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Welcome to The Hayes Primary School

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Please keep up to date with all the news happening in school at the moment and click a headline to read more.

  • Week Beginning 1st October 2018

    Fri 28 Sep 2018


    Thank you to all who managed to attend our coffee mornings this week. We hope you found the information useful. If you were unable to attend, presentations will shortly be uploaded onto the school website.


    Coming up next week…

    On Monday we will be visited by our school photographer who will be taking photographs of individual pupils and sibling photos (in-school siblings only). Please ensure that all children are looking super smart in their full school uniform.


    Our PTA are holding a film club on Monday from 3:15 to 5:00 and will be showing the movie Paddington 2. Tickets for this event can be purchased from the PTA events page at a cost of £5. Reception children who are attending their first film club should be collected as usual by parents and then brought round to the school office to be signed in. All other children will be escorted to the hall by their class teachers. In making your booking you can also include a meal option of a chicken or vegetarian hot dog.


    We have a busy day planned on Tuesday 2nd.  We are hosting our annual Governors' Day. This is when members of our school’s Board of Governors are invited to spend the day in school learning more about the day to day activities that take place and getting to see our wonderful children engrossed in their learning! They will be identifiable in and around school by their Governors’ lanyards and Visitor ID badges.


    We also have some pupils from Woldingham School joining us to work in many of our class rooms. They will be accompanied  by their teaching staff.


    On Wednesday we invite our Reception parents to our ‘What We are Learning’ Meeting at 9am in the school hall. If your child has recently started here at The Hayes, please come along if you are free to meet with Mrs Duckett and Miss Langan who will talk about ways in which the children learn in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), what they will be covering this term at school and how you can support their learning at home.
    Also on Wednesday, we wish good luck to our cross country runners in Years 5 and 6 who are taking part in an event at Lloyds Park. We are sure they are all ready to ‘Be the best they can be!’ If your child has been selected for this event you will have already received a letter with further information.


    Every year at The Hayes we hold a Harvest Festival celebration. This year the event will take place on Wednesday 10th of October. Due to restrictions in space in our hall this is an in school event only. This year all donations collected will be given to the Purley Food Hub. They have kindly sent us a list of things they are in need of. If you wish to donate, please see the list of requested items below...


    Jellies and puddings

    Long life whole milk

    Meat and fish paste

    Packets of dried potato

    Small bags of sugar

    Small jars of coffee or small boxes of tea bags

    Tinned meat meals

    Tinned tomatoes

    Tins of rice pudding

    Non-bio washing powder tablets/sachets

    Shower gel/shampoo

    Tin openers



    Chocolate treats for clients’ children

    Hot chocolate requiring only water

    Jars of pasta sauce

    Long life fruit juice or squash

    Packets of dried custard requiring only water

    Small jars of coffee

    Small jars of honey

    Small packets of rice or pasta

    Small packets of sweet biscuits

    Squash or long life fruit juice

    Tinned dessert fruit

    Tinned green vegetables

    Tinned potatoes or packets of dried potato

    Tinned pulses such as kidney beans or chickpeas

    Baby wipes

    Unisex deodorant

    Unisex shampoo

    Washing up liquid

     If you would like to make a donation please bring your items into school no earlier than Monday 8th October. We thank you in anticipation of your kindness and generosity.


    This year Grandparents Day falls on the 7th October and as such we will be hosting a Grandparent’s Breakfast which is taking place on Monday 8th October. This is a free event, supported by our local church where we invite all Grandparents into school to join their Grandchildren for a breakfast! To help us gain an idea of numbers for catering please can we ask families to sign up for this event in the school office from Monday 1st October. To ensure we do not have a surge of Grandparents all at once, the following times have been set:

    8:00- Year 5 and 6

    8:10- Year 4

    8:20 Year 3

    8:30 Year 2

    8:40 Year 1

    8:50 Reception

    Please note, if you have children in more than one year group, please chose a slot and attend with both/all siblings.


    On Thursday the children in Reception and Year 6 will be having their height and weight check by the school nursing team. You have received a letter about this on Tuesday. You are not required to do anything as this all happens in school hours. If there are any concerns the health team will make contact with you directly.


    Thursday 4th October is school census day and therefore there is a change of menu. This is an important day for schools because an element of our funding is set for the year based on the number of children taking up school dinners. Please do encourage your children to have a school lunch on this day. The options will be Chicken or Vegetarian Hot Dog Served with French Fries, Onions, Beans, Corn and Coleslaw with BBQ Sauce, Ketchup or Mayonnaise available. Alternatively Jacket potatoes with Beans, Cheese or Tuna are available as are Egg Baguettes. Pudding is a cookie.


    On Friday we celebrate World Teachers Day. We are thankful for the dedicated team of people who work tirelessly to help your children achieve outcomes that are significantly above national averages. We will thank them with the children in our whole school assembly.


    Finally, we must inform you that we received resignations from Mrs Harbour and Mrs Nicolas during the summer holidays. We thank them for all that they did for us during their time at The Hayes and wish them the best of luck in the future.


    In light of these staffing changes we are delighted to welcome 3 new members of staff joining our support staff team on Monday. Miss Scola will be working as part of our Year 2 team in the mornings, Mrs MacPherson will be offering support to our Year 1 team also in the mornings and Mr Sylva will be offering support to some individual children. We are sure you will make them feel welcome when you see them around our school.


    Thank you for your ongoing support. Have a great weekend!​


  • Week Beginning 24th September 2018

    Fri 21 Sep 2018
    Another week...another award! Congratulations to all at The Hayes for achieving the silver level of the Transport for London STARs (Sustainable Travel: Active, Responsible, Safe) Award. This is a result of the travel plan that we have submitted detailing the efforts made to reduce car use and encourage walking to school. A huge thank you to Mrs Boylan who worked tirelessly with the Junior Road Safety Officers to obtain this recognition. 

    Thank you to all parents who helped ensure our Jeans for Genes Day today was a great success. The treasurer of the school council today counted all donations and we are delighted to report that with your help we have managed to raise £355.45 for the charity! Thank you and well done everybody!

    Congratulations to our newly formed school council. Class representatives were elected by their peers and met for the first time yesterday. The Chairman did a great job of leading the meeting and its participants contributed confidently and articulately. We are in no doubt that this will be a great year for our School Council. #pupilvoice 

    We are also proud of our Year six pupil advocates who were announced in assembly today and presented with their badges. We are proud to support these children in developing their leadership skills. Well done to all advocates. 

    Thank you to all parents who submitted their children's names to attend the Inclusion Quality Mark Award. Selected at random this morning to collect the award with Mrs Roberts and Mrs Bolton, were Ava Year Two and Romeo from Year one.

    We have received a few enquiries from parents regarding applications to Reception for siblings due to start in Reception in September 2019. Please be aware that the e-admissions portal opened on the 1st of September and can be accessed via this link . The deadline for your applications is January 15th 2019. We are holding open mornings on the 1st and the 20th of November at 9:30. Please spread the word to prospective families!

    We still have some vacancies for children wishing to learn to play a musical instrument. If your child is interested please do pop into the office and let us know. You will be given a form to complete and return to us.

    Coming up this week...

    This week we are hosting our coffee mornings for each year group. We estimate the meeting will last approximately 30 minutes. Please come along and find out more about what your children will be learning this term and how you can continue to support your children at home. All coffee mornings start at 9:00am and will take place in the school hall on the following dates:

    Monday 24th: Year One
    Tuesday 25th: Year Two
    Wednesday 26th: Year Three
    Thursday 27th: Year Four
    Friday 28th: Year Five

    We look forward to seeing you there! If you are unable to attend the coffee morning please do not worry. All presentations will be uploaded to our school website for you to access.

    Please can we ask parents to refrain from allowing their children to walk along the wall outside our school. It is not safe and office staff have dealt with many children who have fallen and hurt themselves. Please help us to keep your children safe on our premises. Please do not be upset or offended if we ask your children to get down.

    We are delighted that swimming is back and up and running at school and as you know learning to swim is a lifesaving skill which our children are lucky practice each week. If you feel that your child requires further support, practicing in smaller groups after school can help build their confidence and stamina.
    There are spaces for swimming lessons after school on Mondays and Wednesdays for non-swimmers, beginners, and improvers. Preschool lessons are also available for children from 3 years old on Monday and Tuesdays at 11:00, Thursdays afternoons, and Friday mornings.
    If you are interested in booking a place for these classes please contact Mrs DeCruz via the office. Just keep swimming!!

    For school swimming, please can we remind all parents that all children need to wear a swim hat. These are available for sale at the school office for the cost of £3 each.

    A message from our local church....
    A concert is being held to raise money to pay for the replacement of the internal ceiling in the church and to contribute to refurbishing the hall kitchen, used by a pre-school and the scouting and guiding organisations.

    Saturday 13th October 2018
    All Saints Church, Church Road, Kenley CR8 5DU
    The Kingston & Malden Scout & Guide Band
    play a varied and exciting programme.
    Followed by a buffet supper.
    Tickets are £12.50 each, £10 for under 18s.
    Please contact either
    Janet Shaw on 01883 372084
    or Lynn Williams 020 8660 9473

    Thank you and have a great weekend!
  • Week Beginning 10th September 2018

    Mon 10 Sep 2018

    Welcome back to all our families! It has been lovely to see all the children back in school and looking smart in their uniforms and showing great enthusiasm for the year ahead! We hope they have all settled well into their new classes and are getting to know their new teachers and class routines well.

    A special warm welcome to our new families and Reception starters. We hope you have all enjoyed your visits this week. The Early Years Team have really enjoyed getting to know you all a little bit better. We hope the children continue to enjoy their settling sessions until they join us full time on the 20th September.

    We are delighted that swimming lessons will recommence across the school next week. For this year your child's swimming days are as follows:
    Monday: Year 5 and Year 3
    Tuesday: Year 4 and Year 6
    Wednesday: Reception and Year 2 (Reception 1st session will be 26th September)
    Thursday: Year 1
    Pre school swimming will recommence week beginning 17th September.

    On Tuesday morning we invite parents of children in Year One into school for our first parent workshop of the Year. When children enter Key Stage One we have a specific approach to teaching Maths which is known as Maths Mastery. Miss Smith, our Maths Coordinator will be leading a workshop in the school hall at 9am to explain this approach in a little more detail to help you understand how your children will be learning Maths and how you can offer support at home. We would love to see you there!

    On Friday 14th September it is National Teaching Assistant Day where we will be celebrating with the children in assembly the amazing support that our dedicated team of teaching assistants make to their Education. We are proud to have such committed and hard working TAs as part of our Hayes family.

    After school on Friday we have 2 events to make you aware of: 
    ° Pro direct will be leading football trials for the school mixed football team and the girls' football team. These trials are open to children in Years 5 and 6 only. Any child interested in being considered for the team should meet coach Callum on the school field wearing appropriate kit (football boots preferable although not essential) These trials will run from 3:15 until 4:30. 
    ° We have invited Niora Amani from the Local Authority to lead a Year 6 Secondary Transfer Meeting in the school hall at 3:30. Niora will go through the application process and be on hand to answer any questions that you may have. If you have a child in Year six, please do come along. We are sure you will find this a useful meeting.

    Invoices for Wrap around care (after school club and breakfast club) will be available next week on ParentPay and we thank you in anticipation for your prompt payment. We will also be distributing a list of extra curricular activities and after school clubs next week with start dates for the new term.

    Have a great weekend!
  • Week beginning 5th September 2018

    Sat 01 Sep 2018

    1st Sept 1, 2018
    It is nearly time to welcome you all back to another new and successful new year, so I thought I would write you a quick email before the term starts. Firstly, I hope you are all having a great summer break and are ready and raring to return to school on Wednesday 5th September. Below are a few reminders and updates:

    End of July: the term concluded with many exciting opportunities such as: our Year 6 leaver’s assembly and BBQ, we are very sad to see them go and wish them all the best of luck in their new schools. The HT’s Tea Party for children who continuously ‘do the right thing’. Children are nominated by their class teacher; well done to all of the pupils. Reception went on their school trip to Bay Pond; all of the children had a fantastic time and were great ambassadors for The Hayes.


    As some of you may have seen on our Twitter page or The Hayes PTA Facebook page, Get Fired, in Purley are running a competition to give a Croydon school a Celebration Tile Wall where every child will create a tile and it will be part of a huge school mural. Our school has been nominated as one of the top 10 schools and we are now in the finals. Yay! J You can still vote by visiting Get Fired on Facebook or by clicking on the link on our Twitter page. You need to like The Hayes sign in order to vote, we are currently in 3rd place.


    From the Office:

    *Meet and Greet - on Wednesday morning, the children will be met in the playground at 8.45am by their new class teacher before being taken to their classrooms. Please do not worry if your child comes to school later than this (but before 9am) as they can still enter The Hayes via the usual doors. From Thursday onwards, children will enter school via the usual means – doors off the playground, outside the Reception area.


    *For those parents whose children are going into Year 3 and no longer qualify for the Universal Free School Meals (UFSM) funding, you may continue to receive school lunches via Alliance in Partnership (AIP), please make a payment via Parentpay and continue to top this up regularly to ensure your child receives a school lunch as necessary. School lunches cost £2.25 per day/£11.25 per week. Details of the lunch option for Wednesday will be confirmed on Monday.


    *KS1 children - If your child wishes to receive milk in school, please sign up and pay online via Requests need to be received by Coolmilk no later than Tuesday for these to be acitivated the following week. Year 3 children will no longer receive milk and their account have been cancelled.


    *At the end of last term, we had a number of clothing items which were unnamed in lost property. Please can you ensure all uniform including plimsolls, trainers, swimming costumes, towels and PE kits are named with your child's surname and class number/name. This will hopefully alleviate problems with lost property.


    *Swimming will start week commencing 10th September. Please ensure your child has their swimming kits in school together with their PE Kits, including footwear.


    *Details of the extra curriculum activities offered at The Hayes for mornings/after school clubs will follow via email once we have received details from the external clubs. Lexia will restart week commencing 10th September.


    *If you have provisionally booked Wraparound Care arrangements, you will shortly be receiving your invoice and payment is made online via Parentpay in advance. We also accept Childcare vouchers. ​Please feel free to discuss this arrangement with the school office.


    *Friday 7th September: Year 2 ‘Come to the Circus’ day. You have already received a letter about this day, but to remind: Year 2 will be dressing up as clowns/ringmasters for the day as they start their new IPC Circus topic. Miss Slade is a little phobic of clowns, so you may not see her around the school a lot on Friday, however small they are! J


    Finally- we look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 5th at 8:45am on the playground, we cannot wait to welcome you all back!
