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Please keep up to date with all the news happening in school at the moment and click a headline to read more.

  • Week commencing 29th February

    Fri 26 Feb 2016

    Week commencing 29th February

    We will be carrying out activities within school as part of Maths Week, focusing on times tables.


    On Monday, the Dance Club will be attending a rehearsal at Fairfield Halls for their concert. They will be accompanied by Mrs Randall.


    On Tuesday, at 7am, the online system for booking for parents’ evening will go live. Please see the instructions on a separate email today if this is the first time you are using this system.


    Our assembly on Wednesday will be presented by the Guide Dog Association, to introduce a guide dog, Sadie, who is working with one of our families. If your child is nervous of dogs, please explain to them that Sadie is a working dog and will not approach them. She will be attending the assembly. Similarly, please ask your child not to pet her or approach her as this causes confusion which hampers her ability to do her job well. Thank you for your support in this matter.


    Thursday is World Book Day and the children may dress up for the day as their favourite book character. They need to bring the book that the character is from with them for the day as there will be various opportunities throughout the day to read from this book.


    We will also have a different menu for the day in recognition of World Book Day.


    It is Class 11’s Class Assembly on Thursday at 9.15am. If your child is in this class, you are invited to attend their assembly; please wait at the entrance until the class are ready for you in the hall.


    On Thursday, the children taking part in the Junior CSMA will have a rehearsal at Applegarth Academy during the afternoon. Please be advised that they will return to school at around 4pm as their rehearsal only finishes at 3.30pm.  There is also a Quicksticks Hockey Festival in the afternoon which Miss Harman will be accompanying. We wish the children well in this event.


    On Friday the children who are taking part in the Infant CSMA Festival will be having their first rehearsal at Fairfield Halls. Children will be travelling by train to East Croydon and then back to school again.


    Enjoy your weekend.

  • Week Commencing 8th February

    Sat 06 Feb 2016

    Week Commencing 8th February

    Coming up this week…

    We welcome a new member of staff on Monday. Miss Bernard is a teaching assistant joining the team and she will be based in Year 6 with Class 11. I am sure you will make her feel welcome. 

    As you are aware from the February Newsletter, the Board of Governors are now advertising for our new Head Teacher. We have already received a number of phone calls from potential applicants who have been making appointments to come and view our school throughout the course of this week. We will continue to update you on this process as soon as there is anything to report.

    On Tuesday this week it is our ‘Safer Internet Day’ where there will be a whole school performance from a theatre group with follow up workshops for children in Years 4, 5 and 6. If you have not yet paid for this activity may we politely remind you to do so via Parent Pay.

    On Wednesday our Infant choir have their third rehearsal at Wolsey Infant School. They are working really hard and the concert is rapidly approaching. If your child is taking part please support them in learning their words. Thank you in advance!

    There will also be a cake sale after school on Wednesday 10th February which has been organised by a team of Year 6 children who are raising funds for the charity Myositis UK. We hope you will support their efforts and hard work.

    On Thursday morning Class 4 will be leading the assembly at 9:15. If your child is in this class please feel free to join us in the school hall for this event.

    Also on Thursday, Mrs Olley will be running 2 workshops for parents of children in Year 2 who would like to find out more about the New Year 2 Statutory Assessments that the children will sit in the Summer Term.  The tests for Year 2 children have been revised by government and expectations have been raised. There are now new elements such as SPAG and Arithmetic that have not been tested in Key Stage One before. If you would like to find out more about these changes, what your children will be expected to do and how you can support learning at home then please do pop in to one of these meetings which will be held in the Computing Suite.

    Parents of children in class 3: 9:00- 9:45
    Parents of children in class 4: 9:45- 10:30 (after the class assembly)

    On Thursday the 11th February we also have our Discos organised by our fabulous PTA. This marks the start of the half term break for the children as Friday is an INSET day for our staff.

    One Final notice: For those children participating in the ‘It’s a Fish Out’ competition at Dorking Pool on Saturday the 5th March, there is a slight change of time. Doors open at 5:30 and the competition will begin at 6:00 NOT 6:30pm. Thank you.

    We wish you a wonderful half term break and look forward to welcoming you back on the 22nd February.
