Week Beginning 16th September 2019
Week Beginning 16th September 2019
What a great first full week we have had back at school. Less than a fortnight in and we have already seen so much learning and fun taking place! Today the ‘circus came to town’ for the children in Year 2 who all looked fantastic in their costumes and the children in Year 4 strutted along the catwalk for the launch of their topic on fashion. We have also had great fun getting to know our wonderful new Reception cohort and their families who we can already see are going to be great additions to our school community.
Please note, the ‘Important dates’ document on our website has been updated, please check. Class 11 assembly has been moved from the 2nd of October to the 11th due to a clash with a local secondary school open morning. They will now be talking the Harvest Festival. French day has changed from 18th Sept to the 24th.
Here’s what’s coming up next week…
On Monday, our Reception children start school full time. The doors open at 8:45 and registration is at 9:00 and they can be collected at 3:05. As of next week, please use the entrance through the black gates rather than dropping off at the office. Thank you. You should have received a copy of the lunch menu in your child’s book bag this week. It is really helpful if you can go through the options for the day with your child before school to speed up the process of taking orders. Thank you. Monday is also ‘National Teaching Assistants’ day where we celebrate the work of our fantastic support staff who all do so much to support teaching and learning in our school. We are so lucky to have such a great team!
Infant choir resumes on Monday for those children who have reserved a space on ParentPay. Unfortunately this club is now fully booked. The children will go to choir straight after school and need to be collected from outside the music room at 4:15. We thank Mrs Yates for running this extra-curricular activity in her own time.
Junior Choir also resumes on Tuesday next week from 3:10 to 4:20. Additional information has been sent to those participating in a letter from Miss Slade who leads this extra-curricular club.
On Friday we are Supporting Jeans for Genes Day. ‘Jeans for Genes’ is a charity that raises essential funds for children suffering with genetic disorders. All children and staff at The Hayes are invited to wear a pair of jeans in place of their usual school trousers or skirt (the rest of the school uniform should be worn including school shoes) for a donation of £1 to be given to their class teachers. All of the monies raised go directly to the charity to support vulnerable children in the UK who are affected by genetic disorders. There will be a whole school assembly on Friday to raise children’s awareness further of why they are wearing jeans and who their money will help.
Please can we remind all parents and carers that we value the home school partnership and know that when we work closely together the children will benefit. If at any point you have any worries or concerns that you wish to discuss, please speak to your child’s class teacher as a first port of call.
We currently have spaces for children wishing to learn the violin with Mrs Aldren on a Friday. If you are interested in a space for your child, please pop into the school office to discuss.
We are in the process of reviewing the children who participate in our preschool Lexia club. We will let you know when this club will recommence and inform you if your child has been selected to participate.
Following the success of our fireworks display last year we will be running this event again this year. You will have already received a separate email with more information about this event. The tickets will go on sale on Monday 16th September at 7am and based on last year’s experience, these sell out very quickly! Due to health and safety guidelines ticket numbers are strictly limited. All tickets need to be purchased via our PTA events page (link below). No tickets will be sold on the door. https://www.pta-events.co.uk/thehayes
Have a wonderful weekend. See you on Monday!