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Welcome to The Hayes Primary School

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Week beginning Monday 12th June 2023

Today we welcomed back our Year 6 children and staff from the Isle of Wight. It was wonderful to see their excited faces return to school. If you would like to see a snippet of what the children got up to, please check out our Twitter account @thehayesprimary.  We are sure the children (and staff) will sleep well tonight and hope they have made memories to last a lifetime.

Next week we have some statutory assessments taking place. Year 4 will carry out the statutory Multiplication Tables Check (MTC). This is to check their rapid recall of multiplication facts up to 12x12. The children will be given 25 randomised questions and will need to input their answer within 6 seconds. As mentioned previously, the ‘Sound check’ tool on timestables rock stars is a great way to practice for this.  Year 1 teachers will also be carrying out statutory Phonics Screening Checks throughout the week where the children’s understanding of phonics will be checked by asking them to read a range of real and nonsense/ alien words (e.g. gan/vap). Both of these assessments are carried out in an informal manner with a teacher that they know well. Year 2 pupils who did not pass the check in Year 1 are required to retake the phonics screening check and this will also take place next week. Your child’s scores will be shared with you in their end of year report.

Please may we remind all families that children are not permitted to wear smart watches that have photo/video or recording technology to school. Children wearing these items will be asked to remove them and they will be kept securely by staff until such times that parents are able to collect. Thank you.

Next week (12-16 June 2023) is Healthy Schools Week/Healthy Eating Week. This event is designed to support and promote healthier lifestyles. The theme for this year is ‘Healthy Eating Week - For Everyone!’. Mrs Shaikh our healthy school’s co-ordinator will introduce the week to the children in our Monday morning assembly. Please may we take this opportunity to remind parents that we are a water only school (milk for EYFS/KS1). Children in KS1 are provided with a piece of fruit for a midmorning snack and children from KS1 may bring a piece of fruit or vegetable from home for their break time too.  May we also remind parents of children who bring packed lunch that children are not permitted to bring sweets or chocolate in their boxes. We are not against children having treats at all and teach them that everything in moderation is a good strategy but we politely request that these items are not consumed during the hours of 8:45 and 3:15 while the children are in school. Thank you for your support in promoting healthy lifestyles.

Our Fathers’ Day gift room is back next week, thanks to our PTA and volunteers for organising and running this event. Tickets cost £3 and are available to purchase on the PTA events page. Children can choose and wrap a special present to take home to a special male role model in their life. This will take place at lunch times in the ICT suite.

CALLING ALL TESCO SHOPPERS! The Hayes will soon be featured at the exit of a number of Tescos stores as we are in the running to potentially receive a community grant to put a new soundfield system in one of our classes to support the learning of children who are hearing impaired.  This will only happen if we win the vote. So, if you are shopping and are offered some blue tokens to place your vote, please do vote for our school. Our bid will be shown in Sanderstead express, Croydon South end, Coulsdon express and Purley extra. Fingers crossed we will be successful and thank you in anticipation of your votes!

Thank you for your ongoing support. Enjoy the forecasted sunshine and have a lovely weekend!

The Hayes Team
