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Please keep up to date with all the news happening in school at the moment and click a headline to read more.

  • Week beginning 30th November 2020

    Sat 28 Nov 2020

    Phonics Screening Test: the week beginning, 7th December, Year 2 children will be sitting their phonics screening check. Under normal circumstances, this would have taken place at the end of Year 1 but due to lockdown, this was not possible. As such, the government have now asked schools to carry out the check, with the children who are currently in Year 2, before we break for Christmas. The check entails asking the children to read a mixture of real words and pseudo (nonsense) words to their class teacher on a 1:1 basis. We will report results to you before Christmas via a letter. The pass mark for the phonics screening check is yet to be announced but historically, this has been 32/40. Any children who do not pass the phonics screening check will continue to receive additional phonics support within school. The test is not timed but most children will complete the check within a 5-10-minute window. If your child is in Year 2 and is taking the test, please click on this link: Parent Workshops | The Hayes Primary School to see a virtual presentation about how this works and what it is. You will find all you need to know in Mrs Farr’s excellent virtual presentation.


    A Surprise: on Friday 4th December, please may we ask you to send your children to school wearing something Christmassy. This is for a little surprise that we will hope to be sharing with you very soon!


    Music Exams: Congratulations to Terry who took his grade 2 piano exam, receiving a massive 127 which is a pass with merit. Also, a massive well done to Sharai, who achieved 118 marks in his grade 1 piano exam – brilliant news and well done to both of you. Thank you to Mr Holland, the boys’ piano teacher, you are a star!


    Inclusion: if you would like to read the most recent newsletter from the Local Authority, aimed for parents and carers who support children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND), please go to this link on our website: november-2020-issue-4-final.pdf (


    Au Revoir: it is with great sadness that I must let you know that at the end of this term we will be saying goodbye to Ms Spinks, a Year 4 teacher, who will be leaving us. Ms Spinks has worked at The Hayes for nearly eight years and during that time has been a committed and hard-working member of our school team who has worked tirelessly to ensure the children in her class and across the school have an excellent quality education. She has run extracurricular activities such as fit club, chess, etc and always supported children on residential journeys. After 20 years of teaching, Ms Spinks has decided to pursue a career change and after successfully completing multiple entry assessments, she will be undertaking training to become a train driver. We will miss her enormously and wish her the best of luck in her future career. To replace Ms Spinks, we are delighted to report that we have employed an excellent teacher called Miss Hale. Miss Hale is an experienced teacher who is very much looking forward to joining our staffing team in January and I trust that you will make her feel welcome in our school community.


    Remembrance Day: if you would like to see our virtual Remembrance Day assembly, please click on the below link and scroll to the Remembrance Day section. The assembly is just below the photo of a whole school assembly which was taken in November 2019: Values | The Hayes Primary School ( Kindness: this is something The Hayes talks to our children about regularly, as I am sure you do too. Throughout the month of December, we are encouraging our children to learn about and practice kindness with The Snowman and The Snowdog in The British Red Cross’ new kindness calendar. Times have been challenging this year, and we have all had to cope with a lot of changes to our lives. The British Red Cross is dedicated to helping create resilient communities, being kind and connected is an important part of resilience. Please click on the following link to access the kindness calendar which we hope will help children see the power and strength of kindness and friendship in supporting themselves and others in overcoming challenges and changes:


    Local Restrictions: as you know, the current national restriction rules are still in place until 2 December and must be followed until they expire. After the 2nd, we will be in Tier 2 (High Alert). This means:

     you must not socialise with anyone you do not live with or who is not in your support bubble in any indoor setting, whether at home or in a public place;

     you must not socialise in a group of more than 6 people outside, including in a garden or a public space – this is called the ‘rule of 6’;

     businesses and venues can continue to operate, in a COVID-Secure manner, other than those which remain closed by law, such as nightclubs;

     pubs and bars must close, unless operating as restaurants. Hospitality venues can only serve alcohol with substantial meals;

     hospitality businesses selling food or drink for consumption on their premises are required to: provide table service only, in premises which sell alcohol, close between 11pm and 5am (hospitality venues in airports, ports, transport services and motorway service areas are exempt), stop taking orders after 10pm;

     hospitality businesses and venues selling food and drink for consumption off the premises can continue to do so after 10pm as long as this is through delivery service, click-and-collect or drivethrough;

     early closure (11pm) applies to casinos, cinemas, theatres, museums, bowling alleys, amusement arcades, funfairs, theme parks, adventure parks and activities, and bingo halls.

     cinemas, theatres and concert halls can stay open beyond 11pm in order to conclude performances that start before 10pm;

     public attendance at outdoor and indoor events (performances and shows) is permitted, limited to whichever is lower: 50% capacity, or either 2,000 people outdoors or 1,000 people indoors;

     public attendance at spectator sport and business events can resume inside and outside, subject to social contact rules and limited to whichever is lower: 50% capacity, or either 2,000 people outdoors or 1,000 people indoors;

     places of worship remain open but you must not socialise with people from outside of your household or support bubble while you are indoors there, unless a legal exemption applies;

     weddings and funerals can go ahead with restrictions on numbers of attendees – 15 people can attend wedding ceremonies and receptions and 30 people can attend funeral ceremonies;

     organised outdoor sport, and physical activity and exercise classes can continue;

     organised indoor sport, physical activity and exercise classes will only be permitted if it is possible for people to avoid mixing with people they do not live with (or share a support bubble with). There are exceptions for indoor disability sport, sport for educational purposes and supervised sport and physical activity for under-18s, which can take place with larger groups mixing;

     you can continue to travel to venues or amenities which are open, but should aim to reduce the number of journeys you make where possible;

     you must continue to follow tier 2 rules when you travel to a tier 1 area. Avoid travel to or overnight stays in tier 3 areas other than where necessary, such as for work, education, youth services, to receive medical treatment, or because of caring responsibilities. You can travel through a tier 3 area as a part of a longer journey;

     for international travel see the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office travel advice for your destination and the travel corridors list


    However, during the Christmas season, up to three households will be able to meet up during a five-day Christmas period of 23 to 27 December, leaders of the four UK nations have agreed. To read more, please click on this link:


    Above all, during this time – please do remain safe.


    Christmas Lunch will take place on 16th December, please can we kindly request you indicate on Parentpay if your child/ren require Christmas lunch on this day (menu is available to view on Parentpay). Those children who are entitled to Free School meals will automatically receive a Christmas lunch. Last day to order is Monday 7th December.


    If your child wishes to learn a musical instrument, please click on the link to apply via the Croydon Music and Arts website


    Below, we are pleased to announce our achievement awards for this week:

    Safari: Preston for settling into school so well and brightening our day by coming in in the morning with a big smile.

    Rainforest: Mireille for wanting to independently complete class activities and challenge herself.

    Class 1: Ayden, for his amazing effort and improvement in his writing.

    Class 2: Summer-Leigh for using her phonics in English this week to write sentences. Class 3: Fabio for writing a great letter, using persuasive language

    Class 4: Jack for always contributing in lessons and creating a lovely fact file about lions.

    Class 5: Romeo for excellent concentration in all lessons. Keep it up!

    Class 6: William for showing a real artistic flair when mixing water colour paints to make different tones

    Class 7: Kieran for wonderful insight and explanation when giving reasons for the behaviour of characters in our story 'Miss Cockroach and Mr Mouse'.

    Class 8: Chloe in Class 8 for being responsible and always trying to be the best that she can be.

    Class 9: Caitlin, Class 9 for making excellence contributions in all lessons.

    Class 10: Hugo for settling in so well to his new class in year 5!

    Class 11: Mariah for successfullypersevering in her fractions work this week.

    Class 12: Zoe for consistently working hard to be the best she can be – a pleasure to teach.

    End of Term Dates:

    11th Xmas Jumper Day (Save the Children)

    14th-18th Head Teacher Celebration Events

    16th Xmas Dinner/wear something Christmassy

    17th Christmas Parties

    18th Break up for Christmas Holiday (1:30pm)


    That just leaves us to say, have a good weekend and stay safe.

    Best wishes

    The Hayes Team

  • Week ending 20th November 2020

    Sat 21 Nov 2020

    Week Ending 20th November 2020
    As we reach the end of another week, we would like to thank those parents who are contributing to keeping everybody safe by wearing their face coverings, using the one-way system and maintaining a distance with others whilst waiting for your children in the playground. We understand that in the past, this has been a great opportunity to chat with other parents but, given the current challenges that we face, we must remind you to maintain a distance and avoid congregating in small groups. This is for everybody’s safety. Additionally, Miss Slade was part of a Local Authority Teams meeting this week and a member of the Health and Safety Executive team spoke about how keeping a 2-metre distance or even 1.5, is far better in terms of reducing the risk of catching coronavirus than wearing a face covering. In other words, we really do need to stick to the social distancing if you are from a different household, even if you are wearing a face mask. Many primary schools in Croydon have had bubbles or year groups closing, or staff that have had to go home which has meant that bubbles need to close; many secondary schools have too. We are fortunate so far in that we have not had a coronavirus case. We really would like to maintain that. Thank you.


    Enclosed is the latest school flowchart and action cards which describe the steps to follow in the case of someone being positive for COVID-19 or being a close contact that you might find helpful.


    Last Friday, Croydon Schools Sports Partnership came into school to organise the KS1/EYFS Cross Country event. The children had a great time and we saw some talented runners. The children cheered each other showing respect and the importance of good sportsmanship too! Well done to all children who took part.


    Anti-Bullying Week: this week was Anti Bullying Week, with the theme United Against Bullying. In our virtual Achievement Assembly today, hosted in Class 3, we come together, and spoke about how we can tackle bullying. All classes have spoken about (age related), the positive power we have when we all come together and say NO. Bullying has a long-lasting effect on people who experience it and see it. By coming together, we can take a stand and make a difference. Many of our children (and adults!) came to school today wearing odd socks because it is an opportunity for us to express ourselves and celebrate our individuality and what makes us all unique! Well done all, you looked great.
    We’re all a piece in the puzzle, and together, we’re united against bullying.



    A Message from the PTA: today, your child went home with raffle tickets. Please return the stubs, money and unwanted tickets in an envelope (preferably with the cuff tucked in as opposed to licked), to the raffle collection box in your child’s class. We will also be selling eco-friendly and animal-friendly Christmas reindeer food – more details to come!


    A Message from Reception Year Group: If you have any spare underwear including socks and tights, please can these be passed to reception via the school office. Thank you.

    News from the office: Your child’s school photographs are available to view and purchase using your unique code found on the leaflet given to your child last Monday.


    On Monday, we welcome a new member of staff to the school. Mrs Staines is joining our team of teaching assistants and will initially start working across Year 3 and 4. We are sure you will make her feel welcome.

    On Wednesday, Year 5 will have a virtual theatre experience to learn about pollution and air quality. This is in support of the work of our Junior Travel Ambassadors. ​

    Regarding Christmas cards, we have contacted the Health and Safety Executive to see if we are safe to share cards with envelopes that need to be licked in order to seal them. This despite leaving them for 72 hours. Please bear with us, we will be in touch! We have many Christmas activities and events planned which will remain a surprise….

    Below, we are pleased to announce our achievement awards for this week:
    Aylin for settling in to school so well, working really hard in her learning and always giving us a wonderful smile and lots of giggles.
    Rainforest: Freddie for growing in confidence and using his sounds to blend new words and for being a kind and fun member of the class.
    Class 1: Ethan for his amazing effort and contributions to maths lessons! 
    Class 2: Emily for always trying her best in every lesson and for being a great role model. 
    Class 3: Kavee for writing a brilliant letter to one of the crayons, giving her opinion on why they shouldn't quit.
    Class 4: Eloisa for trying really hard to join her writing and use commas in her letter. 
    Class 5: Rosie for always being enthusiastic in all lessons.
    Class 6: Zion for contributing well to our Science experiment and showing a good understanding of the results.
    Class 7: Mia for wonderful English work. A wonderful story ending and poem- I'm very proud.
    Class 8: Tomas for persevering to improve his handwriting.
    Class 9: Sharai for making excellent contributions in class discussions.
    Class 10: Eva for her wonderful infinity Park design and fantastic persuasive techniques used to encourage others to visit.  
    Class 11: Veer for fantastic work in fractions and being so patient and willing to help others. 
    Class 12: Joshua for improving his focus in class, he has worked exceptionally hard especially when calculating with fractions and improving his story. Keep it up!

    Thank just leaves us to say, stay safe and thank you for your ongoing support.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    The Hayes Team.

  • Week beginning 16th November 2020

    Thu 19 Nov 2020

    Cross Country: congratulations to our Early Years and Key Stage One runners who participated in the interhouse cross country competition today. They all did a great job and we look forward to announcing the winning house as soon as possible. Our thanks got to Miss Moll and Mrs Gourlay our PE coordinators for organising this event and the Croydon Schools Sports Partnership for their support.

    Remembrance Day: on Wednesday this week, we held a special, virtual Remembrance Day assembly which can be viewed on the website in due course (we are finding an appropriate private platform for it to be linked too because the file is rather large!) We thank all the children and staff who contributed to this special assembly and helped us to reflect and commemorate those fallen soldiers who fought during the wars. We held a minute silence at 11am to pay our respects. Parents Evening: thank you to all of the parent and carers who attended parents evening this week via the new parent booking system.

    Despite some minor technical difficulties, the majority of meetings ran smoothly. If your meeting was affected, your child’s class teacher will be in touch soon to rearrange an appointment if they have not already done so already.


    Photographer: next week we have our school photographer in on Monday. He will be taking individual and sibling photographs, strictly adhering to our COVID-19 risk assessment. Please ensure that your children are in their full school uniform and looking super smart! If your child is in Class 9, please can you ensure that they (and any siblings) are in school by 8:45 so we can arrange for their photographs to be taken before they go swimming at 9:00. If your child is in Year 4 or EYFS, and would usually have PE on Monday, please send your child in to school in uniform rather than PE kits. They may, however, wear their trainers rather than their school shoes to ensure they can have their photograph taken and still participate in the PE lesson, safely. Their feet will not be in the photo!


    Anti-Bullying Week: Monday also marks the start of Antibullying week and the theme for 2020 is 'United Against Bullying'. During the week the children will be writing anti bullying poems and learning about how important it is to show kindness to one another, a message that we promote all year round.


    To mark the end of this week, on Friday 20th November we will be encouraging the children to wear odd socks as a reminder that differences should be celebrated. More information can be found here:


    Nasal Flu Immunisation: on Thursday 19th, for those children whose parents have provided consent, the nasal flu immunisation will be administered in school by the Croydon School Nursing team.


    PE Kit: please may we remind you of our school uniform for PE. Some children have been coming to school with multicoloured hoodies, football kits and stripy leggings. PE - Boys and Girls: indoor and outdoor activities: white shorts, white T-Shirt with logo or plain, plimsolls. Plain dark jogging bottoms for cold weather and grey plain sweatshirt or with logo or burgundy school sweatshirt. Trainers for outdoor PE. Thank you.


    Junior Travel Ambassadors: we welcome our new Year 5 JTAs – congratulations! Jaden, Anabela, Calvin, Sophie and Sebastian. They will be having their first meeting on Thursday lunchtime to start planning Road Safety week which is really soon.


    PTA: a reminder, personalised letters to Santa, personalised novelty 2020 Xmas decorations & Year group Tea Towels are still available to order via Safeguarding: finally, a safeguarding reminder.


    During lockdown, we recognise that many children are spending more time on line than they may have done previously, with many participating in virtual playdates via gaming apps. If you are concerned that your child may be becoming addicted to gaming we would like to sign post you to the following resource which is really helpful in terms of helping you to identify signs of addiction, facilitate a conversation with your child and provide practical solutions about ways to reduce computer usage or lead a gaming detox. Equally, if you would like further support or advice on safeguarding your children from harm linked to excessive gaming including gambling behaviours (obsessions with purchasing ‘skins’ or ‘loot boxes’) please do get in touch with Mrs Olley our Designated Safeguarding Lead who can signpost you to further support.


    Whilst we are fully aware that online gaming can be a source of much enjoyment and social interaction, we ask parents to remember that they can also be used as a platform for children to be exposed to inappropriate content, unsafe people or grooming or exploitation. Please do monitor your children’s usage closely and ensure appropriate parental restrictions are in place. Thank you.


    Achievement Assembly: many congratulations to the children below who received achievement awards during this week’s virtual achievement assembly on Friday: Safari: Tommy for showing what a kind and helpful boy he is and setting a good example to the rest of the class.

    Rainforest: Theia for always challenging herself and being happy to finish class challenges and for always having a huge smile!

    Class 1: Matilda for always being the best she can be in every lesson. Well done. Class 2: Nathan for becoming more confident in class and trying his best. 

    Class 3: Mia for writing a superb newspaper report, including all 5 Ws.

    Class 4: Freya for writing a lovely newspaper article and always being kind to others. Class 5: Annabelle for always staying on task and being a good role model to others. Class 6: Erez, for challenging himself well in maths and producing more written work in English lessons too!

    Class 7: Adam or wonderful narrative writing including excellent use of speech to advance the action- well done!

    Class 8: Darcy for working hard to write his own ending to Varjak Paw.

    Class 9: Reyan, for settling well in to his new school, welcome to The Hayes!

    Class 10: Max for always being focused and ready to start his lessons and contributing more now too!

    Class 11: Sofia for having a brilliant attitude to learning and always offering to help others.

    Class 12: Tom, for continuously bring polite, helpful and hardworking. He has made a great start to year 6 and should be proud of himself.

    Thank just leaves us to say, stay safe and thank you for your ongoing support.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    The Hayes Team.

  • Week Beginning 9th November 2020

    Sat 07 Nov 2020

    Week beginning 9th November 2020
    Congratulations: we would like to begin this week’s bulletin by sharing some happy news and sending our enormous congratulations to Miss Carrier (our teacher in class 3), who got married during the recent half term break. She will now be known as Mrs Gourlay and we are sure you will join us in wishing her, her husband and their son Ryan, many wonderful years together as a family. Congratulations!

    National Covid Alert: as you will be aware, COVID-19 case numbers are rising rapidly across the whole of the UK and in other countries. As a result, the government has acted to control the spread of the virus with new national restrictions. From Thursday 5th November until Wednesday 2nd December, England is under a 28 day period of National Covid Alert which is similar to the circumstances earlier in the year, where advice is to stay home. The key difference is that schools will remain fully open during this time and pupils are expected to attend and to be part of our full curriculum offer. Attached to this bulletin is the most recent poster for parents and carers from the Local Authority, which includes a flow chart- if your child or household have any COVID symptoms.

    The changes from the Government are:
    Meeting Friends and Family:

    *You should stay at home except for specific reasons including education, work (if it can't be done from home), exercise, medical needs, food and other essential shopping and to provide care.
    *You should not mix socially indoors, or in a private garden, with anyone who is not part of your household or support bubble (a support bubble is when a person living alone or with children under 18 joins another household).
    *You can meet one other person at a time from another household, in an outdoors public place (such as a park, a street, countryside, an allotment or a children's playground).
    *Children under five, and disabled people who need round-the-clock care, are not counted towards the limit on two people meeting outside.
    *Children (up until the age of 18) can continue to move between homes if their parents are separated.
    Going to Work:
    *You should work at home if possible.
    *If you have to return to your workplace, your employer must make arrangements for you to work safely.

    Schools and Nurseries:
    *Primary and secondary schools are open, as are nurseries and childcare.
    *If a school has coronavirus cases, local health protection teams will advise what to do.

    Leisure Time:
    *Pubs, restaurants, bars and cafes are closed during the lockdown, except for takeaways.
    *There is no limit on the time allowed for exercise outdoors or, for example, for sitting on a park bench or eating and drinking outside (see rules for meeting family and friends).
    *Leisure facilities such as gyms, tennis and basketball courts, golf courses, fitness and dance studios, climbing walls, archery, and driving and shooting ranges are all closed.
    *Entertainment venues including theatres, concert halls, cinemas, museums and galleries, are all closed.
    *Hotels, hostels, guest houses and campsites are closed except in certain circumstances (such as where they are someone's main residence, or where it is essential to stay there for work purposes).

    *All non-essential shops are closed, including clothing and homeware stores, vehicle showrooms (other than for rental), betting shops and market stalls selling non-essential goods.
    *Click-and-collect services are allowed.
    *Food shops, supermarkets, cycle shops, off-licences, pharmacies, hardware stores, banks, post offices, garden centres and pet shops can remain open.

    *You are not allowed to stay overnight away from your home, whether on holiday, in a second home or caravan, or with anyone you do not live with, or are in a support bubble with.
    *You can still move home, but people outside your household or support bubble should not help with moving house unless absolutely necessary.
    *You can leave home to visit someone who is giving birth or in final stages of life, to avoid or escape risk of injury or harm (such as domestic abuse), to visit someone in a hospice or hospital, to go with them to a medical appointment, or to go to the vets (or other animal welfare services).
    *It is possible to visit friends and family in care homes as long as Covid-secure measures are in place.
    *Weddings and civil partnership ceremonies cannot take place except where one of those getting married is seriously ill and not expected to recover. These weddings are limited to six people.
    *Funerals can be attended by a maximum of 30 people.
    *Apart from funerals, places of worship will only be open to allow individual prayer or services to be broadcast to the congregation.

    Please remember: wash hands, cover face, make space.

    The latest guidance is available on the government website – and we update our school website regularly. You can find information under the News and Dates tab/News.
    If you have any concerns about this period of time, please speak to the school or contact us via and we will be happy to help. Above all, please do stay safe.

    Parents Evening: will be taking place next week on Tuesday 10th and Thursday 12th- remotely. If you have not already done so, please do make an appointment to speak to your child's class teacher, via:

    Remembrance Day: on Wednesday 11th, we will have an opportunity to reflect and remember all those who fought for our country, this via a virtual assembly. We will hold a two minute silence at 11am to remember and honour those who suffered.

    Cross Country: on Friday 13th, weather permitting, the EYFS/KS1 cross country will take place and children will need to wear their PE kits for this event. Additionally, where possible, to include something in their house colours (T-shirt, socks, hairband) as it is an inter-house competition. In the event of inclement weather, the children will complete fitness challenges in the hall instead.

    Anti-Bullying Week: is from Monday 16th – Friday 20th November and the theme this year is ‘United Against Bullying’. On Friday 20th, it will be Odd Socks Day, designed to be fun and an opportunity to encourage us all to express ourselves and celebrate our individuality and what makes us all unique.

    Swimming: despite the government closing public pools, they have said that school swimming lessons, as part of the National Curriculum can take place in a school-owned pool. We are really pleased about this because it means we can continue to teach our children swimming skills which in turn helps their physical and mental health, something that is much needed at present. More information can be read about this on Swim England’s website:

    Please read the below regarding the safety of our pool at all times:
    *We can confirm that our swimming pool environment is COVID safe.
    *Our chlorinated pool water deactivates/kills COVID.
    *Swim England guidance is based on PHE (Public Health Executive) and The Pool Water Advisory Group's (PWTAG) recommendations that states COVID-19 is an enveloped virus that is sensitive to chlorine. With this in mind, it is understood that chlorine is a chemical that when maintained at the correct levels kills COVID-19. The operational guidance from Swim England states: "Pool Operators can state with confidence that Covid-19 should not be transmissible through the swimming pool water if the pool is operated in line with this guidance and that of PWTAG. Covid-19 recommended pool chemical levels free chlorine – min 1.5mg/l pH – 7.0 "
    Our pool is maintained within the recognised parameters that deactivates COVID-19 (see above).
    *The pool is regularly tested throughout the day and ahead of pool use to ensure that the chlorine levels effectively kills COVID.
    *The Pool Water Advisory Group (PWTAG) provides guidance on the ventilation systems within the swimming pool.  The Health and Safety Executive's guidance on swimming pools in the HSG179 document advises that good ventilation within a swimming pool hall must be maintained, which mirrors the advice that the Pool Water Advisory Group (PWTAG) provides on the ventilation systems within the swimming pool and COVID -19. It is important that good ventilation is maintained through air conditioning or ventilation systems and wherever possible through the free flow of fresh air.
    *The Hayes pool, has a ventilation system on poolside which is in use during all lessons and there are procedures in place to also ensure the flow of fresh air into the swimming pool hall and changing areas.
    *Government guidance on social distancing in the swimming pool advise that 3sqm and bather loads can be calculated on this basis. Based on this information the maximum bather load for The Hayes Primary Swimming Pool is 28 individuals. We have 15 children (from the same bubble) in the pool at any one time, significantly lower than what we are actually allowed.
    *Overall, the transmission of COVID is extremely low, with information from Swim England detailed in the link below:
    I hope that this alleviates any fears regarding our children swimming at The Hayes. We are not opening our pool to the public, our pool at present is for The Hayes children. We are teaching our children as part of the National Curriculum (NC) as the government have advised us to do. Therefore as with all other NC subjects, this is a compulsory lesson with no opt out, we have a duty to provide swimming lessons for all our pupils, unless we are advised otherwise by the government. We are in the fortunate position of being able to continue with this element of the curriculum because we have our own pool and do not rely on external sources – thankfully!

    Virtual Tour: for the first time ever, we cannot show prospective parents and carers around our school – this for admissions for Early Years, in September 2021. Because those interested cannot come to us, we will go to them! Please check out our website (Homepage) and click on the Virtual Tour tab which is to the left of the screen, we hope this gives a flavour of our school: Enjoy!


    Action for Happiness: this month's theme is: New Ways November. Despite lockdown, we can always find new ways to keep making progress. Trying out new things can boost our well-being. When we open up to new ideas, it helps us stay curious and engaged, it can bring a sense of accomplishment and help to boost our self-confidence and resilience. There are so many ways to learn new things and this month we're encouraging everyone to find new ways to overcome any frustrating situations. Please find attached to this bulletin, November’s calendar, which we hope will help: ‘You never know what you can do until you try’ C.S Lewis.


    PTA: please find below fliers from our PTA with fund raising initiatives for our school.


    Achievement Assembly: many congratulations to the children below who received achievement awards during this week’s virtual achievement assembly on Friday:
    Safari: Max for always completing every challenge in class and putting 100% effort into his work.
    Rainforest: Michael for always wanting to challenge himself and using his sounds to blend tricky words and for always having a massive smile in the morning!
    Class 1:
    Andrew, for always trying his best in class. 
    Class 2: Katie for being a great role model in class and for fantastic writing this week. 
    Class 3: Summer for confidently solving challenging place value problems.
    Class 4: Ruby for being kind and helpful.
    Class 5:
    Ella or being so brave with a sprained thumb and managing to complete all her work with her less dominant hand.
    Class 6: Alfie for always having a positive attitude towards his work as well as using his initiative well when taking on his new monitor role in class. 
    Class 7: Alex for demonstrating positivity and resilience when faced with challenging tasks and for being a wonderful help around the classroom.
    Class 8:
    Feyza for being enthusiastic in her learning and always presenting her work beautifully.
    Class 9: Liliya for making excellent contributions in maths lessons this week.
    Class 10: Joshua for having the confidence to read out loud during his guided reading session - Well done! 
    Class 11: Max for making positive decisions and taking responsibility for his learning.
    Class 12: Willow for always working to be the best she can be in all areas.

    Thank just leaves us to say, stay safe and thank you for your ongoing support.
    Have a lovely weekend.

    The Hayes Team.
