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Please keep up to date with all the news happening in school at the moment and click a headline to read more.

  • Week Beginning 3rd July

    Fri 30 Jun 2017

    Week beginning 3rd July


    Thank you to all those who attended our Summer Fair last Saturday. We are delighted to announce that, with your support, we raised a staggering £6500 for the school! Thank you to our incredible PTA for organising such a wonderful event and to all those of you who came along and supported the fundraising. We hope you had a great day!


    Well done to all who participated fully in Sports Day today! Much fun was had by all and we are really proud of everybody for joining in and trying their best. Our thanks especially to Miss Langan, Miss Fraser and David from the CSSP for organising this wonderful event.
    Thank you also to all those who sponsored the staff team who recently ran an obstacle course in Lingfield to raise money for the AT Society. The team managed to raise a staggering £231 with your help! Many thanks.
    As we prepare to enter July, our final month of the school year, here is what is coming up this week…
    Over the next couple of weeks we will be welcoming some work experience students to our school. If your child comes home talking about a new ‘helper/teacher’ it is likely that they may be referring to one of our students. I am sure if you see our work experience students in school you will give them a warm welcome.


    On Monday morning, Year 6 children will have some explore learning workshops which we are sure they will enjoy.


    On Tuesday, some of our children transferring to Year 7 at Warlingham School will attend a taster day. We hope they enjoy getting to see their new school and the opportunities to meet some new friends also!


    On Wednesday, we welcome parents of children in class 7 to join us for their class assembly in the school hall. This event begins at 9:15.


    On Wednesday afternoon, we welcome our September 2017 cohort of children to join us for a picnic in school. We are looking forward to meeting them as they start their primary school journey. The children will have some yummy snacks and will get to meet their new teachers and some new friends too. Exciting times!


    On Thursday we wish good luck to our Tennis Team who have made it through to the London finals of a competition. They have done so well and we are sure they will continue to give it all they have got!


    Also on Thursday, one of our biggest musical events of the year… ‘Music is Magic!’ takes place at 6pm. This is when all of the children who have been learning an instrument during the year perform for us and demonstrate what they have been learning. For the first time also, we will also be hearing our Junior and Infant Choirs and Mrs Yates recorder and ocarina club perform. A treat for our ears!


    On Friday David from the Croydon Schools Sports Partnership will be leading a Tag Rugby festival with our Year Four children. We are sure they are in for a great afternoon!


    Also on Friday, we will be sending your children home with their end of year school reports. After reading these reports, if you have any questions about the content of the report please do speak to your child’s class teacher and make an appointment to discuss anything in the report that you would like to know more about. If you are happy with the report you have received, please do fill in your comments slip and return it to the school. As you can imagine, writing school reports for 30 children can take an incredibly long amount of time and it is great for the teachers to receive some feedback from you.


    As the end of term approaches, there are a few upcoming events that you may need reminding of including the following:

    ·         10th July- Opportunity to bid farewell to Mrs Einecker in the playground after school from 3:15 to 4:30
    ·         11th July- Open Afternoon from 2:15- 3:15
    ·         13th July 6pm- Year 6 musical
    ·         18th July- year 6 leavers assembly (open to Year 6 parents only x2 per child)
    ·         20th July- Break up for summer holidays at 1:30pm. 


    Have a great weekend.


  • Week Beginning 26th June 2017

    Fri 23 Jun 2017
    Reminder: Tomorrow is our school Summer Fair. As always, it will be an amazing fun filled day with events for all the family. Please do come along and support our incredible PTA who put so much hard work into organising this event. Doors will be open from 12pm until 3pm. We look forward to seeing you there!

    Coming up next week...

    We welcome back Miss Smallwood to work following her maternity leave. She will be returning initially for 3 days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) and will be based in class 12.

    There will be a meeting after school on Monday from 3:30 for parents of children in Years 5 and 6 who wish to preview the materials that will be used to teach the Sex and Relationships elements of our curriculum. Please make your way to class 9 (Year 5) and class 12 (Year 6) for this event. There will be child care available during these meetings should you require this.

    Good luck to our runners in Years 2-6 who are participating in the mini marathon at Beaumont School on Tuesday 27th between 2 and 4pm. We are the reigning champions and are sure the children will be the best they can be in an endeavour to cling on to the title! Either way, we are very proud of all of the children taking part. 

    In the evening we are delighted to welcome the parents and carers of our new Reception starters for September 2017. We will be hosting a meeting to introduce parents to the Reception team and provide you with information about your child's school start. There will also be an opportunity to view the reception classes and say hello to your child's new teacher. The evening starts at 6:30. If you are attending, please do remember to bring a copy of your child's birth certificate as proof of identity. We advise that you do not bring your child with you to this meeting as it is aimed at parents. We look forward to meeting your children on the 5th of July between 2pm and 3pm for their reception picnic!

    On Wednesday 28th June, the school council will be meeting again at lunchtime. If your child is a class rep, please remind them to have early lunch on this day.

    Our Year 4 Soundstart musicians will be performing at 10am in an end of year concert on Wednesday to which parents of children in Year 4 are invited to attend. The children really have made tremendous progress this year and we are sure you will be very proud of them, especially when you consider that many of them have never played an instrument prior to the start of this year! They have done so well!

    On Thursday 29th of June at 9:15 we invite parents and carers of children in Safari Class to join us for their first class assembly. We look forward to welcoming you to this special event that takes place in the school hall.
    The children in class 7 will be visiting Pizza Express on the morning of 29th June this is linked to their topic.... We are sure they will have a great time.

    The third instalment of Year 6 first aid training takes place on 29th June in the afternoon.

    On Friday 30th June we welcome parents to join us (weather permitting) for our school sports day. The junior events will take place in the mornings (9:15 start) and the infant events in the afternoon (1.30 start). Please may we remind you that school PE kits are to be worn with the option of wearing a plain coloured T-shirt in their teams colour or by adding a headband in their team's colour. 

    The colours linked to each house are as follows:
    Red (Lawrence)
    Blue (Seacole), 
    Yellow (Ashcroft) 
    Green (Johnson). 

    Please may we ask that you do not purchase refreshments for your children during this event as this can be not only distracting but upsetting for those children whose parents have not been able to attend. We do advise that you provide your children with a bottle of water that they can drink during the event, particularly if the weather is very warm as we have been experiencing lately. 

    On Friday evening, there is a Suzuki concert being held in the school hall from 4:15-6:00pm.

    Please may I remind all parents to complete our annual parent questionnaire. The link is available on our school website (Parent Information tab/Parent Feedback). This is your opportunity to tell us about the things that are going well and areas that you would like to see improved. This questionnaire is open until 9:00am on Monday 3rd July. It should take no more than 10 minutes. Your opinions matter to us. Thank you.

    Staffing update

    It is with sadness that I must inform you that we will be saying farewell to some members of staff at the end of this academic year.

    Firstly, we bid Au Revoir to Mrs Nzelo whose fixed term contract (to cover maternity leave) will be coming to an end in August. She has been a great Reception teacher, Modern Foreign languages coordinator and leader of the Early Years department for the last year and we will all be sorry to see her go. We wish her the best of luck in the future and thank her for the commitment she has shown to The Hayes whilst covering maternity leave.

    We also say Goodbye to Ms Fraser, whose fixed term contract (also covering a maternity leave) will also be coming to an end. She has been a committed and passionate member of staff particularly in terms of extra-curricular sport and we thank her for spending many cold weekends and evenings with our cross country clubs and other sporting teams where her passion for sports have shone through. We wish her all the very best and hope that she is really happy in her new job. She will be missed!

    Miss Sharp, who joined the school 2 years ago as a newly qualified teacher will also be moving on. She has worked tirelessly within our Reception department since then making sure that your children have a great start to their primary school journey. Her passion for working with young children has always been evident as has her patience and kindness. Miss Sharp will be joining another new school to gain experience in working with a different age range. We wish her all the best and will miss her greatly at The Hayes.

    We will also be saying farewell to Mrs Meadows, who has worked during her time at The Hayes, across many different year groups. For some time she has been our PSHE/ healthy schools coordinator and she has driven pupil wellbeing across the school with enormous drive and passion. Her hard work has recently secured the school the Bronze accreditation Travel Plan and Healthy Schools Award. Mrs Meadows has secured a job in a school within walking distance of her home and where her children attend, an opportunity she could not turn down. Although she will be greatly missed, we wish her every success and happiness in her new role and thank her also for the dedication she has shown to many children and families here at The Hayes. You will be missed!

    Finally, it is with great sadness that Mrs Einecker has announced her intention to relocate up North to her farm, at the end of this school year. Having worked at The Hayes since 1985 achieving amazing success in swimming, it is no doubt that she will be an enormous loss to our school. Mrs Einecker is now teaching children of children that she taught in the past and is very well loved and respected by all members of our school community. Her hard work and dedication has meant that it is pretty much unheard of that a child leaves The Hayes unable to swim. The nurture and care that she shows the children enables them to develop a love of the water and levels of water safety and confidence that allows them to develop into extremely competent swimmers who regularly participate (and often win) a wide range of competitions and galas. She prepares children for these events in her own time. Some of her ex pupils now compete internationally! Mrs Einecker is truly outstanding at what she does and we will be extremely saddened to see her go. As she has been a massive part of our school community for such a long time, we are aware that many of you would like to bid her farewell. Therefore, there will be an opportunity for you to do so. If there are any families or past pupils that would like to come and say goodbye, Mrs Einecker will be available in the playground after school from 3:10-4:30 on 10th July (please do let anyone know who have been taught by Mrs Einecker!). We are also holding a collection to buy her a special leaving gift to help her remember her many years at The Hayes. If you would like to contribute please do send in your donation in a sealed envelope marked Mrs Einecker collection to the school office with a small note/ farewell message which we will stick in a memory book to present to her at the end of the term from all contributors. We wish her all the very best and send her on her way to her new life on her farm, with much love.

    On the flip side, we are delighted to inform you that over the course of the next few weeks you will see some familiar faces returning to work. We are delighted to be welcoming back Miss Smallwood, Miss Harman and Mrs Boylan who are all beginning a staggered return to work following their maternity leaves. We look forward to having them back with us in September. We know the children have really missed them, as have we!

    We are currently in the process of recruiting to ensure we have a full complement of staff for September 2017 and will share news of any appointments with you as soon as possible once arrangements have been finalised.
    Thank you for your ongoing support.

    Have a lovely weekend.
  • Week Beginning 12th June

    Fri 09 Jun 2017

    Week beginning 12th June 2017


    We hope you have had an enjoyable first week back after the half term break.


    Coming up this week…


    We welcome back Year Six who we know have had a fantastic time on their residential journey in the Isle of Wight. We thank the adults Ms Spinks, Miss Smith, Mrs Bolton, Mrs Harbour and Mrs Field who have done a brilliant job of looking after the children and ensuring they all had a wonderful time! Without their willingness to work around the clock, we would not be able to provide the children with these ‘awe and wonder’ moments which give them treasured lifelong memories!


    Children in Year One will be screened on their phonic knowledge. This is a statutory assessment to ‘check’ children’s understanding and development in phonics. The screening check will be carried out on a 1:1 basis with the child and their class teacher and will last no longer than 10 minutes per pupil. This is carried out in a way that is very familiar to the children and should not cause any stress or upset for them. Results of the screening check will be sent home with your child’s annual reports.


    On Monday we will also be visited by staff from Riddlesdown to begin the transition process for children in Year 6 who will be joining Riddlesdown School in September.


    Our Father's Day gifts room opens for business on Monday 12th for one week only. You can book online through the PTA site (preferred method) or pay on the day. The cost is £3 per gift and there is no limit to the amount of gifts children can purchase. There will be some fantastic gifts available to choose from and with the help of the PTA committee and Year 6 children they will be wrapped and labelled ready for that special person next Sunday.


    On Thursday we welcome parents of children in Rainforest class to join us in the school hall at 9:15 for a special assembly. We are sure you will enjoy their first assembly performance.


    Also on Thursday Safari class will be visiting Pizza Express in Purley for a school visit linked to their learning.


    At 12:45 on Thursday 15th the Moviemobil will be returning to school for those who won the Head Teacher’s Award, last term.


    On the 15th we will also be hosting some first aid training for our Year 6 children in the afternoon from 1:30-3:00. We think it is massively important to equip our children with these skills that may, one day, help to save a life!


    On Friday 16th we are hosting a special breakfast for our Fathers to celebrate Father’s day (children may bring a special male role model e.g. grandparent or uncle if their father is unable to attend). To ease congestion and ensure that all can be seated please do come along at the following times:


    Year 5/6: 8:00

    Year 3/4: 8:15

    Year 1/2: 8:30

    Year R: 8:45


    Breakfast will finish at 9:00 at which time all children will be asked to return to their classrooms. If you have a child in more than one Year group, please chose your preferred time slot and attend with all of the children for one sitting.


    On Friday we will also be welcoming Cliff Harris to school to take group (e.g. sports teams and choir) and class photographs. This year the photographs will be contemporary. Please ensure, as always, that your children are in full school uniform and looking their finest! Please can we remind all parents that ‘Jo-Jo bows’ and headbands with ‘cat’s ears’ on are not a part of our school uniform! Children wearing these can expect to be asked by a member of staff to remove them.


    In the afternoon, David from the Croydon Schools Sports Partnership will be in school working with the children in Year 6 in various sporting activities which will be full of fun!


    Have a great weekend!
