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Please keep up to date with all the news happening in school at the moment and click a headline to read more.

  • Week Beginning 30th September

    Fri 27 Sep 2019

    Week Beginning 30th September


    We are at the end of another fun-packed week, a highlight of which was our French day that that was a great success. Our thanks to Miss Smallwood for organising this and Ms Grenier (a parent and local French teacher) who provided French workshops across the school which the children loved! We have also hosted some really well attended coffee mornings, thank you to all of the parents who came along to find out more about the children’s planned learning for the term. If you were unable to make it, please do not worry, the presentations will shortly be uploaded onto our school website.


    Coming up next week…


    Children in Years 1-4 will have the opportunity to participate in trials for an upcoming cross country event which will take place at Lloyds park on 15th October 2019. If your child is interested in participating they will need to bring in their trainers on their PE day next week in order to take part in the qualifying trials. Should your child be selected to represent the school in this cross country event further information will be sent home to you. Those who qualify, will be given the opportunity to train in school on a Friday lunch time to practice completing the distance. Please ensure that kits are in school for this purpose. Year 5 and 6 trials have already taken place. Their event at Lloyds park will be on the 9th October, weather permitting.


    On Monday we host our Year 1 coffee morning in the hall at 9:00, if you have a child in this year group, please come along to find out more about the year ahead.


    On Tuesday, we will host our Reception Coffee morning which explains how the children learn in the Early Years and how you can support their learning at home. We look forward to seeing you there.


    Tuesday is the start of October which is also Black History Month. Children will be exploring this event through assemblies and in class learning.


    On Wednesday we are hosting our Governors’ morning where members of our Board of Governors are in school gaining first-hand experience of how our school functions and spending time in the year groups they are assigned to.


    A brief reminder that Wednesday is not Class 11’s assembly as originally stated in the Important Dates Calendar due to a clash with a local secondary school open morning. This has been rescheduled for Friday 11th October.


    On Thursday, our children in Year 3 will be participating in a Chocolate Workshop to support their learning in the IPC. We are sure they will have a great day! If you have not yet provided your consent or payment for children to participate in this activity, please make sure you log on to parent pay to do this prior to the event.


    On Friday, please ensure that your children are, as always, looking super smart in their full school uniform as the school photographer is booked to take individual and sibling photos.


    Our boys football team also have a match on Friday against Coulsdon C of E at home. We wish the team the best of luck. I am sure they would appreciate your support!


    Lastly, please can we politely ask you to consider the size of your child’s bag. Some of our classrooms have limited space for storage of coats and bags and some of our children are bringing in enormous backpacks with only a tiny pencil case or book inside. It would be really helpful if bags coming into school could be as small as possible. Thank you.


    Have a great weekend.​

  • Week beginning 23rd September 2019

    Sun 22 Sep 2019

    Week Beginning 23rd September 2019

    Friday, we celebrated Jeans for Genes Day. Thank you to all of the families who supported this event by sending their children to school in Jeans today and paying £1. Donations so far total a whopping £273.55. In assembly, children in years 1-6 learned about what genes are and some of the ways that children living with genetic disorders can be affected.  We spoke about the importance of showing kindness and tolerance towards those who are different to ourselves. All monies raised will be sent directly to the charity to support affected children. Thank you for your generosity.


    Congratulations to our Reception cohort who have now completed their first full week in school! They are all settling well and getting to know one another. It has been lovely to see lots of new friendships forming.


    Here’s what’s coming up this week…

    *We are hosting our Autumn Term coffee mornings for parents and carers on the following days:

    Monday - Year 6

    Tuesday - Year 5

    Wednesday- Year 4

    Thursday – Year 3

    Friday – Year 2.

    Please do come along to the school hall at 9:00 am for a cup of tea or coffee and the opportunity to hear from your children’s class teachers about the planned learning for the term. We look forward to seeing you there. If you are unable to attend, all presentations will be uploaded to the school website by the end of the week. Coffee mornings for parents of children in Year 1 and Year R will take place the following week on Monday and Tuesday respectively.


    *On Tuesday, we are also hosting our French Day. You will have received a letter about this event but a quick reminder that children are invited to wear a red, white or blue (or all 3) coloured top with their school uniform.
    *The children participating in the Junior CSMA concert will be attending their first rehearsal at Park Hill on Tuesday and are due back at school at approximately 4pm. They will be leaving school around 1210pm (they will need a packed lunch because they will be eating their lunch early, in the hall). When tickets are on sale, we will let you know!

    *On Wednesday, our Reception children will have their first school swimming lesson. Please could parents ensure that the children all have a named dark coloured costume or pair of trunks, a towel and a swim hat (goggles are optional). Please also double check that all uniform is named so children do not come home in each other’s clothes. Thank you.

    *Our Grandparents Breakfast is coming up on the 7th October. Grandparents’ day takes place on the 6th October and to celebrate this very special event, the children are welcome to invite their Grandparents to join them for breakfast in the school hall on the 7th. To help us get an idea of numbers so we can cater adequately for this event, please can you indicate your attendance on the doodle poll here:

    This event will be staggered with the following timings to ensure we do not have an influx of grandparents and children all arriving at the same time. The timings are as follows:

    8:00 Reception

    8:10 Year1

    8:20 Year 2

    8:30 Year 3 and 4

    8:40 Year 5 and 6

    Children who finish breakfast early will need to be supervised until the doors open at 8:45 when they can go into class. All children will need to be back in class by 9:00am for registration.


    A couple of polite reminders…

    *Please can we request that adults collecting their children at the end of the day from KS1 classrooms, stand away from the classroom door, rather than coming up to the door. This can make it difficult for the teacher to see all of the adults collecting the children and tricky also for the children to have a clear exit route. Please also refrain from peering in the windows during lesson time, this is proving to be somewhat distracting for the children who are trying to concentrate on their learning. Thank you.


    *We are receiving a large number of phone calls from parents at the end of the day to inform us that somebody else is collecting their child. This approach to notifying us should really be a last resort as it means our admin staff are spending a long time each afternoon phoning around classes passing on the messages. The correct means of notifying us of a change of collection is to pop a note to your child’s class teacher directly so they are aware of the arrangements. Of course, if there are circumstances beyond your control e.g. you are delayed unexpectedly at work, then of course please do phone to let us know in this instance. Thank you.


    *Lastly, a huge thank you to Mrs Foyle (a Hayes parent) who volunteers her time every Friday morning to plough through the mountains of lost property in an attempt to reunite each item with its rightful owner. We are really grateful to her for giving up her time to help with this. Please help us to help her by ensuring that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name and class, this way, lost items will be returned.


    Thank you for your ongoing support. Looking forward to another good week.​

  • Week Beginning 16th September 2019

    Fri 13 Sep 2019

    Week Beginning 16th September 2019


    What a great first full week we have had back at school. Less than a fortnight in and we have already seen so much learning and fun taking place! Today the ‘circus came to town’ for the children in Year 2 who all looked fantastic in their costumes and the children in Year 4 strutted along the catwalk for the launch of their topic on fashion. We have also had great fun getting to know our wonderful new Reception cohort and their families who we can already see are going to be great additions to our school community.


    Please note, the ‘Important dates’ document on our website has been updated, please check. Class 11 assembly has been moved from the 2nd of October to the 11th due to a clash with a local secondary school open morning. They will now be talking the Harvest Festival. French day has changed from 18th Sept to the 24th.


    Here’s what’s coming up next week…

    On Monday, our Reception children start school full time. The doors open at 8:45 and registration is at 9:00 and they can be collected at 3:05. As of next week, please use the entrance through the black gates rather than dropping off at the office. Thank you. You should have received a copy of the lunch menu in your child’s book bag this week. It is really helpful if you can go through the options for the day with your child before school to speed up the process of taking orders. Thank you. Monday is also ‘National Teaching Assistants’ day where we celebrate the work of our fantastic support staff who all do so much to support teaching and learning in our school. We are so lucky to have such a great team!


    Infant choir resumes on Monday for those children who have reserved a space on ParentPay. Unfortunately this club is now fully booked. The children will go to choir straight after school and need to be collected from outside the music room at 4:15. We thank Mrs Yates for running this extra-curricular activity in her own time.


    Junior Choir also resumes on Tuesday next week from 3:10 to 4:20. Additional information has been sent to those participating in a letter from Miss Slade who leads this extra-curricular club.


    On Friday we are Supporting Jeans for Genes Day. ‘Jeans for Genes’ is a charity that raises essential funds for children suffering with genetic disorders. All children and staff at The Hayes are invited to wear a pair of jeans in place of their usual school trousers or skirt (the rest of the school uniform should be worn including school shoes) for a donation of £1 to be given to their class teachers. All of the monies raised go directly to the charity to support vulnerable children in the UK who are affected by genetic disorders. There will be a whole school assembly on Friday to raise children’s awareness further of why they are wearing jeans and who their money will help.


    Please can we remind all parents and carers that we value the home school partnership and know that when we work closely together the children will benefit. If at any point you have any worries or concerns that you wish to discuss, please speak to your child’s class teacher as a first port of call.


    We currently have spaces for children wishing to learn the violin with Mrs Aldren on a Friday. If you are interested in a space for your child, please pop into the school office to discuss.


    We are in the process of reviewing the children who participate in our preschool Lexia club. We will let you know when this club will recommence and inform you if your child has been selected to participate.


    Following the success of our fireworks display last year we will be running this event again this year. You will have already received a separate email with more information about this event. The tickets will go on sale on Monday 16th September at 7am and based on last year’s experience, these sell out very quickly! Due to health and safety guidelines ticket numbers are strictly limited. All tickets need to be purchased via our PTA events page (link below).  No tickets will be sold on the door.


    Have a wonderful weekend. See you on Monday!

  • Week Beginning 9th September 2019

    Fri 06 Sep 2019

    Week Beginning Monday 9th September 2019

    Welcome back to the new school year! We hope you all had a wonderful summer break and are now well rested.


    It was great to see all of the children arriving back in school on Wednesday looking really smart in their uniforms. We hope they have had a brilliant start to the year and are settling well into their new classes. They certainly seem happy and engaged as we have walked around the school.  A special welcome to our new reception starters, we hope they have enjoyed coming in for their school visits. These visits continue on Monday and Tuesday next week.


    Please can we remind parents of children in Year 6 that Niora Amani from the admissions team at Croydon Council will be leading a secondary transfer meeting at 3.20  on the 12th September and will be able to talk you through the process of applying and answer any questions you may have.


    If you are interested in swimming lessons for your pre-schoolers we currently have morning spaces on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays or afternoon slots on Thursdays. Please collect a form from the school office to sign up for this activity. If your child is in the Infants (Year 1/2) and would like to sign up to the Infant choir, please collect a form from the school office to register your interest. This club is free and takes place on a Monday from 3:15-4:15 and will recommence on the 16th September. Ocarina and Recorder club begins on the 19th of September and is open to all children from Year 3-6. Please collect a form to sign up for these clubs even if your child has participated previously.


    The CSMA Junior Choir has been invited to perform at the Fairfield Halls to celebrate its re-opening. This concert will take place on Monday 14th October at 7pm and is open to those children in Year 5/6 who performed at the March concert in 2019 (Trinity School) because we will be repeating a very similar concert due to the month timeframe! Therefore, for this half term, junior choir is only open to the pupils that performed in the March 2019 Trinity concertAfter October half term choir will be open to children in Years 3-6 as usual. This term, rehearsals will begin on the 17th September from 3:10 until 4:20.


    Finally, we are participating in ALDI’s Kit for schools initiative which gives us the chance to win £20,000. When a member of our school community spends £30 in any Aldi store, they will receive a special team GB athlete sticker. If we manage to collect 300 stickers we will receive an exclusive sports kit and could win one of twenty £20,000 prizes! If you would like to help us with this challenge, all stickers must be handed into school by the 18th November. Thank you in anticipation of your support.


    Have a wonderful weekend. See you on Monday.
