Week ending 20th November 2020
Week Ending 20th November 2020
As we reach the end of another week, we would like to thank those parents who are contributing to keeping everybody safe by wearing their face coverings, using the one-way system and maintaining a distance with others whilst waiting for your children in the playground. We understand that in the past, this has been a great opportunity to chat with other parents but, given the current challenges that we face, we must remind you to maintain a distance and avoid congregating in small groups. This is for everybody’s safety. Additionally, Miss Slade was part of a Local Authority Teams meeting this week and a member of the Health and Safety Executive team spoke about how keeping a 2-metre distance or even 1.5, is far better in terms of reducing the risk of catching coronavirus than wearing a face covering. In other words, we really do need to stick to the social distancing if you are from a different household, even if you are wearing a face mask. Many primary schools in Croydon have had bubbles or year groups closing, or staff that have had to go home which has meant that bubbles need to close; many secondary schools have too. We are fortunate so far in that we have not had a coronavirus case. We really would like to maintain that. Thank you.
Enclosed is the latest school flowchart and action cards which describe the steps to follow in the case of someone being positive for COVID-19 or being a close contact that you might find helpful.
Last Friday, Croydon Schools Sports Partnership came into school to organise the KS1/EYFS Cross Country event. The children had a great time and we saw some talented runners. The children cheered each other showing respect and the importance of good sportsmanship too! Well done to all children who took part.
Anti-Bullying Week: this week was Anti Bullying Week, with the theme United Against Bullying. In our virtual Achievement Assembly today, hosted in Class 3, we come together, and spoke about how we can tackle bullying. All classes have spoken about (age related), the positive power we have when we all come together and say NO. Bullying has a long-lasting effect on people who experience it and see it. By coming together, we can take a stand and make a difference. Many of our children (and adults!) came to school today wearing odd socks because it is an opportunity for us to express ourselves and celebrate our individuality and what makes us all unique! Well done all, you looked great.
We’re all a piece in the puzzle, and together, we’re united against bullying.
A Message from the PTA: today, your child went home with raffle tickets. Please return the stubs, money and unwanted tickets in an envelope (preferably with the cuff tucked in as opposed to licked), to the raffle collection box in your child’s class. We will also be selling eco-friendly and animal-friendly Christmas reindeer food – more details to come!
A Message from Reception Year Group: If you have any spare underwear including socks and tights, please can these be passed to reception via the school office. Thank you.
News from the office: Your child’s school photographs are available to view and purchase using your unique code found on the leaflet given to your child last Monday.
On Monday, we welcome a new member of staff to the school. Mrs Staines is joining our team of teaching assistants and will initially start working across Year 3 and 4. We are sure you will make her feel welcome.
On Wednesday, Year 5 will have a virtual theatre experience to learn about pollution and air quality. This is in support of the work of our Junior Travel Ambassadors.
Regarding Christmas cards, we have contacted the Health and Safety Executive to see if we are safe to share cards with envelopes that need to be licked in order to seal them. This despite leaving them for 72 hours. Please bear with us, we will be in touch! We have many Christmas activities and events planned which will remain a surprise….
Below, we are pleased to announce our achievement awards for this week:
Safari: Aylin for settling in to school so well, working really hard in her learning and always giving us a wonderful smile and lots of giggles.
Rainforest: Freddie for growing in confidence and using his sounds to blend new words and for being a kind and fun member of the class.
Class 1: Ethan for his amazing effort and contributions to maths lessons!
Class 2: Emily for always trying her best in every lesson and for being a great role model.
Class 3: Kavee for writing a brilliant letter to one of the crayons, giving her opinion on why they shouldn't quit.
Class 4: Eloisa for trying really hard to join her writing and use commas in her letter.
Class 5: Rosie for always being enthusiastic in all lessons.
Class 6: Zion for contributing well to our Science experiment and showing a good understanding of the results.
Class 7: Mia for wonderful English work. A wonderful story ending and poem- I'm very proud.
Class 8: Tomas for persevering to improve his handwriting.
Class 9: Sharai for making excellent contributions in class discussions.
Class 10: Eva for her wonderful infinity Park design and fantastic persuasive techniques used to encourage others to visit.
Class 11: Veer for fantastic work in fractions and being so patient and willing to help others.
Class 12: Joshua for improving his focus in class, he has worked exceptionally hard especially when calculating with fractions and improving his story. Keep it up!
Thank just leaves us to say, stay safe and thank you for your ongoing support.
Have a lovely weekend.
The Hayes Team.