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  • Week Beginning 18th April 2017

    Fri 31 Mar 2017

    Week Beginning 18th April


    Today is the last day of the spring term and once more we would like to wish you a very restful Spring Break. The children are due back in school on the 18th April and here’s what’s coming up the week you return to school and some advance notice of summer term events!


    Further to the bulletin last week, we are now able to confirm the arrangements for class 10 cover (x 2days a week). After Easter Mrs Draper will be teaching the children on a Monday and Tuesday. Ms. Saunders will continue to teach the class for three days, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Mrs Draper is a highly experienced teacher who is very well known to the children having worked at the school for eleven years. We are confident that these new arrangements will ensure the children continue to receive an excellent education and make good progress.


    We would like to express our ENORMOUS thank you and well done to all those who have supported our comic relief fundraising. If you still have outstanding sponsorship money at home please send it in to us as soon as possible so we can pass it on to the charity. So far we have raised a staggering £2780.68 and this figure is set to rise! Incredible!


    We welcome the children back to school for a 9:00am start on TUESDAY 18th April. On this day we will be hosting a first aid course for parents in the ICT suite. If you are interested in finding out more about this event please speak to Jo Doble, Chair of the PTA who can let you know if there is any further availability.


    Auditions take place on Wednesday and Thursday for our ‘Hayes Got Talent’ Competition. Good luck to all children auditioning. We do wish that we could let everybody through to the final concert but sadly this is not possible because if we did the concert would run until midnight! We are very proud of all children who have the confidence to audition for this show regardless if they make it through to the final evening or not!


    Advance notice of some upcoming events this term…

    • Arts week begins on Monday 24th of April with a Jazz theme! On the Friday of this week you are welcome to come into the Playground slightly earlier to watch (or join in with, if you wish) a whole school line dance to finish off the week!
    • There will be an SEN coffee morning coming up on 25th April.
    • We will be hosting an art gallery after school on Wednesday 26th of April (all children will be exhibiting art work at the gallery in the hall. If you would like to buy the framed piece of art, it will be £8.50
    • 27th April, Class 2 Assembly (9:15) and Rainforest trip to Pizza Express.
    • 28th April Hayes Got Talent competition at 6:30pm
    • Week beginning 1st of May- swimming watching week.
    • 3rd May Class 10 Assembly to parents at 9:15 in the school hall.
    • 5th May Year 3 School Trip to Butser Farm.
    • 8th May- KS2 SATs week.
    • 11th May Class 1 Assembly in the hall at 9:15.
    • 12th May at 9:00 there will be a parent workshop in the hall on how we as a school promote the ‘Fundamental British Values’ that is now a statutory requirement for all schools.
    • 24th May Class 6 Assembly to parents at 9:15.


    Finally, some points for clarification from the Important School Dates 2016-2017 Document that was sent out at the start of the year.

    • Sports day has been scheduled for 30th June. For those of you wishing to attend we can confirm that this will be juniors (Year 3-6) in the morning and Infants in the afternoon.
    • The open evening scheduled for the 11th July will actually be an Open Afternoon, from 2:15pm.
    • And lastly, as many of you will be aware, in the past, we have often been used as a polling station at some point in May. Consequently we saved an INSET day for this purpose to avoid having to close the school twice, once for INSET and once for Polling. This week we have been informed that we will not be used for polling this year. Therefore we have now set our final INSET day for the year for the 26th May. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but hope that by giving you almost two months’ notice you will have enough time to make childcare arrangements if necessary. We have tagged this onto the start of the May half term in an attempt to minimise disruption to parents. It is essential that this takes place to ensure that our staff receive their full allocation of 5 days in service training sessions that they are entitled to throughout the course of the year. This means the last day of the first half of the summer term for children will be Thursday 25th May 2017.


    We thank you for your ongoing support and have a restful and fantastic holiday.

  • Week Beginning 27th March 2017

    Fri 24 Mar 2017

    They say time flies when you are having fun and somehow the final week of the spring term is upon us! Here is what’s coming up…


    Firstly a huge thank you to all those who supported our Red Nose day fund raising on Friday. We will soon confirm how much we managed to raise for this worthwhile charity. Look out for photos on Twitter and the school website too!


    We begin the week with some Easter celebrations. Our annual Egg rolling competition takes place on Tuesday. If your child would like to participate they must bring a HARD BOILED egg to school. They will be given the opportunity to roll their egg down a drain pipe and the owners of the eggs that travel the furthest distance will be awarded a prize! Thank you to the PTA for organising this and providing the prizes.


    There will also be an opportunity for the children to show off their creative talents by decorating an egg for our ‘Easter Egg’ creations competition. This could be simply painting it with a pattern or turning an egg into a more extravagant creation…for ideas, please see The Hayes PTA Facebook page with examples of entries from last year. There will be prizes awarded to the winning designs in each year group. Please can we remind everybody that the winning designs are always the eggs that are clearly the children’s own work. Thank you again to our PTA for funding these prizes. Entries to this competition should be brought into school on Tuesday 28th of March at the start of the school day.


    Wednesday is an exciting day for our Year 5 children as they head off to Carroty Wood for their residential journey. We are sure they will have a brilliant time and be excellent ambassadors for the school while they are away. We look forward to welcoming them back on Friday. Our thanks go to the staff who have kindly agreed to attend this visit and look after your children around the clock ensuring that their primary experience is full of great memories and moments of awe and wonder!


    Friday is the last day of the Spring term and we finish for the Easter break at normal time. We also bid a temporary farewell to Mrs Derodra who begins her maternity leave. We wish her good luck with the forthcoming birth and will share the happy news when baby Derodra arrives! In her absence, we are delighted to inform you that Mrs Lishmund has kindly agreed to teach class 12 full time to see them through their forthcoming SATs. Mrs Lishmund currently teaches in the class one day a week and has already developed a good rapport with the children. Obviously this will impact on her responsibilities in Year 5. We are in the process of finalising arrangements for class 10 and hope to be able to confirm these next week. We are confident that the arrangements are putting in place will ensure that all children in the classes affected will continue to make good progress.


    With sadness, we also bid farewell to Mrs Norris who is leaving The Hayes to start a new job in the secondary sector. She has contributed enormously to the school over the four and a half years that she has been part of the team working in a variety of roles. In particular she has made a huge contribution to The Arts leading KS1 music for some time and supporting the Year 6 drama club. We thank her for her hard work, will miss her enormously and wish her all the best in her new role.


    May we take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and restful Spring break. We look forward to welcoming you back to school on Tuesday 18th of April.

  • Week beginning 20th March

    Fri 17 Mar 2017


    Firstly, a HUGE congratulations to the children who took part this week in the Infant and Junior CSMA concerts. They performed incredibly well and we have received a huge amount of positive feedback from parents who attended the concert. Well done to all of the children involved and enormous thanks to Mrs Yates and Mrs Shaikh who rehearsed and supported the Infant concert and to Mrs Field and Mrs Olley who supported the junior concert. A very special thank you and well done goes to Miss Slade who not only rehearsed our junior choir but the whole junior festival and conducted the concert on the evening!


    Well done to our swimmers involved in the tournament yesterday at Trinity, coming 4th place! We are so proud of you. Well done also to Mrs Einecker, our amazing swimming teacher.


    On Monday our Year one children have a fun filled day with an Indian workshop which links to their IPC topic of ‘Super Humans’ which focuses on the importance of dance and exercise and their RE curriculum where they have been learning about Hinduism and international culture. They will have the opportunity to learn about aspects of the Indian culture and take part in many fun activities including learning and performing an Indian dance to which parents of children in class one and two are invited to watch at 2:35pm. Please do come along and enjoy!


    We also wish good luck to the Year 5 netball team who are taking part in a tournament on Wednesday afternoon. They have done especially well this season and hope this continues…good luck team!


    In the evening Mrs Richardson’s creative dance group will be performing at Trinity School. This begins at 7pm. We wish the dancers taking part good luck and can’t wait to see the show!


    Our Book fair begins on Monday 20th March and will run to the 22nd. The children will be given an opportunity to view the books available prior to this event. Books will be on sale after school in the ICT suite/music room. Any books sold will raise commission for the school and this will be invested in books for the class book corners. We thank you in advance of your support of this event.


    On Wednesday, we host another class assembly. This time it will be led by Class 12. If you are a parent of a child in this class then please do join us in the school hall at 9:15 to watch your child’s special assembly. We look forward to seeing you there!


    At 12:30 on Wednesday our school council are meeting for their final meeting of the Spring Term. If your child is their class rep, please do remind them to have an early lunch on this day. The council are extremely proactive and are doing a wonderful job this year in making sure that the children in our school have a voice, that their opinions and ideas are listened to and that we support a democratic society! Well done reps, we are very proud of you.


    In anticipation of Mothers’ Day on the 26th March we are hosting our very own Mothers’ Day breakfast on Thursday the 23rd March. Please do come along at the following times to enjoy a special breakfast with your children.

    8:00 am- Reception

    8:20 Year 1 and 2

    8:40 Year 3 and 4

    9:00 Year 5 and 6

    If you have siblings in different year groups, please chose one of the slots and attend with all of your children so you can celebrate the occasion as a family.


    We end the week with our Red Nose Day celebrations. You will have received letters already about the sponsored events taking place in each class. Please may we remind you that your child can come to school dressed in red if they pay one pound. The ‘best dressed’ in each class will be awarded a prize from Miss Slade! In addition, there will be the opportunity to throw a cream pie in the face of various members of staff for the bargain price of just £1! The children will be told on Monday morning which members of staff will be participating in this event so they can begin to make their decisions! All monies raised from this event will go to directly to Comic Relief to support families in need in England and Abroad. There will be an assembly held to ensure the children fully understand the reasons behind their fundraising. We would like to thank you in advance of your support and in anticipation of your generosity. Your kindness will make a big difference to the lives of many. Unfortunately we are sold out of all red noses.


    Finally, a polite reminder: There have been a small number of incidents reported in which parents of children in Reception and KS1 have been trying to enter the building in the mornings at the start of the school day. Unfortunately, at this time, it is not possible to allow parents into the classroom as the teachers have already begun teaching and we are trying to promote the children’s levels of independence. We take safeguarding of our school very safely and anyone wishing to enter the school building during the school day must go via the school office where they will be signed in if appropriate. Our members of staff on the door are more than happy to take a message for you to pass on to the class teacher if this is needed. Thank you for adhering to our safeguarding arrangements.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  • Week beginning 13th March 2017

    Fri 10 Mar 2017


    What a fantastic Friday we all had with the author Jeremy Strong. We hope your children came home buzzing with excitement and that a few may have been inspired be an author as they grow up! Thank you to the PTA for funding this excellent opportunity for our children.


    Coming up this week…

    On Monday night we wish good luck to our Infant children as they perform in the annual CSMA concert at Trinity School. We are sure that if you have purchased a ticket for this event then you are in for a real treat! Our thanks go to Mrs Yates who has worked hard to prepare the children for this event and to the parent volunteers who have supported many rehearsals. We are very proud of all of the children taking part and wish them the best of luck!

    Hopefully you will also be aware that this week we are hosting our Spring Term Parent/ Teacher Meetings. If you have not done so already then please do log on to the school website to book a slot with your child's class teacher to find out all about how they are getting on at school and how you can support their next steps in learning at home. The Early meeting takes place on Tuesday with appointments finishing at 5:00 and the late meeting is on Thursday with appointments until 8:00pm. At The Hayes we massively value the home school partnership and thank our parents for the ongoing support they give to the school and the children. We look forward to seeing you at this event.

    On Tuesday, Year 4 are heading off to the Natural History Museum. We are sure they will have great fun!

    On Wednesday, our Year 4 children are leading a Sound start assembly to the rest of KS2 where they get to show off what brilliant musicians they have become over the course of the year. BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE! And in the evening the Junior CSMA singers are set to WOW their audience in their evening concert at Trinity School. They have been rehearsing tirelessly for the last few weeks with Miss Slade and are more than ready to dazzle in their final performance. Tickets can be purchased from the school office at £5 each. We wish them the best of luck and know they will be absolutely fantastic! Well done to all of the children involved. We are very proud of you.


    On Thursday David from the Croydon Schools Sports Partnership is in school teaching our Year 5 sports leaders how to lead games and activities with children in Years one and two. We are sure they will all have great fun.


    On Saturday 18th we wish good luck to all our cross country runners taking part in the event at Woodcote School.


    Be The Best You Can Be!

  • February 2017 Newsletter

    Sat 04 Mar 2017
  • Week Beginning Monday 6th March 2017

    Fri 03 Mar 2017

    What a fantastic book week we have had. Well done to all of the children (and parents) for the amazing costumes we saw yesterday. The children all looked fantastic, had great fun and enjoyed many opportunities to read for pleasure! Miss Slade will upload photos of the children enjoying book week to our school website over the course of next week so make sure you keep your eye on the gallery page! You can also find some fantastic photographs on the school’s Twitter account.


    Coming up next week…


    Infant choir will be on after school on Monday.


    Good luck to our Yr. 6 netball team who are taking part in a tournament at Croydon High on Tuesday afternoon. Their amazing teamwork and determination has led to great success so far this year! Junior Choir will take place on Tuesday after school for The Hayes Choir only.


    On Wednesday morning we look forward to welcoming parents and carers of children in class 5 to join us for a special class assembly being held in the hall at 9:15. Please do come along and join us if you are free.


    In the afternoon on the 8th, there will be an Infant CSMA rehearsal at West Thornton Primary Academy with an estimated time of arrival back at school of 3:30.


    There is an area rehearsal at the school for the Junior children until 3:30 at The Hayes on Thursday afternoon.


    And finally, on Friday the famous author Jeremy Strong is visiting the school! He will be leading a series of workshops for the children who are very excited to meet him. He will also be hosting a book signing and meet and greet from 2:30pm at the Infants’ entrance. This will be available to the first 100 people who purchase a choice of Jeremy’s books via . The cost of the signed book is £4.00.


    Have a fantastic weekend!
