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Please keep up to date with all the news happening in school at the moment and click a headline to read more.

  • Weekly Bulletin- End of Year 2014

    Fri 19 Dec 2014

    Thank you to our magnificent drama club and choir for their wonderful performance of ‘Christmas is Forever.’  We congratulate them on their resilience as the show went on despite a significant number of poorly children, who either came in despite feeling unwell, or had to be covered through stand ins- we never would have noticed.  Well done to you all.

    It is with sadness that today we say goodbye to Mrs Pearson, Mrs Taylor and Mrs Sherwood after many dedicated years at The Hayes.  We wish them all the very best in their new roles and look forward to seeing Mrs Taylor again in a couple of years when she returns from her sabbatical.

    Thanks once again for your on-going support throughout this term. We wish you all a peaceful and restful holiday.  We look forward to seeing you back at school in the New Year on Monday 5th January at 8.45am.

  • Week Beginning 15th December

    Thu 11 Dec 2014

    Monday 15th December


    Our congratulations go out to all of the Infant children and staff who amazed us with some fantastic Christmas Performances this week. Our Year 1 and 2 children performed an excellent rendition of ‘A Christmas Recipe’ and impressed their audiences with their beautiful singing, acting and clear, confident delivery of lines.  Also our Reception children performed a superb Nativity play for their parents this week, well done.  For the children in Rainforest and Safari this was the first of what we hope will be many performances to parents at The Hayes over the next 7 years! There were certainly some stars in the making!


    I can’t believe this is our final week of the year, what is coming up this week…


    On Monday we start next week with the opportunity to have breakfast with Santa at 8:00 in the school hall with thanks to the PTA for organising this. Only children who have signed up may attend this event. There are a few spaces still available for Breakfast with Santa on Monday 15th December from 8am. The cost is £3 per child which includes cereal, croissant, juice and a little gift. We are still looking for volunteers if you are able to help, go online

    School starts at normal time for those who have not signed up.


    Next week, it is the turn of our Junior children to entertain you.  The Drama club and Junior choir will perform ‘Christmas is Forever’ at 7pm on Wednesday 17th December in the school hall.  If your child is involved, please to come along to watch them.  Thank you to Mrs Larkham and Mrs Norris for all of their dedication and hard work with the drama club this year.   A huge thank you to the PTA who will be serving mulled wine, hot drinks and a selection of cakes at the drama club performance starting at 7pm.  There will also be a raffle which will be drawn up that evening. The production will be professionally recorded and DVDs can be purchased for £10 each. They will be available to collect in the New Year.


    In addition to the planned performances we have decided to continue with last year’s Carol Singing spectacular to get you in the festive mood. At the end of each school day next week, the children in Years 3-6 will be singing some Christmas songs/ carols to you in the playground from 3pm. Year 3 will perform on Monday, Year 4 on Tuesday, Year 5 on Wednesday and Year 6 on Thursday. They will be standing in the fenced area that used to be the old Reception outdoor area. The black gates will open earlier than usual to allow you into the playground to watch and listen to the performances. Each year group have prepared 2 songs for your entertainment. We hope you will enjoy!


    The Junior Choir continue to visit local care homes to spread some festive cheer. We will visit Holly Bank on Wednesday and Hill House on Thursday.  I’m sure that the residents there will really appreciate the festive visit.  Our thanks go out to those children involved, and to Mrs Spinks for rehearsing with the children.


    On Wednesday it is our school Christmas lunch.  If your child is not having Christmas dinner please provide them with a packed lunch. Thank you to the PTA for providing the children with Christmas Crackers for this event!


    Please note that on Friday 19th December we break up at 1:30pm.  School dinners will be served as usual.  As it is the last day of term, a group of parents have organised for children to see the ‘GET SANTA’ film at Vue Cinema in Purley Way on 19th December. If this is of interest to you, the film starts at 2:20pm and tickets can be purchased through the PTA events page at half price.  It would be great to get a group of children together to see Kit on the big screen!  You will need to attend with your child or organise appropriate adults to do this.


    As you know this will be the last week at The Hayes for Mrs Sherwood, and Mrs Pearson who will be leaving us on Friday 19th December, together with Mrs Taylor who will be commencing her sabbatical.  We wish the all the best and will miss them greatly.  If you wish to contribute to their leaving gifts please leave your contribution with Mrs Hunter/ Mrs Scola in the office.  Thank you.


    The PTA have asked us to mention that if you haven't already contributed to the teachers collections, you will need to do so by Monday 15th December. Don't forget to get your child to decorate the sticker and return it with your contribution.


    Also they still have a few Hayes puddings left, choices include sticky toffee, triple chocolate, ginger, plum and gluten free starting at £5.50 each. You can also purchase brandy butter for £2 per jar.


    Have a super weekend.



  • Week Beginning 8th December 2014

    Mon 08 Dec 2014

    Week Beginning 8th December 2014


    Our Christmas Fair last Saturday was a resounding success! Thanks to everyone who helped and came along to support it.  With December upon us it was a great way for our school community to begin thinking about Christmas!


    Thank you to the children in the Drama club who performed so marvellously this week at the CSMA Christmas concert at The Fairfield Halls.  They have been praised for giving such a moving performance and we have received lots of lovely comments about them.  Thanks to Mr Wilcox (who made a return to rehearse the children!), Miss Cumming and Mrs Norris for all their support in preparing the children.


    On Monday we welcome Reverend Chris Thompson, who will be leading our whole school assembly.


    On Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th Our Year 1 and 2 children are performing their Christmas show, ‘Christmas Recipe’ to parents at 1.45pm in the school hall.


    On Thursday 11th our Reception children will be performing their first Christmas production (tissues at the ready!)  If your child is in Rainforest or Safari please do come along to watch this event that takes place in the school hall at 1:45pm.


    On Friday 12th, during the afternoon, all of the Junior children will be watching the pantomime ‘The Little Red Riding Hood’ whilst all of the Infant children will have their Christmas party.  During the Christmas party, the children will have a visit from Mr and Mrs Christmas, and also a magician, which has been organised and funded by the PTA - thank you to them for this.  Apologies if the children come out of school a little late on this day but with all of the fun they’ll be having, these events can sometimes overrun slightly.  We will endeavour to keep to time as much as we can.


    On Friday 12th December, as part of Save the Children’s "Make the world better with a sweater " day, we are inviting all children and staff to join in the festive fun and wear a Christmas item on this day to school (a Santa hat, tinsel necklace, Christmas sweater etc ).   We will not be charging for this event but if your child would like to make a donation of 50p to Save the Children, we will pass those on.
