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Please keep up to date with all the news happening in school at the moment and click a headline to read more.

  • Week Beginning 29th September 2014

    Fri 26 Sep 2014

    Monday 29th September 2014 Firstly, a huge congratulations to our tag rugby team, who came 2nd in the finals of the Croydon Schools Tag Rugby Festival 2014. Some parents have kindly pointed out that there are some photographs of our children on the Croydon Advertiser website. We have also had several children who won rosettes at the Horticulture and Cookery Show at Woodcote Green Nurseries last weekend. Congratulations to them, please look out for further details of this in our monthly newsletter.


    After school on Monday, our popular film club will be showing ‘Rio 2’ to the children, which is a super film for all ages. If your child is attending they will have already purchased a ticket which includes their refreshment. They will be meeting at 3pm in the school hall. If your child is in one of the Reception classes there will need to be an adult present to look after them. Please collect your children promptly at 5pm, thank you.


    On Tuesday morning Mrs Meadows and our two eldest healthy schools representatives have been invited to attend The Croydon Healthy Schools Awards Ceremony at The Selsdon Park Hotel. This is to celebrate that Croydon has been awarded ‘Flagship Food Borough’ status and that we have a Bronze status award for healthy schools.


    If your child is in Year3-6 and would like to take part in the Croydon cross country finals they need to participate in our trials at school. These will take place with Mr Blundell on Thursday 2nd October at lunch time in school. The children can wear their usual PE kits but may need to bring trainers into school if they don t already have any here. The fastest 5 children will then go on to represent The Hayes in the finals.


    On Thursday it is our school census. We would like to encourage as many children as possible to have school dinners on this day, as it will impact on the funding that we receive for the rest of the year. There is a change to the menu on this day, the options will be sausages/ veggie sausages, mashed potato/pasta, cabbage, peas or baked beans, gravy, seasonal salad, bread, chocolate sponge & chocolate sauce and fresh fruit platter.


    On Friday 3rd October Class 12 will be leading our class assembly at 10.15am. If your child is in Mr Raffield’s class and you wish to join us for this event please come to the school hall at 10.15am. We have added an additional assembly this term so would like to give our Class 10 parents advance notice of this date.


    We are delighted that Class 10 have offered to lead our whole school harvest assembly on Monday 13th October 2014 at 9.15am. Please note the earlier time for this class assembly. Linked to this upcoming harvest assembly, during the week of 6th- 9th October we will be collecting any donations that you may like to send in (non-perishable food items, such as ready meals for toddlers, tinned foods, dried goods or toiletry supplies), all of which we will donate to The Purley Food Hub, which is a local food bank set up by Purley and Kenley Churches Together to provide food for people in crisis. Unfortunately, due to numbers we are unable to invite parents to attend this event, except the Class 10 parents who will be watching their children’s assembly.


    Just an apology that the original times advertised for the ‘Fiddle Fiesta’ club were incorrect. The club will run on Friday lunchtimes with Mrs Aldren between 12.10-12.40pm, the children will not miss any lesson time at all. Thank you once again for your on-going support.

  • Week Beginning 22nd Spetember 2014

    Fri 19 Sep 2014

    Monday 22nd September 2014


    Firstly a huge congratulations to Miss Cumming who has led the school in achieving the ‘Silver’ Primary Science Quality Mark.  This award scheme develops and celebrates the quality of science teaching and learning in primary schools.  The process of gaining the award brings benefits beyond the certificate because it requires school leaders to evaluate their provision and justify their science curriculum as being fit for promoting good learning. It also connects school science leaders to other primary school leaders who have successfully raised the subject’s profile in their schools.  Miss Cumming will be attending an award ceremony on 14th November to collect the certificate.  The assessors were particularly impressed with our school’s evidence for this award.


    On Monday our Reception children will all be in school full time after completing a week of half days. We welcome all the new children and families as members of our school community.  On Monday 6th October at 6.30 pm we will be holding an information sharing evening for Reception parents called ‘How We Learn in Reception’. It will outline how the learning opportunities are planned for your children and give you an overview of the kind of activities you can expect your children to be taking part in over the course of the year. We hope to see many of you there!


    On Friday 26th September we welcome the Kinetic Theatre group to school who will perform ‘The Bunsen Towers Mystery’ to all of the children in KS2.  We do hope that the children enjoy this.


    Our apologies again for the error regarding the closing date for nominations for parent governors.  This will be 12 noon on Monday 22nd September.  We wish you the best of luck!


    Thank you for coming to yesterday’s meeting about secondary school transfer.  Some useful web addresses regarding secondary transfer are:



    In case you wish to know, the open evening for Harris Invictus Academy is on Monday 22 September and that the entrance to the school is situated on Lennard Road (West Croydon).


    Following our wonderful string demonstration in assembly earlier this term, there are still spaces available for violin and cello lessons.  If your child is interested in learning a stringed instrument please contact the school office. Just a reminder that all children who currently play the cello or violin are welcome to join the ‘Fiddle Fiesta’ which will run every Friday morning 12.00- 12.30pm with Mrs Aldren, starting on 26th September 2014.  The cost for this will be £4 per session, running for 10 weeks.  Please collect an application slip from the school office.


    This weekend there is a Horticulture and Cookery Show at Woodcote Green Nurseries.  It starts at 2pm at Woodcote Green - Wallington. At this time the judges will have awarded the rosettes and I understand Charlie Dimmock, TV presenter will be special guest throughout the weekend. Details of the weekend’s itinerary can be found on their website/facebook page. It's a great day out!


    We wish you all a lovely weekend.


  • Week Beginning 15th September 2014

    Fri 12 Sep 2014

    Week Beginning 15th September 2014


    Please could we politely request that you ensure your child comes into school with a full swimming kit (towel, costume and hat) on their swimming day.  I am shocked to hear that Mrs Einecker has already lent out over 30 swimming kits this term and we have only been back at school for less than a fortnight! Mrs Einecker has spare kits that she lends to children who genuinely forget them on one occasion. The swimming days are as follows:


    Swimming 2014:


    Reception will swim on a Thursday morning

    Yr 1 swim on Wednesday morning

    Yr 2 swim on a Wednesday afternoon

    Yr 3 swim on a Tuesday afternoon

    Yr 4 swim on a Monday morning

    Yr 5 swim on Tuesday morning

    Yr 6 swim on a Monday afternoon


    On Thursday 18th September we invite Year 5 and 6 parents to our Secondary Transfer meeting at school.  This will be led by Mrs Larkham in the school hall at 2.15pm. This will be an opportunity for you to find out more about the application process.  Please do not panic if you are unable to attend, all of the information can be found on the internet.


    We are delighted to introduce a new extracurricular activity next Thursday in the form of a Lacrosse club. This was initially offered to children in Years 4, 5 and 6 but as there are still some spaces we will now offer these to children in Year 3. If you are interested in your child participating in this club please contact the office to discuss.


    On Friday 19th September we have entered a mixed team of Year 4/5 children to compete in a tag rugby tournament at Whitgift sports club during the afternoon.  If you have arranged with Mr Blundell that you are providing transport for this event please collect the children from school at 1.15pm .  We hope that they have a fantastic afternoon.


    Despite the recent reminder about parking issues locally, we have still had some complaints about our parents parking inconsiderately too close to driveways.  It would appear the issue is that cars are being left too close to the dropped kerb, which is not allowing residents enough turning space to exit successfully.  We would appreciate it if you could be aware of this when leaving your vehicles.  Thank you.

  • Week Beginning 8th September 2014

    Fri 05 Sep 2014 Mrs Roberts

    Week Beginning 8th September 2014


    Coming up next week…


    We are delighted to welcome everybody back to school after the summer break and are pleased to report that the children have settled into their new classes and year groups really well. We especially welcome all of our new starters.  They are all looking very smart in their full school uniforms too! Thank you Mums and Dads! You could also help us by ensuring that all items of uniform including PE kits have your child’s name and class on them, to assist us in returning lost items.


    Hopefully you were able to attend the departmental meetings last night to find out more about what to expect during the next year for your children. If you were unable to attend, you will be able to locate all important information on Fronter, including current topic webs and homework activities.  As Miss Schoeffer mentioned in the Key Stage 1 meeting last night, you may find the website ‘Oxford Owl’ a useful, free resource to help support you in assisting your child with reading and Mathematics at home.  If you create your own login, your child will have access to 250 e-books they may wish to read.  Also if you want to find out more about how we teach Mathematics in school to support your child with their homework, if you select ‘expert help’, ‘jargon buster’, ‘maths in school’ you will locate a wealth of booklets that explain how we teach concepts and terminology progressively, e.g. bridging through ten.


    Coming up next week….


    On Monday we look forward to welcoming a string quartet performance during our whole school assembly.


    Reception visits continue at the start of next week for our new starters.  Parents of children in Reception are also invited to an additional meeting called ‘How we learn in Reception’ which shall take place at 6.30 on Monday 6th October.  On this date you will also be able to visit your children’s classroom.


    To give you advanced notice, parent evenings are scheduled to take place from 3:30-5:00 on Tuesday 18th November and from 3:30- 8:00 on Thursday 20th November. There will also be a chance to look at your children’s work at Open Afternoon on Friday 5th December 2-3pm.   There will also be an INSET day on Friday 10th October.


    Please help us by ensuring your children have the necessary equipment in school for PE and Swimming.  Just a reminder of the revised swimming times for this year…


    Swimming 2014:


    Reception will swim on a Thursday morning

    Yr 1 swim on Wednesday morning

    Yr 2 swim on a Wednesday afternoon

    Yr 3 swim on a Tuesday afternoon

    Yr 4 swim on a Monday morning

    Yr 5 swim on Tuesday morning

    Yr 6 swim on a Monday afternoon


    There is still availability for pre-school (age2.5- 4 year olds) on Tuesday mornings, Thursday afternoon and Friday morning. If you have any younger children that would be interested in these classes please leave your phone number at the school office for Mrs Einecker to contact you to discuss.


    Class Assemblies for autumn term:

    3rd October Class 12 Mr Raffield

    17th October Class 5 Mrs Taylor

    14th November Class 3 Miss Smallwood

    28th November Class 11 Miss Cumming


    May we remind you that we are always here to discuss any concerns or worries you may have. Please do catch your child’s class teacher at the end of the day or phone the school office to make an appointment.  We hope you have a lovely weekend.
