Your PTA

All parents, carers and staff are welcome to become a member of The Hayes Primary School PTA.
We are always looking for new recruits to be part of this fabulous, hardworking team. It is lovely to welcome those with new fresh ideas and different skills that can be brought to the table. The PTA relies heavily on new recruits to keep the fund raising going. As our children leave in year 6, so do our PTA parents, so please do not be shy, we would love to welcome you to the team!
What the PTA does
We are passionate about our school and helping our children be the best they can be. Over the years we have raised money to help the school in numerous ways, from buying resources to use in class such as ipads and equipment for the playground to funding a pantomime and magician to entertain the children in the run up to Christmas. We also work with the School Council to support projects that are initiated and led by the children in the school.
Events and activities
We are always looking for new fundraising ideas and opportunities, but we usually raise money through fun events and initiatives, including:
*Summer and Christmas Fetes
*Film Clubs
*Mother and Fathers’ Day gift rooms and Elfridges Gift Shop at Christmas
*Seasonal Sales/Markets/Cake Sales
*Autumn and Spring Discos
*Summer Friday Lolly Sale
*Refreshments at school productions
*Sip and Shop
*Firework Displays
Please follow us on Facebook and keep up-to-date with all our events and activities -
Please also take a look at our new website which can be found here.
To book tickets at any future events please visit -
How to Get involved
As the saying goes – many hands make light work. That is definitely the case with our PTA. It’s a real team effort and we wouldn’t be able to run the events, and raise the funds we do, without the help of the parents, carers and staff.
There are several ways you can get involved and help.
- Become a member of the PTA – members are required to attend three meetings a year, we have one roughly every six weeks. There is a Senior Committee made up of the Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretaries but all members contribute and play a role in making decisions and organising events and activities.
- Be a FOTH – we know not everyone is able to attend meetings or help to organise activities. FOTH, or Friends of the Hayes, is for those that are happy to lend a helping hand in a smaller capacity, such as, serve refreshments at school discos, make cakes for bake sales, fold raffle tickets or man a stall at the Christmas fete for half an hour.
- Help at events – large events, such as the Christmas and summer fetes need a lot of help to be a success. It is at these when we really do need all the help we can get. Volunteering on your child's class stall for thirty minutes will be a big help. If we require extra help at events there will be a section you can register your help when booking tickets via our online booking system.
Please Get in Touch
Chair – Steph Roach -
Jayne Allen – FOTH –