Wrap Around Care

Please see below our Breakfast Club Wrap Around Care Provision information and booking pack. Enclosed in this pack you will find our admission and fees policy and further information about what you can expect from this facility at The Hayes.
To request a place, please return the booking form from this pack to the school office as soon as possible. As you will see from the admissions policy, we shall be operating on a first come first serve basis with priority given to those families requiring full time places. There are currently only 80 spaces available. Unsuccessful applicants will be kept on a waiting list and contacted as and when a space becomes available. Successful applicants will be contacted and invoiced by the school and asked to complete the contact information sheet and sign the terms and conditions.
Breakfast Wrap Around Care Provision costs £5 per session.
If you have any questions about our Breakfast Club, please feel free to contact us on: 020 8660 4863 or by popping into the School Office.

Below you can find our After School Wrap Around Care Provision information and booking pack. Enclosed in this pack you will find our admission and fees policy and further information about what you can expect from this facility at The Hayes.
To request a place, return the booking form from this pack to the school office as soon as possible. As you will see from the admissions policy, we shall be operating on a first come first serve basis with priority given to those families requiring full time places. There are currently only 80 spaces available. Unsuccessful applicants will be kept on a waiting list and contacted as and when a space becomes available. Successful applicants will be contacted and invoiced by the school and asked to complete the contact information sheet and sign the terms and conditions. After School Wrap Around Care Provision currently costs £12.50 per session.
If you have any questions about our Afterschool Wrap Around Care Provision, please feel free to contact us on: 020 8660 4863 or by popping into the School Office.