Week Beginning 11th November
Week Beginning 11th November 2013…
Thank you to all those who supported the Link Romania Shoe box appeal. With your help we managed to collect 68 filled shoe boxes. They were collected yesterday and are now in the process of being transported to help make a family who have very little very happy this Christmas! Your kindness and generosity is appreciated.
If you have not already done so today, please remember to make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher to discuss your child’s learning and progress. Parents teacher meetings will take place on Tuesday 12th (3:30-5:00) and Wednesday 13th (3:30-8:00) this week. During these evenings we shall be putting out our annual parent questionnaire. Please collect one and fill it in. Your feedback is appreciated and helps us to continue our successes and build on ways to improve in the future. You can submit completed questionnaires on the evening and put them in the collection box in the main entrance or complete them over the weekend and return them to us by Monday 18th November.
Tuesday 12th is also our PTA shopping event held in the hall. Please do come along for a great opportunity to start your Christmas shopping!
On Thursday afternoon, the school nurse will be carrying out height and weight checks with our Year 6 pupils.
On Friday, the children in Class 10 will be leading our school assembly. If you have a child in this class and wish to join us for this event, please come to the hall for a 10:15 start.
Finally, our new website goes live today. We are still in the process of updating some of the information but hopefully most of what you need is already there. Let us know what you think on your parent questionnaires! Thank you!