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  • Summer 2 2019 Newsletter

    Fri 26 Jul 2019
  • Summer 1 2019 Newsletter

    Fri 26 Jul 2019
  • Week beginning 15th July 2019

    Sun 14 Jul 2019

    Week Beginning 15th July
    On Monday, we will be joined in assembly by Rachel from Purley library who will be talking to the children to encourage them to participate in the summer reading challenge. It is essential that children continue to develop their skills over the summer holidays and this is a great way to keep them motivated with their reading. Please visit your local library to sign up!

    On Tuesday, our Reception children are off to Bockett’s Farm to support their learning in class. They are due to leave school at 9:00 and should arrive back at 3:00. We will text parents with estimated time of arrival back at school on the day. Please ensure that the children are wearing school uniform on their top half. They may wear shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms with trainers with this. If it is a warm day, please apply sun lotion to your children and give them a sun hat to wear. On Tuesday, the children from Jamie’s Gym club will be performing to parents at 8:20am. Please join us in the school hall for a short, end of term gymnastics display.

    On Wednesday morning, our Year 6 children will be having a dress rehearsal of their leavers’ performance of The Wizard of Oz to the whole school at 9:15. Please ensure all necessary props and costumes are in school for this purpose. Also on the 17th, our children will be meeting their new teachers and visiting their classes for September. We are aware that some children can find change difficult to manage and may be nervous about moving up a school year. We will of course be mindful of this and offer children additional support with transition where it is needed. Please be positive with your children about their new start and celebrate moving on to the next chapter of their schooling so they are receiving the same message from home and school.

    On Wednesday evening, our Year 6 children are putting on their performance of The Wizard of Oz.  This performance begins at 6:00pm and will take place in the school hall. We look forward to seeing you there!

    On Thursday 18th in the afternoon, Miss Slade will be hosting her Head Teachers Tea Party in which one child from each class is identified by their class teacher for being amazing this term and invited to a tea party to celebrate their successes. We look forward to letting you know who our summer term super stars are asap! Thursday 18tth is the last day for parents to order their photographs. All orders must have been placed by 8am. On Thursday lunchtime, we will be holding the last school council meeting of the year at 12:30pm in the ICT suite. We would like to congratulate all school council members for doing an excellent job of representing the views of their class and reporting back important messages. We are extremely proud of them. Their most recent venture was the make your £10 grow initiative which resulted in a whole school competition to set up a business and see how much profit could be made. We are delighted to announce the following results (amounts below show profit only):

    Safari Class: £37.20
    Rainforest Class: £25.23
    Class 1: £15.60
    Class 2: £15.90
    Class 3: £15.85
    Class 4: £6.00
    Class 5: £28.40
    Class 6: £5.90
    Class 7: £35.80
    Class 8: £55.20
    Class 9: £42.67
    Class 10: £21.00
    Class 11: £18.50
    Class 12: £23.00
    Our winning class was class 8! Congratulations to the children in this class whose business idea of ice cream cones and chocolate cornflake cakes proved to be great idea. Watch out Alan Sugar…future apprentices coming your way! Thank you to all of the children and parents who supported this event. Each class get to keep their profit and spend it on something for their classroom for all children to enjoy.


    As the end of term approaches, please can we ask all parents to clear any outstanding balances on Parent Pay for dinner money or Wrap Around Care. It is essential that our books are balanced by the

    end of the year. Thank you. We would like to say a massive THANK YOU to Jemca Toyota who have kindly sponsored a whole range of new sports kits for our children including football kits, netball kits and cross country vests. We are grateful for their kindness and generosity and think our children look very smart in their new kits. We can’t wait to take them to their next competitions looking fabulous!

    During Healthy Schools Week, the children were asked to design a cone that could be placed on the pavement outside the school as a reminder to road users that they should not park on the yellow zig zag lines during school drop offs. The children have also produced some writing about the dangers and risks that parking on these yellow zig zag lines can cause. Congratulations to the following children for their winning designs.

    Reception: HF

    Year 1 – HH

    Year 2 -GH

    Year 3 – CL
    Year 4 – HG

    Year 5 – JL

    Year 6 – GS

    Look out for their brightly designed cones displayed on the pavements next week.​


    Last week, our musicians (groups) performed in a spectacular Music is Magic concert. We heard from the Mini Orchestra, Fiddle Fiesta, Infant and Junior Choirs, percussion trio and soloists. All performed with amazing confidence and professionalism and could easily have performed at the Royal Albert Hall…next stage here we come! Thank you to all of their music teachers, without whom, Thursday evening could not have happened.


    At the end of this term, we are sad to be bidding farewell to Miss Smith (Year 2) who has secured a teaching position much closer to home. Miss Smith has worked at The Hayes for almost 5 years and has played an important role in leading maths across the school and the Infant department. We will be very sad to see her go and wish her all the best in her new job. We are delighted to have appointed Miss Moll, an experienced teacher, who will be joining our teaching staff team from September. She will be joining us on the 17th to meet the children and we are sure you will make her feel welcome in our school community.


    We would also like to let parents know that this week we have been interviewing for a new Swimming Teacher. We had a very strong field of applicants and we are delighted to let you know that Miss Alford has been appointed and will become our full time swimming teacher; as from September. Miss Alford will soon be writing to parents to introduce herself and to set out some expectations for swimming moving forward. Please note that the children have all had their last swimming lesson for the year this week and will therefore not require their swimming kits in school between now and the end of the term.
    Please can we make parents aware of an LGFL  (London Grid for Learning)  resource that may be useful to parents for ensuring their children are effectively promoting online safety and appropriate behaviours. This resource can be accessed via the following link.

    Lexia before school will continue this week but will stop on Friday. Junior choir will not take place on Tuesday for the rest of this term and will commence again in September, date to be announced.

    Finally, we have had a few incidents this half term where it has come to our attention that a minority of parents have considered it acceptable to say unkind things about other people’s children or members of staff on social media (or indeed on the playground, etc). Inevitably these comments do come back to us and we are shown screen shots of some of these comments by other parents who are also upset by what has been shared. Please can we remind parents who have a concern to come and talk to their child’s teacher about their worry rather than posting inappropriate and unkind comments in a public forum. It is very upsetting for the staff involved and more so, it is unkind. There are many schools in Croydon who are still recruiting for teaching staff, we are one of the lucky schools because staff want to work at The Hayes and our team is full for September 2019. We would like to keep it that way. Our team is also incredibly hard working and are excellent, we are incredibly fortunate. However, this is causing a real problem for us and we do not want to see a rise in staff mobility over the next academic year because of this. We expect kind and thoughtful interactions from our children and need to model these behaviours in our own lives. We thank you in anticipation and also thank you if you know nothing of the above, because you are not involved!

    Here's to a fabulous final 6.5 days of term.

    Thank you.

  • Week Beginning 8th July 2019

    Sun 07 Jul 2019

    Week Beginning Monday 8th July 2019


    We start this week’s bulletin with some happy news...Miss Carrier has given birth to a beautiful baby boy called Ryan Christopher. We have been passing on all of your well wishes. Thank you.


    We would also like to thank all the children and families who came out in the heat to enjoy our Summer Fair last weekend. Despite the heat we had a great day and we hope to be able to confirm how much we raised for the children very soon. Thank you to all the helpers and volunteers, with out you these events would not be possible. Thank you also to our Amazing PTA who work tirelessly to plan and prepare (for months) for these events. We are very lucky! We hope you all had a great time!


    Coming up next week...

    As you are aware all children at The Hayes have been taking part in a class challenge with the support of Virgin Money. Virgin have given each class a loan of £10 and set them the challenge of making their money ‘grow’. All classes have come up with a business idea in which they have had to plan financially to try to make a profit. Many ideas have been discussed from selling cakes or ice lollies to painting nails or creating book marks. After school on Monday each class will have a table in the playground where they will be selling their goods as part of this challenge. After the challenge is completed the original £10 loan will be returned to Virgin and any profit made can be kept by the children in the class to spend as they see fit and buy something for their class to enjoy. With this in mind, please help to support the children’s business endeavours by bringing some loose change with you at collection on Monday. The children may want to visit each other’s stalls too! We will announce the winning class (the class who made the most profit) in next week’s bulletin. We hope the children will be able to enjoy the rewards that come from their hard work!


    On Tuesday the 9th children in Year 6 will be undertaking first aid training. We feel it is important to equip them with essential lifesaving skills that they would be able to use in an emergency situation. Due to this training, there will be no Year 6 swimming taking place.  Please can we also remind parents that we hold a defibrillator in school which we would willingly allow to be used in the event of an emergency in our local area.


    In the afternoon we are hosting our picnic for the new Reception children joining our school in September. This will take place on the school field from 1:30pm. We are very much looking forward to meeting our new starters and giving them the opportunity to visit their new school and meet their teachers and some of their new class mates. Food will be provided for your children at this event.


    On Thursday evening we have our Music is Magic Concert in which our ‘groups’ will be performing. This includes infant and junior choir and Fiddle Fiesta, ocarinas and recorders and the drumming ensemble. The children performing should meet in the music room at 5:45 wearing school uniform (no sweatshirts) and black shoes or black plimsolls. Trainers will not be allowed on the stage. We hope you can join us for this event which starts at 6.00pm. 


    On Friday you will receive your child’s school report. This is a summary of their achievements throughout the course of the year. We are very proud of all of our children and hope you are too. Please ensure you fill in the parental feedback slip and return this to school before the end of the term.


    Some advance notice for parents of children in Year 5, Niora Armani from the local authority admissions team has been booked to lead a secondary transfer meeting at 3:20 on 12th September.


    Finally we are really proud of one of our pupils who has shown a huge amount of care and consideration for others. Saskia has recently had 7 inches of her hair cut off to donate to a child with Cancer via the Little Princes Trust. She is also fundraising for the Maternity bereavement suite at Epson hospital. If you wish to make a donation to this cause to support her fundraising endeavor monies can be sent in a sealed envelope labelled SW Fundraising to the school office which will be passed on directly to the charity.


    We hope you have had a great weekend.
