEN Summer PIP newsletter
EAL (English as an Additional Language)
At The Hayes, we aim to make appropriate provision of teaching and resources for pupils with EAL and for raising achievement of ethnic minority groups who are at risk from underachieving. We will identify individual pupil's needs, recognising skills they bring to our school and ensuring that they have equal access to the curriculum. By this we aim to ensure that all EAL pupils are able to understand English confidently and competently, use English as a means of learning across the curriculum and where appropriate, make use of their knowledge of other languages.
SEMH (Social, Emotional and Mental Health)
We support our children with social, emotional and mental health difficulties by providing a safe, secure and welcoming learning environment in which to learn. We have in place a range of strategies and methods to best support these children, and facilitate their learning both in and out of the classroom environment, to ensure their achieve to their potential.
As part of our social, emotional and mental health provision, we have a fully trained ELSAs (emotional literacy support assistants) Mrs Rich, who has had special training from Educational Psychologists (EPs) to support the emotional development of children and young people in school. ELSAs have regular professional supervision from EPs to help them in their work. Mrs Rich is also our Nurture Lead in school and works 3 full days a week.
ELSA helps children and young people to understand their emotions and respect the feeling of those around them. ELSA support is about developing a respectful relationship in which the young person is enabled to think about their situation without feeling judged or criticised. Our children's parents are all aware if they are receiving ELSA support in school. If you would like to know more, please visit the ELSA website by clicking the ELSA emblem above.
More Able
Providing for more able learners at The Hayes is a matter of equity - as with all other pupils they have a right to an education that is suited to their needs and abilities, to allow them to fulfil their true potential. We aim to stretch and challenge them both in and out of the classroom environment; and to ensure that there are opportunities to further their particular strengths and abilities outside of school.