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Week beginning 25th November

Week Beginning 25th November

This week we were informed that we have been awarded the Healthy Schools London Gold Award. The highest award! In addition to holding the Silver Award, we had to show how we have engaged the wider community, and supported others to help children maintain a healthy weight, healthy lifestyle and wellbeing. In the next few weeks, we will receive a letter of congratulations from Deputy Mayor, Joanne McCartney and a certificate. We will also have a new Healthy Schools logo to add to our growing list of awards on our letter footer – please watch out for it! That just leaves us to say a massive thank you to our children who played a large part in achieving Gold and our Healthy Schools team, led fantastically by Mrs Shaikh.


On Tuesday, we had a fabulous assembly led by the children in Class 7 who reminded everybody about the UNICEF Rights of Every Child. We reflected on how lucky we are to have an education, clean water and safety which many children across the world do not. Thank you to the children in Class 7 for this wonderful reminder. Our School Improvement Partner also attended (every school in Croydon has someone in this role) and she was very impressed with the content, maturity of the class in delivering the assembly and also the respectful attitudes of the children listening, who asked thoughtful questions. Well done all!


The children in Year 5 had a great day out at the National History museum and despite arriving back slightly later than anticipated due to heavy traffic, the children were full of positive feedback and excitement from the brilliant day out that they had.


Congratulations to Elina in class 9 who won our times tables rock stars competition and was awarded with a certificate and trophy in assembly.


Thank you also to all of the families who came to our book fair. In total we sold £1041.77 worth of books and as a result are set to receive approximately £600 commission which we will be using to buy a selection of new and exciting books for our class book corners. Thank you so much for your support which enables us to further promote a love of reading amongst our children.


*Tomorrow, we are hosting our SEND coffee morning from 9:15 to 10:40 and will be joined for part of this meeting by our SALT (Speech and Language Therapist). If you have a child with known SAL difficulties or are concerned about your child in this regard, then please do come along and join us for an opportunity to talk informally to the speech therapist or a member of our inclusion team about your concerns. We welcome all parents who feel they may be struggling with any additional needs even if your child is not on our SEND register as feedback from parents who have attended previous events has indicated that the opportunity to discuss every day challenges with others experiencing similar issues invaluable.


*On Tuesday our Reception children are going on their ‘Wellie Walk’ and will need to remember to wear their wellies and wrap up warm with a coat, hat, gloves and scarf! They will also need to remember to bring their school shoes in their book bags to change into when they get back to school. Year R will enjoy using their senses to learn more about autumn and using natural materials to build their own dens! Exciting!

Also on Tuesday, the children in Key Stage 2 will have a road safety assembly which we hope will help them to stay safe on and around roads by improving their awareness of risks and hazards. On that note, please can we ask parents to watch their children carefully on the way to and from school. On Wednesday morning we had a very near miss where a parent in a car almost hit a child who stepped out into the road. Thank you for your efforts to ensure our children’s safety.


*On Wednesday, our Year One children will be visited by a toy maker who will spend the day talking about old Victorian toys and how they were made. We are sure they will be fascinated. The children will also have the opportunity to make their own toys.

*On Thursday, the children in Year 4 will be climbing inside the Space Dome to learn all about their new IPC topic which is Time and Place, Earth and Space. We have no doubt that they will love this amazing opportunity during which they will tour the solar system and beyond and learn about space exploration and moon landings.

*Liam from the Croydon Schools Sports Partnership (CSSP), who took over from David Smith, will be in team teaching PE with the Year 5 teachers. The children enjoy working alongside an expert in their field.

*After school there is a netball match verses Christchurch at home. We wish the team the best of luck! Be the best you can be!

*At 3:30 on Friday, our boys’ football team have a match at home against Beaumont. We also wish them lots of luck. Go team Hayes!


Further to the letter emailed to parents last week, on Thursday 5th December we will be collecting the ‘Phil the Bag’ donations at school. Please bring any donations of clothing, shoes, handbags, curtains, hats, belts, towels and household linens to the school by 9:00 am. It is a perfect, hassle free opportunity to clear some space before Christmas. The school receives 90p per kilo which will all be invested in the children. No donations will be accepted before this date due to lack of storage.  Thank you.


Thank you for your swimming donations so far. We have received donations on behalf of 246/412 of the children on roll through either instalments or payment in full so a huge thank you to those families who have paid, we are really grateful. However, this means that we are yet to receive a donation from 166 children meaning we are currently £9130 short of our anticipated swimming pool income. If you are yet to make a donation, we would be extremely grateful if you could log on to parent pay and do so. Failure to receive adequate donations from our families puts our pool at risk of closure as we are unable to subsidise the running of this wonderful facility via the main school budget. Thank you in anticipation of your donations.


And, last but by no means least, on Saturday we are holding our Christmas Fair. Many hours of planning have been spent by our wonderful PTA to ensure that we are all set to have an AMAZING day! We thank you all for your many donations that help to make the fair a great success and to all of those parents and carers who have agreed to run a stall. The fair takes place from 12:00 until 3:00 and we would LOVE to see you there.

See you all tomorrow!
