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Please keep up to date with all the news happening in school at the moment and click a headline to read more.

  • Week Beginning 19th July 2021

    Fri 16 Jul 2021

    Weekly Bulletin 19th July
    Today, we finally managed to host our KS1 and KS2 sports day. The children had a lot of fun alongside problem solving, demonstrating resilience, perseverance, confidence and teamwork. It was great to see and next year – we hope you will see it again, too. Look out for the photos on the website soon! Thank you to Miss Moll, Mrs Gourlay and the CSSP team for organising this event.  The children who are isolating in class 4 and class 8 will have their sports day, next week (weather permitting).


    This week our Year 6 leavers had two visits to mark the end of their time at The Hayes. On Monday, they visited Chessington World of Adventures and on Thursday they went to West Wittering beach. They were great ambassadors of The Hayes and we hope they made some wonderful memories. All being well, we hope to be in a position to reintroduce class trips for all year groups next year to enrich our curriculum offer. We will be hosting our Leavers assembly in school on Wednesday next week, which will be recorded and shared with parents as soon as possible. In the afternoon, our Year 6s will also have their BBQ. We would like to express our enormous thanks to many of our parents who will be leaving The Hayes next week after long associations with the school that have spanned many years as siblings have passed through the school. We are extremely grateful for your support and will miss seeing you around the school.

    It is hard to believe that next week is the final week of the school year. Many of you have been asking about new classes and new teachers. The children will be given an opportunity to meet their new teachers on Tuesday next week and this will be followed with an email to confirm new classes.

    To celebrate their time in their current class, the children will have a class party on Thursday 22nd July. Due to COVID restrictions, we will be unable to share platters of food so we ask that any children that wish to consume party food are provided with some small party snacks for themselves only. These may include fruit, savouries, crisps, cake but no sweets or chocolate. Thank you. The last day of term is Friday 23rd July and the children will finish at 1:30pm.

    If your child has medication stored in school, please can you ensure these are collected from the school office on the last day of term.

    Following the publication of our INSET days for next year, we have been notified that there will be an additional date that our school will be used as a polling station (Government Referendum). We have therefore had to change our INSET day to ensure our staff training coincides with the polling closure. Please see the attached document which outlines the new dates. To summarise, our INSET dates for next year will be: 2nd and 3rd of September, 7th October, 4th January and 5th May.

    This year, we have been aware that parents have faced some difficulties sourcing the correct school uniform. We have shown flexibility and understanding when families have struggled to get hold of certain items. However, from September it is expected that all children will return to full school uniform including school shoes and the full PE kit. Our logo uniform can be purchased on the M&S website and they currently have 20% discount off orders. Other items such as skirts or trousers can be purchased from many other retailers providing that they adhere to the uniform list which can be found on the school website.

    Finally, if your child enjoys maths activities our maths provider, White Rose, has a series of FREE workbooks that you can use at home with your children. Please see attached flyer for more information. There will not be a bulletin next week but please do look out for an end of term newsletter from Miss Slade.

    Wishing you all a fantastic final week at school and a wonderful weekend.

    The Hayes Team


  • Week Beginning 12th July 2021

    Sat 10 Jul 2021

    Yesterday, your child should have brought home their annual school report outlining their achievements for the year. When reading these reports, it was incredibly heart-warming to see how many of our wonderful children have been praised for their excellent achievements, effort and most importantly, their kindness. The last couple of years have posed many challenges for us all and we are proud of how resilient our children have been and how they have coped with the many adaptations that have been made to their learning and school life such as class bubbles, virtual assemblies and home learning. We hope you are as proud of your children as we are. If you do wish to discuss anything in the report with your child’s class teacher, please drop them an email to request a telephone call.

    As you know, last week was Science Week, which was full of awe-inspiring workshops where our children continued to develop a passion for learning, experimenting and scientific investigation. It was a fantastic week – well done and thank you, to Mrs Piamya for organising such a great week.

    On Friday, Year 6 performed their fabulous musical ‘Wow! What a Year’ which was filmed for Y6 parents to see on a private domain. We sorely missed having an audience, due again to Covid restrictions, but know you will enjoy watching it from home. Sitting and watching this was heartwarming, and very moving. Not least because it is the first time we have had singing, acting and dancing in the hall for nearly two years – we have missed this so much, it is a huge part of The Hayes. Equally, the time has nearly come to say goodbye to our Y6s who soon will start a new educational journey to their secondary school – we are so very proud of all of them. They sang with strength of spirit, humour and emotion. Photos and a few short clips will be on our website in due course. Well done Year 6 and thank you and well done to all those who helped to make the musical happen – particularly Ms Harman and Mrs Sutherland. We missed an audience, but the children rocked! 

    There are two weeks remaining until the end of term and still so much more to fit in. On Monday our Year 6 children are heading out to Chessington World of Adventures and on Thursday to West Wittering for the day. This is to mark their leaving and to reward them for the seven years of hard work during their time at The Hayes. Traditionally, our Year 6 children go to the Isle of Wight for a week on a residential journey but due to restrictions, it was not possible to arrange this visit this year- nor was it possible for them to go to Carroty Wood in Year 5. We have no doubt they will be excellent ambassadors for the school and hope they will have the opportunity to make special memories that will last a life time. Please ensure that all children are in school on time on these days to avoid missing the coach, which has to leave on time.


    Monday will also be EYFS and KS1 sports day (weather permitting). Please can all children in Years R, 1 and 2 come to school with their PE kits on. They may also wear an item of clothing that represents their house colours. KS2 (Years 3-6) sports day has been rearranged for Friday 16th and they should come to school in PE kits (item of clothing to represent house colours), on this day please. Many thanks for Ms Moll for organising these events. Even number classes will be swimming next week, please bring in swimming kits on the appropriate day. Thank you. On Friday, the Year 6 children will take part in First Aid Training – more about that in the Head Teacher’s Newsletter at the end of this term.                                                    

    Finally, as the England Football Team stands on the edge of history, we are going to make the very most of this moment. We warmly encourage our children to stay up and enjoy (we hope) the match tomorrow. The event is a moment in history! Win or lose, we will be closing our morning register at the later time of 10:15am on Monday. This is to support any England fans that need more time in bed! Alas, our Year 6s will need to come to school at the time specified originally, in order to take the coach to Chessington. All staff members will also need to come to school at their ‘usual’ time to teach children who are unable to come to school later (sorry!) Breakfast Club will start at the usual time for those booked in. For all other children who are able to come to school later, please make sure you are in class by 10:15am, thank you. Sports day for EYFS and KS1 will start at 10:30am on Monday, instead at the original time of 9am. For the first time in 55 years, let’s dare to dream….IT’S COMING HOME!

    Here’s to a great week. Stay safe all.

    The Hayes Team

  • Week beginning 5th July

    Wed 07 Jul 2021

    Week beginning 5th July 2021

    As we enter the final month of the school year we still have much to fit in and this week we are celebrating a whole school ‘Science week’. The children will have and have already had, the opportunity to take part in a range of practical experiments throughout the week. We are thrilled that we have been able to book the science company ‘EurekaSeekers’ as part of our ‘Science Week’. EurekaSeekers provide awe-inspiring school workshops which inspire young people to develop a passion for learning, experimenting and scientific investigation.

    So that we can make sure every child in the school is able to take part in a science workshop during ‘Science Week’, we kindly ask for a donation of £1 per child so that this amazing opportunity is possible. If you have not already made this contribution and are able to, please make your donation on ParentPay.

    We have now rearranged our sports day and are keeping everything crossed that the rain stays away. EYFS and KS1 will be on Monday 12th July and KS2 will be on Friday 16th July. Please can your child come to school on this day in their PE kits wearing an item in their team colour. This could be a T-shirt, pair of socks, head band etc.

    In our mission to ensure we are an anti-racist organisation we would like to seek the views of our community members. You will shortly be receiving a link to a parent questionnaire via email and we would be grateful if you can give us your honest feedback. 

    Please may we give some polite reminders. To keep everybody safe, we continue to operate a one-way system for dropping off and collecting your children (unless you are medically exempt). We are also asking all parents to ensure they are wearing a face covering whilst on our premises. A small minority of parents are disregarding these important safety measures and we politely remind you that they must be adhered to whilst on our site. We are doing all we can to avoid any more bubble closures and will continue in this way until the end of this summer term. In September, we hope to be starting the new year, following the new government guidance, a letter will be sent to you when the guidance is published- towards the end of August. We live in hope that bubbles will be a thing of the past! Thank you for your cooperation.

    May we also remind you that parking on the zig zag lines outside of school or in front of a neighbour's driveway is strictly prohibited by law and those who ignore this are putting our children’s safety at risk and frustrating our neighbours. Inconsiderate parking at the beginning of the school day will lead to an accident where someone could be seriously hurt. Please park responsibly. ​Thank you.

    Photos of the science week will be on the website in due course.

    Please stay safe.

    The Hayes Team
