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Please keep up to date with all the news happening in school at the moment and click a headline to read more.

  • Week ending 25th September 2020

    Fri 25 Sep 2020

    This week, we welcomed our lovely Rainforest and Safari classes who have now started at The Hayes full time. They have settled in well, look really smart in their new uniform and have big smiles on their faces as they come through the school gates. Welcome! We are sure you are going to be really happy here, last Friday, Miss Slade loved meeting you all to read the story about the ‘Bug’s First Day at School!’….welcome!


    *On Wednesday, Year 4 had a great fashion parade showing off their favourite clothes. The cat walk was ablaze!


    *Last week we said a massive thank you to our wonderful teaching assistants and administration staff who work tirelessly to improve outcomes for our children. They were spoiled with a certificate and a cupcake.


    *If your child is self-isolating because someone in the family has symptoms of COVID or has COVID, the class teacher will send work home. However, if your child is poorly, they will not be sent work. Please find enclosed a flowchart and poster from the Local Authority regarding COVID.


    *Last Friday, we had our first virtual achievement assembly which was aired live to all classes (with wobbly wifi). Today. I am glad to say the wifi worked perfectly. Congratulations to the following children who were awarded certificates:


    Class 1: Kian, for being so kind and caring towards all children in the class – an excellent role model for kindness.
    Class 2: Thea, for being a fantastic role model and for settling well into Year 1.
    Class 3: Chloe, for being an awesome contributor and always sharing her ideas and knowledge during lessons.
    Class 4: Ruth, for an excellent start to year 2 and for having a great vocabulary in her writing.  Keep up the great work.
    Class 5: Amelie, for making a fantastic start to Year 3, always working hard and being kind, helpful and polite.
    Class 6: Mylo, for his creative ideas when writing a letter to a special person. Well Done!
    Class 7: Faron, for helping me around the classroom and making an excellent start to Year 4.
    Class 8: Harry, for consistently being the best he can be and for being a fantastic role model.
    Class 9: Anabela, for settling so quickly in to her new school.
    Class 10: Sebastian, for settling in fantastically and his amazing contributions during English.
    Class 11: Katie-Ann, for being kind to everyone and showing great responsibility.
    Class 12: Milly, for being helpful and continuously volunteering answers and ideas in class discussions. 


    Class 1: Cydney for all her hard work and enthusiasm in all lessons.
    Class 2: Jaiden for always trying his best.
    Class 3: Christopher for being a superstar mathematician when solving complex problems.
    Class 4: Esma for always trying her best and producing a lovely poem.
    Class 5: Edward, for working hard and always giving 100% effort.
    Class 6: Amelia, for always having a good attitude towards all her work and being a good role model to her friends.
    Class 7: Archie for a wonderful diary entry using a range of emotive language and time conjunctions.
    Class 8: Luca for great perseverance and working hard in maths lessons.
    Class 9: Daniel for making a fabulous model of the Parthenon in IPC.
    Class 10: Sophie for working so hard and always trying her best with all her learning!
    Class 11: Harrison for always showing enthusiasm towards his learning and contributing brilliant ideas to class discussions. 
    Class 12: Gunnar, for challenging himself in maths -well done!


    Please can we remind you to send in a water bottle with your child each morning, so they may stay rehydrated during the school day.


    Advance notice - the school will be facilitating the nasal flu vaccination which will take place on 19th November during school time. Full details including the parental consent will be provided via the childrens' bookbags nearer the time.


    Please ensure all your child's clothing is labelled with their full name and where possible, their class numbers, so if it goes missing, it can be returned without delay.


    Lastly, please may we remind parents to supervise your children closely before and after school. Please can we ask that you do not allow them to play on the exercise equipment or playdale. Thank you 


    Have a relaxing weekend and see you all on Monday.


    The Hayes Team


  • Week beginning 14th September 2020

    Fri 11 Sep 2020

    Welcome back to the new school year! We hope you all had a summer break that has left you well rested.

    It was great to see all of the children arriving back in school on Monday looking really smart in their uniforms. We hope they have had a brilliant start to the year and are settling well into their new classes, they certainly seem happy and engaged as they play and learn together in a different ‘normal’. Thank you to our parents and carers who have worked with us this week, establishing new routines at drop off/pick up and tweaking them to make them to make further improvements. Please can we remind all though that the one way system needs to be used, parents/carers should not walk back through the main gates. Thank you.


    A special welcome to our new reception starters, we hope they have enjoyed coming in for their school visits. Welook forward to welcoming them for the morning and afternoon sessions from Monday next week. The morning sessions are from 9-11am and the afternoon sessions are 1:15pm-3pm. Drop off at 9am is at the main KS1 doors (to the left of the main gate), where a member of staff will direct you and pick up for the morning is from the office entrance. Please adhere to social distancing. Afternoon drop off at 1:15pm is at the office entrance and pick, at 3pm is at the KS1 doors, as above.

    *If you are interested in swimming lessons for your pre-schoolers we are currently compiling a waiting list and hope to have the pool open as soon as possible to restart them. Please email the school office if you are interested.
    *Our music peripatetic teachers will be resuming music lessons next week and they will have contacted their current parents who they previous taught.
    *On Wednesday 16th September, Mr Shephard and Mrs Bird will be giving demo lessons to Year 4 and Year 5 to see if they want to learn/continue to learn the trumpet, trombone, flute or clarinet. The demos will take place in year group bubbles in the hall. Year 5 will take part from 940-10am and Year 4 from 10am-1020am.
    *Just a reminder: please remember that if it is a child’s birthday, we cannot distribute sweets because we are a healthy school and also in light of COVID we cannot share food in this way between our classes.
    *On Friday 18th September, it is Jeans for Genes day. During the day, we will do a whole school assembly via Zoom. If you would like to donate £1 (optional donation) to this cause, Mrs Doble will add this onto Parent Pay, so we do not need to handle cash in school.
    *We have added a section to our risk assessment about meeting parents and carers in school: parents/carers must make an appointment to speak to a member of staff (via a phone call to the office or email to admin). If meeting in school, please meet outside, if possible or if inside, wear a face covering. Only one parent to attend a face to face meeting, additionally, the meeting could take place via Zoom or Microsoft Teams if both parents wish to attend.

    For those of you who might be confused as to what to do if your child gets a cold: (from the NHS website:
    Children's colds 
    It's normal for a child to have 8 or more colds a year. This is because there are hundreds of different cold viruses and young children have no immunity to any of them as they have never had them before. They gradually build up immunity and get fewer colds. Most colds get better in 5 to 7 days but can take up to 2 weeks in small children.

    Here are some suggestions for how to ease the symptoms in your child:
    *Make sure your child drinks plenty of fluids.
    *Saline nose drops can help loosen dried snot and relieve a stuffy nose. Ask your pharmacist, GP or health visitor about them.
    *If your child has a fever, pain or discomfort, children's paracetamol or ibuprofen can help. Children
    with asthma may not be able to take ibuprofen, so check with a pharmacist, GP or health visitor first. Always follow the instructions on the packet.
    *Encourage the whole family to wash their hands regularly to stop the cold spreading.

    Cough and cold remedies for children

    Children under 6 should not have over-the-counter cough and cold remedies, including decongestants (medicines to clear a blocked nose), unless advised to by a GP or pharmacist.
    Coronavirus (from NHS/government website): at the moment it can be hard to know what to do if your child is unwell. It's important to trust your instincts and get medical help if you need it. If your child has a cold, please follow the advice above, if your child has a fever or continuous cough or loss of taste and smell, they should self-isolate for 10 days, get tested immediately via the NHS testing website and everyone in the household should stay at home for 14 days. If someone tests negative, if they feel well and no longer have symptoms similar to coronavirus (COVID-19), they can stop self-isolating. Other members of their household can stop self-isolating.
    Self-care isn't selfish, it's essential. No-one's perfect. But so often we compare our insides to other people's outsides.

    This month we're encouraging everyone to be kinder to themselves (as well as others), especially when things go wrong. Self-care increases our resilience and helps us get more out of life. It also helps us accept others as they are too.

    That just leaves us to say, have a wonderful weekend and see you all on Monday.
