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Welcome to The Hayes Primary School

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Please keep up to date with all the news happening in school at the moment and click a headline to read more.

  • Week beginning 27th June 2023

    Sat 24 Jun 2023

    Week beginning 26th June 2023

    Year 2 talent show: on Friday, the children in Year 2 amazed us all with their unbelievable talents in their end of KS1 talent show. We had singers, dancers, musicians, gymnasts, bubble blowers, presenters and comedians to name just a few of the incredible acts. We were blown away by the children’s confidence and as the lyrics stated in ‘This is Me’: keep marching on to the beat you drum and always be YOU!’ Additionally, there will be photos on the Gallery, in due course.  

    Year 4 Soundstart Concert: we were also very impressed with our children in Year 4 this week as they performed in a Soundstart concert demonstrating their amazing musical skills to parents and children in Year 3. They have come a long way in a short space of time and sound fantastic! We hope that many will choose to continue learning their instruments. Photos of the concert will also be on the Gallery, soon! Well done, Year 4!

    ABCD Awards: well done to the following fab members of staff who have been nominated (by our children) for our ABCD awards this week: Mrs Knapman: for going above and beyond by being super helpful, being kind, being a brilliant teacher and amazing! Mrs Kikidis: for sorting out ‘stuff; in the office and all the medical things! For always being helpful with a positive attitude and Mrs Aamir: for being awesome when fasting AND working in the dining hall!

    Summer Book Trail: on Monday, we will be visited by a member of staff from Purley library who will be leading assembly to encourage children to participate in the Summer Reading Challenge.  If you are around in the school holidays, why not encourage your child/children to participate in this fun event?

    Welcome meeting for reception starters: on Tuesday evening, we shall be welcoming families of our new reception starters to a meeting in the hall, at 6pm. If possible, we ask that children do not attend this meeting. Parents will be given an important pack of information, including details of your child’s class allocation. To this meeting, please can parents bring with them your child’s original birth certificate. A copy will be taken and this will be returned to you during the evening.

    Music is Magic: on Wednesday evening our hall will be alive with music at our Music is Magic concert. If your child is performing in this concert and you wish to attend please do join us in the school hall for a 6pm start. Spaces are limited to 2 spectators per performer. We are proud of our children’s musical abilities and are delighted to have this event back in school for the first time since COVID.

    Class 8 Assembly: on Thursday, at 9:10am in the school hall, the children in Class 8 will be leading our assembly. If you have a child in this class and you wish to join us for this event, please do come along. We would love to see you there.

    Year 3 Trip: on Thursday, the children in Year 3 will be attending their school visit to Butser Roman Farm. We know that they will be excellent ambassadors of the school and will enjoy the opportunity to gain first-hand experience of what it was like to live in Roman times.

    Sports Day: On Friday, we will be holding our sports day (weather permitting). KS2 will take place in the morning and KS1 and EYFS in the afternoon. If you wish to join us for the morning session, please come to school for a 9:15am start and in the afternoon come along for 1:30pm. The children may wear a T-shirt in their team colours (Green- Johnson, Blue- Seacole, Yellow- Ashcroft and Red- Johnson). If you are unsure of your child’s team, please check with your child’s teacher. If the weather is warm, please do ensure your child has a sun hat and is protected with sunscreen. All children will require a water bottle.

    Summer fair: our summer fair takes place on Saturday 1st July from 12pm - 3pm. Thank you to everyone who has so far volunteered to help. If you haven't already, please sign up on your class doodle poll- without volunteers this event cannot run. We are really grateful to those of you who are able to give us your time. The PTA would also really appreciate donations of pre-loved teddies in good condition and new bottles of alcohol and soft drinks for the bottle tombola. Donations can be accepted on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week in the boxes by the sheds opposite the reception classes. Thank you in anticipation of your generosity.

    There will also be a HAYES bake off competition. There are 2 categories:

    CATEGORY 1 – INFANTS and CATEGORY 2 – JUNIORS. Children can bake anything, from whole cakes, cupcakes, tray bakes or brownies. Everything is welcome.
    The rules for this competition are as follows:
    1. All cakes must be clearly labelled with name, contact number, child's class category, type of cake and ingredients
    2. Nuts are allowed but must be stated
    3. All entries to be delivered on Friday 30th and left in reception. Or on Saturday 1st before 9:30am. Late entries won't be judged
    4. All entries will be sold at the fair after judging
    5. Winner will be announced at 12noon
    The PTA will also accept donations from bakers that don't want to be judged. Please clearly label as above and deliver before the fair. We hope to see lots of you there.

    Fond Farewells: it is with sadness that, in addition to saying farewell to Miss Slade, we shall also be saying goodbye to some other members of staff who will be leaving The Hayes at the end of this term. After devoting a lifetime of working with babies and children (over 6 years with us), Mrs Portou will be retiring. We know she has much to look forward to, not least seeing more of her lovely grandchildren! We thank her for all she has done for the children at The Hayes and will miss her enormously. Miss Moll has made the exciting decision to teach abroad. She has worked at The Hayes since 2019 and has taught many children in KS1 and KS2. Miss Moll has been an excellent teacher to many and whilst we will be very sad to see her go, we look forward to hearing all about her adventures in sunny Spain! Lastly, Miss Hardcastle, in the school, office will be leaving to spend more time with her family. We thank her for all she has done and will miss her warm welcome in the office.

    Finally, please see attached flyer from the Ismaili civic community who are now collecting items to support families in the local area who are need help in providing essentials for their babies. If you would like to support this cause, there will be a box outside of the school office for your donations.

    Wishing you a lovely weekend in the sunshine.
    The Hayes Team.

  • Week beginning 19th June

    Sat 17 Jun 2023

    Week beginning 19th June 2023

    Well done to the children in Rainforest for their amazing assembly on Thursday this week that celebrated our differences and encouraged us all to enjoy our uniqueness! We are all different and that is what makes the world a wonderful place. We were blown away by the children’s confidence. Well done Rainforest and well done to all the staff who made the assembly so special!

    On Monday, our Year 2 cohort are heading out on their visit to Chessington to learn all about animals. They are due back to school at the slightly later time of 4:30pm. We are sure they will have a fantastic day and be excellent ambassadors of our school.

    Tuesday sees our Reception classes going to Bockett’s Farm for the day. All information has been sent to parents already. We hope the children will have an amazing first school trip! They are all very excited! Furthermore, on Tuesday afternoon, we invite parents of children in Year 4 to join us for our Soundstart concert. The children have been practicing hard all year and are looking forward to showing you what they have learnt. Please join us in the school hall from 2:30pm.

    Friday: we invite parents of children in Year 2 to join us for the end of KS1 Talent Show. This event will start at 1:45pm in the school hall. We look forward to seeing you there!

    Hot! Hot! Hot! You will have noticed that the weather has changed recently. Please may we remind you that we cannot ask our staff to apply suntan lotion to children. There are plenty of 8hr+ suncreams for children that can be applied before school and will last all day, we recommend these products to avoid the need to ‘top up’ throughout. You may also wish to provide your children with a sun hat that they can wear outside at break and lunch times and please remember water bottles!

    The Spring Photography Competition deadline is Tuesday 20th June (last day of spring, believe it or not!) The entrants so far are amazing, but to remind, one photo to be taken by a child (not adult) on either a camera, tablet or smart phone. Each entry should have a title and entrants to be emailed to Mrs Staines: The judges are our members of our School Council, Governors and Miss Slade.
    The Summer Photography Competition after the 20th June will then be open until the 14th July. Please send your entries to Mrs Staines, as above. Many thanks!

    Photos: please remember to check out our Gallery on the website to see any up-to-date photos of learning taking place throughout the year and of course on our Twitter Feed. Please click here to access the Gallery and here to access our Twitter account. The most recent memories on our website are the Isle of Wight residential and our Geography Day. Enjoy!

    That just leaves us to say, have a great weekend!
    The Hayes Team

  • Week beginning Monday 12th June 2023

    Fri 09 Jun 2023

    Today we welcomed back our Year 6 children and staff from the Isle of Wight. It was wonderful to see their excited faces return to school. If you would like to see a snippet of what the children got up to, please check out our Twitter account @thehayesprimary.  We are sure the children (and staff) will sleep well tonight and hope they have made memories to last a lifetime.

    Next week we have some statutory assessments taking place. Year 4 will carry out the statutory Multiplication Tables Check (MTC). This is to check their rapid recall of multiplication facts up to 12x12. The children will be given 25 randomised questions and will need to input their answer within 6 seconds. As mentioned previously, the ‘Sound check’ tool on timestables rock stars is a great way to practice for this.  Year 1 teachers will also be carrying out statutory Phonics Screening Checks throughout the week where the children’s understanding of phonics will be checked by asking them to read a range of real and nonsense/ alien words (e.g. gan/vap). Both of these assessments are carried out in an informal manner with a teacher that they know well. Year 2 pupils who did not pass the check in Year 1 are required to retake the phonics screening check and this will also take place next week. Your child’s scores will be shared with you in their end of year report.

    Please may we remind all families that children are not permitted to wear smart watches that have photo/video or recording technology to school. Children wearing these items will be asked to remove them and they will be kept securely by staff until such times that parents are able to collect. Thank you.

    Next week (12-16 June 2023) is Healthy Schools Week/Healthy Eating Week. This event is designed to support and promote healthier lifestyles. The theme for this year is ‘Healthy Eating Week - For Everyone!’. Mrs Shaikh our healthy school’s co-ordinator will introduce the week to the children in our Monday morning assembly. Please may we take this opportunity to remind parents that we are a water only school (milk for EYFS/KS1). Children in KS1 are provided with a piece of fruit for a midmorning snack and children from KS1 may bring a piece of fruit or vegetable from home for their break time too.  May we also remind parents of children who bring packed lunch that children are not permitted to bring sweets or chocolate in their boxes. We are not against children having treats at all and teach them that everything in moderation is a good strategy but we politely request that these items are not consumed during the hours of 8:45 and 3:15 while the children are in school. Thank you for your support in promoting healthy lifestyles.

    Our Fathers’ Day gift room is back next week, thanks to our PTA and volunteers for organising and running this event. Tickets cost £3 and are available to purchase on the PTA events page. Children can choose and wrap a special present to take home to a special male role model in their life. This will take place at lunch times in the ICT suite.

    CALLING ALL TESCO SHOPPERS! The Hayes will soon be featured at the exit of a number of Tescos stores as we are in the running to potentially receive a community grant to put a new soundfield system in one of our classes to support the learning of children who are hearing impaired.  This will only happen if we win the vote. So, if you are shopping and are offered some blue tokens to place your vote, please do vote for our school. Our bid will be shown in Sanderstead express, Croydon South end, Coulsdon express and Purley extra. Fingers crossed we will be successful and thank you in anticipation of your votes!

    Thank you for your ongoing support. Enjoy the forecasted sunshine and have a lovely weekend!

    The Hayes Team
