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Week beginning 5th July

Week beginning 5th July 2021

As we enter the final month of the school year we still have much to fit in and this week we are celebrating a whole school ‘Science week’. The children will have and have already had, the opportunity to take part in a range of practical experiments throughout the week. We are thrilled that we have been able to book the science company ‘EurekaSeekers’ as part of our ‘Science Week’. EurekaSeekers provide awe-inspiring school workshops which inspire young people to develop a passion for learning, experimenting and scientific investigation.

So that we can make sure every child in the school is able to take part in a science workshop during ‘Science Week’, we kindly ask for a donation of £1 per child so that this amazing opportunity is possible. If you have not already made this contribution and are able to, please make your donation on ParentPay.

We have now rearranged our sports day and are keeping everything crossed that the rain stays away. EYFS and KS1 will be on Monday 12th July and KS2 will be on Friday 16th July. Please can your child come to school on this day in their PE kits wearing an item in their team colour. This could be a T-shirt, pair of socks, head band etc.

In our mission to ensure we are an anti-racist organisation we would like to seek the views of our community members. You will shortly be receiving a link to a parent questionnaire via email and we would be grateful if you can give us your honest feedback. 

Please may we give some polite reminders. To keep everybody safe, we continue to operate a one-way system for dropping off and collecting your children (unless you are medically exempt). We are also asking all parents to ensure they are wearing a face covering whilst on our premises. A small minority of parents are disregarding these important safety measures and we politely remind you that they must be adhered to whilst on our site. We are doing all we can to avoid any more bubble closures and will continue in this way until the end of this summer term. In September, we hope to be starting the new year, following the new government guidance, a letter will be sent to you when the guidance is published- towards the end of August. We live in hope that bubbles will be a thing of the past! Thank you for your cooperation.

May we also remind you that parking on the zig zag lines outside of school or in front of a neighbour's driveway is strictly prohibited by law and those who ignore this are putting our children’s safety at risk and frustrating our neighbours. Inconsiderate parking at the beginning of the school day will lead to an accident where someone could be seriously hurt. Please park responsibly. ​Thank you.

Photos of the science week will be on the website in due course.

Please stay safe.

The Hayes Team
