Week Beginning 18th November 2019
Here's what's coming up next week...
*It's Maths Week. The children who participated in the timestable rockstars challenge will find out which class and which child won the competition. During the week the children will be participating in problem solving activities and take part in some special maths assemblies. Our focus will be on promoting a love of number and solving challenges.
*Year 6 and Reception Height and weight checks take place on Monday with visiting NHS staff. The outcomes of these checks are not shared with the school but will be shared directly with you via the post.
*The girls have an away football match at Atwood after school and we wish them the best of luck!
*On Tuesday we host our second reception open morning. If you have a child due to start school in Reception in September 2020, please phone the office to book a space at our open morning where you can come along to a talk from Miss Slade, our Headteacher and receive a tour of the school.
*On Tuesday after school there is a netball match against Kenley at home. Again, we wish the team the best of luck!
*On Wednesday the children in Year 4 are leading their class assembly to parents. If your child is in this class you are warmly invited to attend at 9:15 in the hall. We hope you can make it.
*Year 5 are visiting the Natural History Museum on Thursday to support their learning on Ancient civilisations.
*On Friday afternoon we are hosting our open afternoon. Please do come along from 2:15 to visit your child's classroom and view the children's learning. After you have seen your child's work, you are welcome to take them home. Where possible, we ask that you refrain from bringing buggies into the classroom as they can become very crowded during this event. Thank you.
*At 3:30pm, there is a football match at home between The Hayes girls' team and Selsdon Primary School. We wish them the best of luck.
Finally, here are a few festive reminders to ensure you have plenty of notice:
1) The children should all come home today with the Christmas Fair Raffle tickets. As per the norm, they are £1 each and we ask for parents to please sell them to friends and family. If all monies and ticket stubs can be returned to the PTA Box in the office no later than Wednesday 27th November. Any unsold tickets we ask that these be returned too so we can sell them at the fair (taking place on the 29th November 30th).
2) The children will also come home with a brown envelope and hopefully a slip which explains what they are for (`find a fiver stall'). Each envelope needs to be filled with loose change of any value up to £1. These too need to be returned to the PTA box no later than Wednesday 27th Nov.
3) Please also see the attached poster for the Fund Matching & Silent Auction gifts.
4) On the last day of term there will be a Christmas fancy dress /mufti day. This can be a Christmas fancy dress costume, a Christmas jumper or something as simple as a piece of tinsel around the wrist!
5) Breakfast with Santa will take place on the 9th December from 8:00. Tickets will soon go on sale from the PTA and sell out quickly.
6) On Wednesday 11th December we have a pantomime company coming in to entertain the children. We thank the PTA for funding this for the children.
7) The dates and times for the Christmas performances are as follows: Reception: 9th of December 1:45- 2:45, Year 1: 10th of December 1:45-2:45 (please note date change due to general election), Year 6 Drama Club and Junior Choir: 17th December 6:00pm, Xmas Jumper Day and school Christmas dinner on the 18th Dec and Years 2-6 Carol singing: 19th December 3:00 in the playground (on the raised area).
REMINDER: School is CLOSED to children on the 12th December due to our facilities being used for polling in the general election.
School closes to children for the Christmas holidays at 1:30 on Friday December 20th.
Thank you for your ongoing support. Have a lovely weekend.