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Gallery: 2018-19

2018-19: The Hayes 60th Year

The Head Teacher's Tea Party

Wizard of Oz: Y6 fabulous musical

Year 6 learn First Aid

Music is Magic (Groups)

Summer Trips and Workshops

Science Day

The building of a 60th Anniversary whole-school photo!

Make your £10 grow

Summer Fayre

Sports Day

Music is Magic Concert (Instrumentalists)

Year 4 Soundstart Wind Band

Girls Football Team: winners of the Croydon league and 2nd place in all leagues!

'Waggy Dogs'- therapy dogs

BBQ in the sunshine

Year 2 - Year 6 Marathon Winners

Healthy Schools' Week: Yoga

Early Years' Assemblies

Father's Day

Year 6 Residential: IOW

Football Winners of the League: Mixed and Boys Team

Tennis and Football Winners

Year 5 Residential to the Summit Centre, Wales

An Olympian Visits

Carotty Wood comes to The Hayes (Year 5)

Open Afternoon

Young Citizenship Award (Year 6)

The Hayes Got Talent

St George's Day

Children recite poetry at a local residential home

Dance Festival, Trinity School