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  • Week Beginning 18th January

    Fri 15 Jan 2016

    Week Beginning 18th January 2016


    Coming up this week…


    On Monday we have 2 sporting events coming up. Good luck to the children in Year 5 and 6 taking part in the table tennis tournament (at Gresham) and the netball match against Atwood at home.


    On Tuesday Year 4 will enjoy visiting the Space Dome that is coming into school while children in Year 1 and 2 will have ‘Explore Learning’ workshops.


    Rehearsals begin on Thursday for the Infant CSMA festival and some children from Year 2 will visit Wolsey Infant School for this rehearsal. We still have a few spaces left for children in Year 2 or Year 5 to join this event. If you are interested please collect a letter from the office. It really is great fun.


    May we remind parents that Thursday is a Star Wars Themed lunch day where children can have a Death Star Burger or Lightsaber Pizza served with Storm Trooper Chips followed by Jar Jar Jelly! To avoid burgers twice in the week Monday’s lunch will be the options from the week 3 Thursday menu instead.


    Just a couple of reminders around e-safety:

    • Please do not allow children to wear Apple watches to school. Children have been noted checking phone messages on them and they have been causing a distraction in some lessons. Any Apple watches seen in school shall be confiscated.

    Please also check your child’s internet history on personal devices such as laptops, phones and iPads that they are using at home. It has been brought to our attention that some children have been sent links from peers to inappropriate and sexually explicit websites. You must ensure that the security settings on your children’s devices are adequate to keep them safe
  • Week Beginning 11th January

    Fri 08 Jan 2016

    Week Beginning Monday 11th January


    What an interesting first week back we have had! The children arrived back on Monday to discover that our school trophies were missing! In assembly, the police made the case more intriguing when they announced that there were 5 suspects all of whom were members of staff! The children have worked incredibly hard using their Super Skills to carry out a range of investigations, hunt for clues to narrow down the suspects to just one…Mrs Einecker!


    I am sure you can imagine our relief when, the police revisited the children this morning and they presented their evidence and Mrs Einecker confessed that she did in fact take the trophies but not to steal them! She had simply borrowed them to show other children she teaches how proud she is of all the wonderful children at The Hayes and what can be achieved with hard work and effort. Mrs Einecker had started to leave a note for Mrs Larkham to explain that she had borrowed the trophies when her phone rang, she was distracted and the note was unfinished.


    Mrs Einecker had planned to return the trophies on Monday morning but when she came into school and discovered it had become a crime scene, she panicked and didn’t know what to do. Thankfully, in assembly our children were able to tell her that it is always best to be honest and tell the truth.


    We are delighted that Mrs Einecker has apologised, she has learned the error of her ways and returned the trophies, which the children were ecstatic about and the police have confirmed that there will be no further charges! Phew!


    The children also presented, in assembly today, PERRI. Perri is a larger than life-size Hayes Super Skills Super Hero and is a permanent addition to our school hall. Congratulations to the winners of our Super hero competition, Sophie Youngs, Keir Hearn and Maya Pilbeam. A combination of their designs was put together to help create Perri, whose name reminds us of these important skills: Problem Solving, Enquiry, Resilience, Risk taking and Independence. If you have not seen Perri yet, please do pop into the school hall to admire the children’s incredible sculpture or look out for photos  on our school website.


    Coming up next week…


    On Tuesday some children in Year 5/ 6 will have some Explore Learning Workshops and children in Reception and Key Stage One will take part in their Super Hero workshop.


    On Thursday some children in Year 5 and 6 take part in a Hockey competition. We wish them the best of luck.


    Have a great week.

  • January Newsletter

    Wed 06 Jan 2016