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Welcome to The Hayes Primary School

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Please keep up to date with all the news happening in school at the moment and click a headline to read more.

  • Week Beginning 13th April 2015

    Tue 31 Mar 2015

    We have been thoroughly spoilt during the last week of term with lots of special Easter activities.   The Hayes saw the return of our popular ‘egg-citing’ egg rolling competition, which the children have utterly enjoyed and our yearly Egg decoration competition.  Well done to all of those children who took part, there were some really super entries!  We are looking forward to returning again after a lovely Easter break on Monday 13th April.


    Just some advance notice of some upcoming events…


    Our own talent show -‘The Hayes Has Talent’ will return shortly after the Easter break.  Auditions will take place at school on the 22nd April, with the live shows during the evening of the 30th April, therefore if your child/children would like to prepare an act over the holiday they would be encouraged to do so.  The children can enter with an act of no longer than 3 minutes (or they will be disqualified!) under the categories- music instrumental, music vocal, dance, comedy or other.  They can enter with others (from other year groups, including siblings) but groups must be no larger than 6 and fit into one of the following groupings: Reception-Yr3, or Yr4-Yr6.  We are really looking forward to celebrating the children’s talents.  In order for them to take part they must have already registered for this event with the PTA and should have already entered their application form before 24th March.


    On Monday 20th April don’t forget to bring in your ‘Phil the Bag’, in which the school can raise funds from your unwanted clothing.  If you are having a ‘spring clean’ during the holidays and are sorting out your unwanted clothing, shoes, handbags, curtains, towels and bedding, please help us by keeping these items aside in your ‘Phil the Bag’  and bringing them to the school hall on Monday 20th April.  If you have more than one bag full or have lost your bag, you can bring items in in any type of bag,


    Week Beginning Monday 13th April


    This week…


    Welcome to the Summer term.


    On Tuesday 14th April ‘The Smart Brothers’ will entertain and educate all children in KS1 and KS2 with some free Road Safety Performances throughout the day.   We also welcome Rev. Chris Thompson, one of our school Governors who will be joining our Infant department on Tuesday morning.


    On Wednesday all of our Year 5 children will head off to Carroty Wood for an action packed, adventure filled, few days of fun and challenge.  We do hope that the weather stays kind to them and they enjoy their first ever residential visit.  Good luck to them all!  Thank you to Ms Spinks, Mr Blundell, Mrs Flynn, Mrs Lee, Mr Coley and Mrs Bolton for accompanying the children.


    We welcome Mrs Piamya to Class 4, we are delighted to have found such a fantastic teacher for this Year 2 class.  We also welcome back Mrs Einecker, swimming will resume as normal.





  • Week Beginning 23rd March 2015

    Tue 31 Mar 2015

    Week Beginning 23rdrMarch 2015


    HUGE congratulations to all of the children who participated in the CSMA concerts. The Infants performed on Monday night at The Fairfield halls and the Juniors performed on Thursday evening. On both occasions the singing was FANTASTIC and we are all very proud of the children for representing our school so well and all the hard work that the children put into rehearsals and learning all the words!


    On Wednesday 25th March some of our Year 6 children will be attending an all day fanfest sports event at Crystal Palace. Details will follow separately.


    On Thursday 26th our Junior Road Safety Officers are attending a presentation at the Fairfield Halls with The Mayor of Croydon to celebrate their role.


    Our last day of term is on Friday 27th March.  Please note that the school closes at 1.30pm on this day, school dinners will be provided as usual.


    Sadly it has been brought to our attention that a small number of children at school have been exposed to an inappropriate website through much older siblings at home.  They have been talking to other children in school about this website and we thought we should make parents aware of its existence.  An e-mail will follow with the details of the website should you wish to check the child protection filters of your devices at home.  The name of the website is worrying, as it does not indicate that this will contain inappropriate, illicit material.


  • Week Beginning 16th March 2015

    Fri 13 Mar 2015

    Following on from Class 9’s super assembly on poetry last week, the Infants have all been transported further into a poetry universe, by a superb visit from Professor Poet and First Officer Ditty from Cbeebies’ Rhyme Rocket this week. 


    A huge thank you to Melissa Prouten and Georgia Goddard, who have led the school council in the organisation of today’s crazy hair day, which has been an enormous success. 


    Congratulations to all of our cross country, swimming and dance troupe children for their superb achievements in the events they have participated in across this past week, we are really proud of you all.


    Huge congratulations to Maddison Brown, who was awarded a Silver Medal for thre Primary Maths challenge bonus round.  This is an incredible achievement as only 200 children across the country achieved this level in this National competition.  Also Arya Labroo and Mohammed Feeroz achieved a Bronze medal in the same competition, well done to you both.



    What is coming up next week…


    Week Beginning 16th March 2015


    On Monday 16th March the children taking part in the Infant CSMA will attend their final rehearsal at The Fairfield Halls, before their performance this evening.  We wish them all the best of luck and hope all those attending enjoy the show.  Also, our school nurse is in school on Monday carrying out height and weight checks for the children in Safari and Rainforest.


    On Tuesday 17th March our Year 4 Hi5 Netball team are competing in a tournament at Norbury Manor, we wish them the best of luck.  Please let us know if you are a parent of the children involved and can help transport children to this event as we still currently do not have enough transportation.  Thank you.


    Also, on Tuesday afternoon the Rainforest children are holding their Grandparents  tea party.  We hope they all have a wonderful afternoon.  We hope that everyone has a wonderful time sharing memories of the past together.


    On Wednesday 18th March our Year 5 children will be visiting Morden Hall Park to investigate the river environment to support their class studies.  Please don’t forget that if your child is in Ms Spinks’ or Mr Blundell’ s class they will return to school at 3.30pm on this day.


    We also have children competing at a Lacrosse event at Riddlesdown on Wednesday afternoon, good luck to them.


    Also on Wednesday afternoon Safari class will be holding their Grandparents tea party at school. 


    On Thursday 19th March our Year 3 children will be having a ‘French day’ at school.  They will be enjoying sampling some French cuisine and coming in dressed as something French or in the colours of the French flag!  We look forward to seeing their costumes.  Thank you to our Year 3 parents for providing the food for this event. 


    Our Junior CSMA children have their final rehearsal at The Fairfield Halls this morning.  We wish them the best of luck and hope everyone attending enjoys this event this evening.


    On Friday 20th March Class 7 are leading our whole school assembly.  If you have a child in Mrs Boylan’s class and you would like to join us for this event, please join us in the school hall at 10.15am.


    Also on Friday 20th it is our school open afternoon, from 2.00-3.00pm. Please do try to come in a look at your children’s learning. They are always keen to share with you and show you what they have been up to. May we politely request that you do not bring buggies or younger siblings to this event as fitting 30 children and 30 parents into our classrooms is a challenge in itself!


    Just to let you know that at the weekend on Sunday 22nd March, Mr Blundell, our Class 9 teacher will be running a half marathon in Reading, in aid of ‘Scope’.  If you wish to make a donation to show your support, please follow this link to do this online.

    Thanks.  We wish him the very best of luck.


    Please may we politely remind you to show courtesy to staff on the door in the mornings.  They are there to ensure the safety of all our children and always have your child’s best interests at heart.


  • Week Beginning 9th March 2015

    Fri 06 Mar 2015

    Our thanks to Mr Blundell and Class 9 who transported us into poetry land with their fantastic assembly this morning!  The children amazed us all with their creativity, outstanding poetry writing and superb performances, which truly brought the poems to life.  I was unable to tell the difference between the poems they had written and those by famous poets, well done!


    Thank you to all parents who attended our parent teacher meetings this week. We hope you found them useful and informative.


    Week Beginning 9th March 2015


    What is coming up this week…


    On Monday 9th March our Infant CSMA children will be attending another rehearsal at the Fairfield Halls during the morning.  Thank you to those parents who are assisting us with transport, it is greatly appreciated.  Please do help your children with learning the words at home as they will not be able to use their lyric sheets at the performance.


    On Tuesday 10th March Mrs Richardson’s dance group attend their final rehearsal during the morning for the dance festival at the Fairfield Halls.  The children’s work is looking fantastic and we can’t wait for the performance this evening which will be at 6pm.  Please see additional letters for more details if your child is performing in this event.


    On Wednesday we are delighted to welcome CBeebies Rhyme Rocket to The Hayes.  They are coming in to work with the children in Reception and Year 1 to increase rhyme awareness and improving language development.  As you know developing young children’s awareness of rhyme is an essential tool in helping your children to grow as young readers.  Also on Wednesday 11th March we invite all parents of children in Year 5 to attend a meeting about the upcoming residential visit to Carroty Wood at 5pm.  This will be an opportunity for you to find out more about the arrangements and activities and ask any questions.


    On Thursday 12th March our Year 6 children are off to Box Hill, National Trust for the day, we hope the weather stays kind for them.  They will be looking at how the National Trust conserves the area, linked into their science and literacy work.  Also on Thursday our Junior children will attend their rehearsal at The Fairfield Halls this morning.


    On Friday 13th March our school council have organised a ‘Crazy Hair day’ in order to raise money for books for each classes book corners throughout the school.  We suggest children bring in a £1.00 donation in order to take part.  As it is also ‘Red Nose Day’ children will be able to wear their red noses and the school council have decided to split the money raised between comic relief and their fundraising event.  Please see the letter from the school council regarding more information about this.


    Please see the advert below from PIP (parents in partnership):-


    Are you a parent who wants to help your child improve their sleep?


    PIP has organised a FREE Sleep Workshop on Friday 27th March from 10am-1pm at the Carers Support Centre.


    The common sleep issues that will be covered include issues such as won`t go to bed, can`t fall asleep, night waking, nightmares, night terrors, early waking etc.


    The workshop will look at sleep strategies that address the more common sleep issues in children with disabilities and when and where to get help.

    It will be delivered by sleep practitioners who have children with autism and other disabilities so they draw on their own experiences of dealing with sleep issues in their children when delivering the session.


    If you would like to reserve a place contact PIP on 020 8663 5626 or email


