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  • Week Beginning 15th October 2018

    Sat 13 Oct 2018

    Monday 15th October 2018
    Thank you to everybody who donated food items for the Harvest Festival on Wednesday. We had a great assembly and were delighted to send several boxes of food to the Purley Food Hub. Hardship can fall upon anyone unexpectedly and we are thankful for the generosity shown by our school community. We are also thankful to Reverend Elizabeth for leading our assembly and helping our children reflect on the importance of being thankful for all that we have.
    Well done also to Class 12 who led a wonderful class assembly yesterday.  Even more impressive is that the children wrote the assembly themselves! They transported us through time and we were mesmerised with their historical knowledge of many eras including The Ancient Greeks and The Romans.
    Wow! Wow! Wow! What a superb event our 60th Birthday Firework Celebrations was last night. An amazingly colourful and exhilarating explosion into our big birthday year. Huge thanks to those who supported in any which way – parents, carers, children, our community and our staff. 1000s of thank yous to the PTA for organising this awesome event for our community. It has involved a huge amount of work from Danni, Alison, Verity and the team, we are blessed to have such a wonderful PTA. We have Tweeted a short video of some photos - please do take a look and very soon there will be some photos of the event on our website (Gallery).


    Coming up this week…
     On Monday, a Science company, Fizz Pop, will be leading an assembly to all our children at 9:15 to inspire the children on the wonder of Science! They will subsequently be running a science club in school for children in Years 1-6. If your child wishes to join this club you can apply for a place by emailing Sessions run on a Friday evenings from the 2nd of November to the 30th of November. Places will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. Children who are not lucky enough to gain a space on this occasion may be given a chance in January when the club is opened to a new group of children. The course runs for 5 weeks from 3:15- 4:15pm and costs £45.
    Our book fair will be running from Tuesday through until Thursday from 3pm-4pm in the ICT suite. Please do come along and support this event. Any commission made by the school is pumped straight back into school to provide new and exciting books for the class book corners. Mrs Randall would love some help from our Year 6s, if anyone is available – help required on Tues, Weds and Thurs. Please email the school office if you would like your child to help at the fair. Many thanks.
    On Thursday at 5pm we will be running a ‘KS2 SATs workshop- What to Expect!’ for parents/carers of children in Year 6. This will take place in the school hall. If you are a working parent or unable to attend this event for any reason, please note that the presentation will be uploaded to the school website, after the event, for you to access.
    On Friday 19th October we break up for half term at normal time. We wish you all a restful week away from school and look forward to welcoming you back to school on Tuesday 30th October (Please note Monday 29th is an INSET day and school is closed to the children).
    Coming up after half term…..
    On Thursday 8th of November 1958 The Hayes Primary School opened its doors for the first time with just 5 classes and 5 teachers- quite a lot has changed since! To mark our 60th birthday we will be holding a whole school dress up day. Your children may come to school in an iconic outfit from one of the decades between 1950s and 2010s or indeed anything birthday related! There will be prizes for originality in each year group. Please can we ask that football kits are avoided. A letter with more information and dress up ideas will follow shortly.
    Finally, for our parents of children in Reception, we are in the process of reviewing our admission arrangements and we are particularly keen to gather some parental feedback on our staggered entry. Next week your child will bring home a short questionnaire in their book bags. We would be really grateful if you would share your honest opinions with us by answering the questions and returning this to school by the 31st October. Thank you for your help with this matter. Also, please be aware that our first year of school photographs will be featured in the Croydon Advertiser this week in case you wanted to pick up a copy or 2!
    Have a wonderful rest of weekend.

  • Week Beginning 8th October 2018

    Fri 05 Oct 2018

    Week Beginning 8th October 2018

    Today we celebrated World Teachers’ Day in assembly with the children during which all teaching staff were presented with a cupcake and a certificate. We thank our hard working team for all they do for our children.



    Today your child will have received the proof of their school photograph. If you wish to place an order, this can be done via the link on the photograph proof (our preferred method) or alternatively by completing the slip and return it with your cheque/cash.


    Coming up next week…


    On Monday we start the day celebrating the wonderful contribution that Grandparents make to the lives of their Grandchildren by inviting them to join us for breakfast. Timings for this event were sent out in last week’s bulletin but, to remind you they are as follows:

    8:00- Year 5 and 6

    8:10- Year 4

    8:20 Year 3

    8:30 Year 2

    8:40 Year 1

    8:50 Reception

    If you have children in more than one year group, please chose a slot and attend with both/all siblings. Any families attending this event should have already notified the school office to enable us to provide adequate catering.


    From the beginning of next week we will also begin collecting donations for the Harvest Festival celebration. We will be joined in assembly on Wednesday by Reverend Elizabeth who will be taking all donations to The Purley Food Hub who are a local independent food bank set up by Purley & Kenley Churches Together. Times of crisis can happen to anyone and we are pleased to be able to offer our support to those in need.


    On Wednesday evening Mrs Randall, our English coordinator will be leading parent workshop for Key stage one (Year one and two) on English: Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling. This will take place in the school hall at 5:00pm. Please come along if you are free to find out more about this part of the curriculum.


    On Thursday 11th we are holding our first class assembly of the year. If you have a child in class 12, please do join us in the hall for a 9:15 start.


    Also on Thursday, Year one and two Cross Country representatives will be taking part in a special event from 10:00-11:30 and our Year three and four children from 2:00-3:30. We wish them the best of luck and thank Miss Smith for supporting this event. Be the best you can be!


    School Council are meeting on Thursday 11th October at 12:30 in the ICT suite. If your child is their class rep they will need to have an early lunch!


    On Friday evening we are looking forward to celebrating the school’s 60th birthday with a bang as we host our first ever Fireworks display! Doors open at 5:00pm. Wrap up warm and get ready for an evening of fun. Our thanks to the PTA for organising what we are sure will be a great event. Please can we remind parents that if you do not have a ticket you will not be granted entry. However, due to popular demand, we have sought further advice from the Health and Safety team at the local authority and reviewed our risk assessments- consequently we are able to release 100 more tickets. These will be on sale via the PTA page as of 10:00am tomorrow morning.


    Have a great weekend!
