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  • Week Beginning 14th July 2014

    Fri 11 Jul 2014

    Well done to Class 3 and Class 9 who have both led two fabulous assemblies for the whole school this week.  We really enjoyed watching and learning so much from them.  Also well done to our Kwik Cricket team, who finished within the top 4 teams in the county at yesterday's cricket event.  What a marvellous achievement.


    Week Beginning 14th July 2014


    I really can’t believe that this is our last full week at school this year, as we finish for the summer holidays the following week on 23rd July at 1.30pm. 


    We are delighted that the children will be meeting our new Headteacher, Miss Larkham, on Monday and will also meet their new class teachers on this day.  They will also be taking home with them their annual reports, please may we request that parents endeavour to return the acknowledgement slip with their comments by the end of term.  If any parents would like to meet with their class teacher to discuss the content of their report further, please approach them directly to make an appointment at a mutually convenient time.


    A reminder from the PTA that the last day for the barbecue replies will be Monday 14th July.


    There is a half price book fair at school on Tuesday 15th July and Wednesday 16th July.


    On Tuesday our Year 1 children are all visiting Gatton Park.  We hope they have a super day and the weather stays dry for them.


    The PTA have asked if we could request that everybody ensures they hand in their labels, coloured card and money back by Wednesday 16th July for the end of term collections for the teachers.


    On Wednesday we have guests visiting our assembly from Purley Library to talk to all of the children about the Croydon Book Trail.  We do hope that many of you will continue to take part in this wonderful reading opportunity for your children across the summer holidays.


    This week the children will all have an opportunity to watch final dress rehearsals of the Year 6 Production, The Wizard of Oz, before their performance to parents on Thursday Evening. 


    On Thursday 17th July the Year 6 children will perform their end of year production at 7.00pm in the school hall.  The Year 6 performance is being videoed by Mark Rogers, we also would be grateful if those parents would let us know if they require a DVD of the evening. The cost of the DVDs are £10 and a text has already been sent out earlier this week asking people to confirm whether they are interested. Please e-mail


    Thank you for your continued support, have a lovely weekend.

  • Week Beginning 7th July 2014

    Tue 08 Jul 2014
    Firstly thank you and huge congratulations to our dedicated PTA for organising such a wonderful summer fair last Saturday. It was lovely to see such an amazing range of stalls and activities for the children to join in with. Well done to our Music and Movement Dance group who showed great resilience in continuing to perform with such beaming smiles despite the rain and to their parents who were all prepared to stay and support them in this. Thank you.

    Also congratulations to all of Year 4 children who amazed us all in their Soundstart Music concert this week, they have achieved so much learning an instrument in just one year and we are very proud of them all.

    Week Beginning 7th July 2014

    This week it is `Money Week' at The Hayes. All children will be developing and improving their mathematical knowledge and understanding through money related activities this week. Also the children will be learning about the impact of money on people's lives and considering how to become financially responsible.

    On Monday 7th July we are very grateful to one of our Governors, Reverend Chris Thompson who will be leading our school assembly.

    On Wednesday 9th July all our Reception children will be having a rainbow party at school to celebrate their achievements as part of their reward systems in class. We hope all of our Rainforest and Safari children enjoy their special afternoon.

    Also on Wednesday Class 3 will be leading our assembly at 2.30pm. Please join us in the hall at 2.30pm for this if your child is in Mrs Duckett's class.

    The school is closed on Thursday 10th July due to industrial action.

    On Friday 11th July Class 9 will be leading our class assembly at 10.15am. If your child is in Mr Blundell's class and you do wish to join us for this event please come to the school hall at 10.15am.

    A final reminder that if you wish to make any contributions to Mrs Cook's message book or donations for her retirement, please do this ASAP. We are finalising a special message/memory book as a retirement gift for her, as she will be sadly leaving The Hayes at the end of this term. If you or your child would like to submit a message, poem, photo or letter, please send this in to the school office on an A4 piece of paper. If you would like to contribute to the school collection please send your donation into the office in a sealed envelope labelled Mrs Cook's collection. Your name will then be added to a retirement card along with all other contributories!

    Also as a reminder we have told the children that loom bands are not to be worn or made during school hours. Earlier this term we held a charity loom band event which made money for The British Heart Foundation and Water Aid. However this has now finished and we are finding that the loom bands are now causing more squabbles. We have told the children to make and wear these at home.

    Thank you for your continued support. Have a super weekend.

  • Week Beginning 30th June 2014

    Wed 02 Jul 2014

    Thank you to Rainforest class and Mrs Sherwood for treating us to another great assembly. It’s always a joy to see the children perform and the adults beam with pride.  Please don’t forget it’s our summer fair tomorrow, Saturday 28th June 12.00-3.00pm. Thank you to all the members of the PTA who work so incredibly hard on this event. Thank you also for all the kind and generous donations we have received this week from parents in support of this event. We are keeping everything crossed for sunshine!


    Coming up next week…


    Week Beginning 30th June


    We wish all of our Year 6 children all the best as they head off to the Isle of Wight this week on their residential school visit.  We do hope that the weather remains dry and warm and that they all have a fabulous week.


    On Monday 30th June our Year 4 children are off to Knole Park in Sevenoaks for a Tudor day, we hope they have a wonderful day.


    On Wednesday 2nd July our children who are due to start in Reception in September will be coming in for their welcome picnic from 2.00pm-3.00pm.


    On Thursday 3rd July our Year 4 children who take part in Soundstart will be performing in a concert for their parents at 10.10am (to last approx. 30 mins), please do join us in the hall for this event if your child is taking part or your child will be in Year 4 next year and you would like to see what it involves.


    Also on Thursday our Year 3 and 4 Tennis players will be entering the London School Games at Crystal Palace, we wish them all the best of luck.


    On Friday 4th July some of our Year 5 children will be visiting Trinity School and participating in Design and Technology workshops during the morning. 


    Please can I ask that you remind your children about stranger danger. I have received reports of a fair haired young man in the vicinity of the school acting suspiciously. This has been reported to the local PCSOs as a precaution but there is no harm in being extra vigilant.


    The National Union of Teachers has announced a potential strike date of 10th July, I have asked staff to confirm if it is their intention to take industrial action on this matter and hope to be able to let you know if our school will be affected or not by the middle of next week.


    Finally, we are almost fully booked for our breakfast club for September although there are still a couple of spaces for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. If this is of any interest to you, please do pop into the office to collect a booking form.


    Have a good weekend…hopefully see many of you tomorrow for fun at the fair!
