Week Beginning 30th September
Week Beginning 30th September
We are at the end of another fun-packed week, a highlight of which was our French day that that was a great success. Our thanks to Miss Smallwood for organising this and Ms Grenier (a parent and local French teacher) who provided French workshops across the school which the children loved! We have also hosted some really well attended coffee mornings, thank you to all of the parents who came along to find out more about the children’s planned learning for the term. If you were unable to make it, please do not worry, the presentations will shortly be uploaded onto our school website.
Coming up next week…
Children in Years 1-4 will have the opportunity to participate in trials for an upcoming cross country event which will take place at Lloyds park on 15th October 2019. If your child is interested in participating they will need to bring in their trainers on their PE day next week in order to take part in the qualifying trials. Should your child be selected to represent the school in this cross country event further information will be sent home to you. Those who qualify, will be given the opportunity to train in school on a Friday lunch time to practice completing the distance. Please ensure that kits are in school for this purpose. Year 5 and 6 trials have already taken place. Their event at Lloyds park will be on the 9th October, weather permitting.
On Monday we host our Year 1 coffee morning in the hall at 9:00, if you have a child in this year group, please come along to find out more about the year ahead.
On Tuesday, we will host our Reception Coffee morning which explains how the children learn in the Early Years and how you can support their learning at home. We look forward to seeing you there.
Tuesday is the start of October which is also Black History Month. Children will be exploring this event through assemblies and in class learning.
On Wednesday we are hosting our Governors’ morning where members of our Board of Governors are in school gaining first-hand experience of how our school functions and spending time in the year groups they are assigned to.
A brief reminder that Wednesday is not Class 11’s assembly as originally stated in the Important Dates Calendar due to a clash with a local secondary school open morning. This has been rescheduled for Friday 11th October.
On Thursday, our children in Year 3 will be participating in a Chocolate Workshop to support their learning in the IPC. We are sure they will have a great day! If you have not yet provided your consent or payment for children to participate in this activity, please make sure you log on to parent pay to do this prior to the event.
On Friday, please ensure that your children are, as always, looking super smart in their full school uniform as the school photographer is booked to take individual and sibling photos.
Our boys football team also have a match on Friday against Coulsdon C of E at home. We wish the team the best of luck. I am sure they would appreciate your support!
Lastly, please can we politely ask you to consider the size of your child’s bag. Some of our classrooms have limited space for storage of coats and bags and some of our children are bringing in enormous backpacks with only a tiny pencil case or book inside. It would be really helpful if bags coming into school could be as small as possible. Thank you.
Have a great weekend.