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Welcome to The Hayes Primary School

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Pupil Leaders

Pupil Leadership

Nurturing good pupil leaders is an important element of The Hayes' success as a school. Our pupils readily take on leadership roles: our Pupil Advocates, School Council, Buddies, JRSOs and Mental Health Champions contribute to our direction with confidence and success. We are very proud of them; they are a strength of The Hayes.


Roles and Responsibilities

  • Act as an ambassador for the school both in and out.
  • Plan, organise and promote fundraising events.
  • Represent pupil voice.
  • Work alongside the senior leadership team to continue to improve our school
  • Help the governors to make decisions on behalf of the pupils.
  • Meet regularly to feedback to the senior leadership team and governors about key decisions.


Pupil Advocates: our Year 6 pupils are encouraged to take greater responsibility and to contribute positively both to the school and wider community. They also attend meetings as required (with our Governing Body and Leadership Team). We have Tour Guides, Lunchtime Leaders, Environmental Patrollers, Games Directors, ICT Technicians and Librarians. Our Tour Guides recently gave tours to our new EYFS parents who were impressed with their knowledge about The Hayes and passion. To apply for an Advocate position, children are required to write a supporting statement, acquire two references and have an interview. Expectations are high in order that children understand the process of recruitment and the commitment and professional conduct expected, when in a position; thereby setting them up for future life.


School Council: our children act as an ambassador for the school both in and out and represents pupil voice on behalf of every class from EYFS to Year 6. Each class votes for their representative at the start of the school year through a democratic process, and the School Council meets monthly. Councillors bring concerns raised by their classes to the meetings for discussion and if necessary, these are then taken by councillors to the appropriate member of staff. The School Council will continue to identify any improvements they think could be made, alongside being responsible for organising fund raising events. 


Mental Health Champions our Year 5 pupils are trained to help support children in our calm club which takes place at lunchtimes.  This provides children with an opportunity to talk through any concerns they may have, provides some time out if needed to calm down or for children who would like a calm space in which to be.  Pupils are provided with a variety of games and activities to play with.

Junior JTAs (Junior Travel Ambassador) successfully promote road safety and staying 'Bike Smart'. They raise awareness of road and safety community issues and how, as a school, we can help to solve these problems. For example, they recently introduced ‘Brighten your Bag’ competition and judged the winning entries, this with the impact that all classes understood the importance of being visible when riding their bikes during dark evenings.


The Hayes Buddies help to make breaktime and lunchtime calm and enjoyable, help children who are lost, lonely or upset to find friends to play with at lunchtime and help children to solve disagreements by themselves, where they can.


Buddy System: when our new reception children come in to school they are paired up with a buddy in Year 5 who stays them for 2 years. These children can then help them in the playground, read with them, etc.


