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Week Beginning 15th September 2014

Week Beginning 15th September 2014


Please could we politely request that you ensure your child comes into school with a full swimming kit (towel, costume and hat) on their swimming day.  I am shocked to hear that Mrs Einecker has already lent out over 30 swimming kits this term and we have only been back at school for less than a fortnight! Mrs Einecker has spare kits that she lends to children who genuinely forget them on one occasion. The swimming days are as follows:


Swimming 2014:


Reception will swim on a Thursday morning

Yr 1 swim on Wednesday morning

Yr 2 swim on a Wednesday afternoon

Yr 3 swim on a Tuesday afternoon

Yr 4 swim on a Monday morning

Yr 5 swim on Tuesday morning

Yr 6 swim on a Monday afternoon


On Thursday 18th September we invite Year 5 and 6 parents to our Secondary Transfer meeting at school.  This will be led by Mrs Larkham in the school hall at 2.15pm. This will be an opportunity for you to find out more about the application process.  Please do not panic if you are unable to attend, all of the information can be found on the internet.


We are delighted to introduce a new extracurricular activity next Thursday in the form of a Lacrosse club. This was initially offered to children in Years 4, 5 and 6 but as there are still some spaces we will now offer these to children in Year 3. If you are interested in your child participating in this club please contact the office to discuss.


On Friday 19th September we have entered a mixed team of Year 4/5 children to compete in a tag rugby tournament at Whitgift sports club during the afternoon.  If you have arranged with Mr Blundell that you are providing transport for this event please collect the children from school at 1.15pm .  We hope that they have a fantastic afternoon.


Despite the recent reminder about parking issues locally, we have still had some complaints about our parents parking inconsiderately too close to driveways.  It would appear the issue is that cars are being left too close to the dropped kerb, which is not allowing residents enough turning space to exit successfully.  We would appreciate it if you could be aware of this when leaving your vehicles.  Thank you.
