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  • Week beginning 27th March 2023

    Fri 24 Mar 2023

    Week beginning Monday 27th March
    Parent/Carer Meetings: thank you to all of the parents and carers who joined us either virtually or in the hall, this week for our parent-teacher meetings. It was a pleasure to be able to discuss with you your children’s achievements. We are so proud of our hard-working children (and hard-working staff) and hope you are too.
    Reception: next week, Mrs Williams will be away from school on a professional development opportunity. We thank Mrs Farr and Mrs Duckett who have kindly agreed to work extra days this week to ensure the children are taught by familiar adults who know them well.
    ABCD Awards: are back to celebrate the greatness of our staffing team. Children (and staff) can propose a member of staff for going Above and Beyond the Call of Duty. This week, Miss Macpherson and Miss Moll were chosen for the following reasons: Miss Macpherson: for going above and beyond the call of duty by always willing to help others and being so kind to everyone! Miss Moll: for being kind to us like no other! Superstars!

    People that help us: today, the Police visited Reception class for their ‘People that help us’ topic. They learned what a Police Officer does, what they wear, what equipment they have, how they keep us safe and that they are kind adults that we can go to if we need help. ‘We went in a Police car and the siren went off which was cool. The Police help us, they also put baddies into jail and they also do things which are not for baddies, I can go and see them if I was lost in a shop’. Thank you to all of our parents have come into Reception classes over the last few weeks to share with us all about how you help us, we appreciate it so much!                                                            

    Well done to all swimmers that entered the swimming gala at Trinity High School, not least the 8 children that competed today, in the finals. We are so proud of you all – a particular mention to Seamus who came first in the Year 5 backstroke – superstar! We are lucky to have a swimming pool on site. Swimming teaches vital skills: teamwork, confidence, endurance, balance, coordination. It also teaches children that exercise is fun! Thank you to Miss Browne and Mrs Aamir who teach our children to swim confidently and proficiently.
    Congratulations! To all of our wonderful photographers who entered the Miracles of Nature (Winter) competition. All entries were stunning and it was really hard to choose. Her are some of the things our School Council said about the winning photos: ‘I’ve been there! I like how the duck is reflecting on the ice, and hope the dinosaurs do not eat it!’; ‘this one is lovely, the colour contrasts are outstanding. I would like to live in the pagoda for a short time to see the beauty of nature’; ‘I don’t think this is from Croydon! Look at the vastness of the land – the shadows are climbing up on the mountain. I like the emptiness of the photo – I want to be there!’
    The winners of the Winter Photography Competition are:
    KS1: Dinosaurs can you skate with me? By Margot.
    Lower KS2: Winter Fire Sticks, by Thomas.
    Upper KS2: Over the mystic mountains, by Sahana.

    Winning photos can be seen on our Gallery.
    Our next competition is called Miracles of Nature (Spring)- time to take photos of beautiful spring during the Easter holidays! Deadline: May 19th. Please send photos to Mrs Staines: Many thanks to Mrs S for being a fab administrator! Please remember that photos can only be taken by children. Thank you.
    Reading: Ebooks have been a great resource and will continue to be set for pupils who prefer reading in this way- a great opportunity to access reading books when you are out and about too! However, we always aimed to have hard copies of books to send home and this is now what we are able to offer! After Easter, children following the Little Wandle Phonics Programme will take home a book from the book corner for you to share with them and the phonetically decodable book they have been reading in school. To identify this book please look out for the ‘Big Cat’ symbol. Children should be 95% fluent in the reading of their phonetically decodable book and be able to show off their amazing reading skills. This might sound like an easy read but it means children are able to read for pleasure with fewer challenges; they are able to read with prosody (expression and tone) and with confidence, fluency and automaticity and we hope you enjoy the time they spend reading to you in this way. We ask that these books are returned to school every Wednesday because without our books we are unable to give children the next text that they may require. Any damaged or lost books will need to be replaced so please bare this in mind. Any questions, please contact your class teacher or Mrs Farr via the office

    Next Week!

    The Farm! On Monday, we are very excited that a farm will be visiting the children in Year 1.  The children will have a chance to have close encounters with animals such as sheep, pigs, goats and chickens. Look out for photos on our school website soon.
    Egg Rolling: on Tuesday, we will be holding our annual Egg Rolling competition. If your child would like to participate, they need to bring to school a HARD BOILED egg. The children will, one at a time, ‘race’ their eggs down a drainpipe to see whose egg will roll the farthest. There will be a prize for first, second and third place in each year group. We are always intrigued by the special ‘tricks’ that children share with us about how they have strengthened their eggs from boiling in certain liquids to painting in nail varnish. Looking forward to it!
    Carroty Wood: on Wednesday, our Year 5 children are heading off on their residential journey. They are very excited for this adventure and we have every confidence that they will be wonderful ambassadors for our school while they are away. They will return to school on Friday at approximately 2pm. We will update you if there are any delays to their ETA. As always, we thank the members of staff who have agreed to go on this trip to make these opportunities possible for the children. Without their willingness to work around the clock, our residentials could not happen. Thank you to: Miss Moll, Mrs Randall, M
    rs Sinclair, Mrs Kioufi and Mr McEvoy. We are confident that your children will come back with a case load of muddy clothes, a mind full of happy memories and a heart full of joy!
    Class Assembly: on Thursday, Class 2 will be leading their special assembly to parents. If you have a child in this class and wish to join us, please do come along to the school hall for a 9:10 start.

    Class 1: on Friday, we welcome Miss Harman back to work. She has been on maternity leave for the last year after giving birth to a beautiful baby girl. Miss Harman will return as a job share teacher in Class 1 (after Easter) with Mrs Lishmund. Mrs Lishmund will be teacher in Class 1 on a Monday and Tuesday, and Miss Harman on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Mrs Lishmund has had a thorough hand over with Miss Harman who is really looking forward to getting to know all of the children and families in Class 1. We thank Mrs Lishmund for agreeing to work full time for as long as she has, to cover this period of maternity absence.

    On Friday, we break up for Easter at normal time.  School will be closed for two weeks and we hope you all have a lovely Spring break.  During the holidays, you may wish to take part in the PTA egg hunt which is taking place on Sunday 2nd April. Tickets must be booked in advance on the PTA page. The children return to school on Monday 17th April at normal time. 

    Thank you for your ongoing support.
    The Hayes Team



  • Week beginning 20th March 2023

    Sat 18 Mar 2023

    Week beginning 20th March 2023

    Thank you to those of you who supported our Red Nose Day fundraising today. Today in assembly, the children learned how Comic Relief supports people less fortunate in the UK and overseas. So far, we have raised £58 for the charity. If you have not yet made your £1 mufti donation on ParentPay, and are in a position to do so, there is still time! Thank you.

    INSET DAY: on Monday, the school is closed to the children as we have an INSET day for staff training.  The dates for the INSET day were published at the start of the school year. Please ensure you have made plans for childcare on this day. Thank you.

    Parents Evening: we will also be hosting parents evening next week. The opportunity to talk to your child’s teacher can be booked online using the following link Parents' Evening - Parent Details Login ( On Tuesday 21st, appointments will be in person for EYFS and KS1 and virtual for those in KS2. On Thursday 23rd meetings will be in person for KS2 and virtual for KS1 and EYFS. If you need support to book, please call the office on Monday morning where a member of staff will be happy to assist.  Due to parents’ evenings, there will be NO BOOSTERS next week.

    Maths Day: on Thursday 23rd we will also be having a special Maths Day during which children will take part in some additional maths activities throughout the day. The theme is 'Maths is all around' so please make sure you are on the lookout for maths on the way to and from school- can you add the numbers in car license plates or count how many rectangles on a zebra crossing for example?

     Recycling: we have a limited number of battery recycling boxes available in the school office. Unfortunately, there are not enough to give one to every family but if you would like a box, please do pop into the office to collect one.

    Wishing all the lovely mothers in our school community a Happy Mothers’ Day. Thank you for the love and support that you give to the children at The Hayes.

    Have a lovely weekend.
    The Hayes Team

  • Week beginning 13th March

    Sat 11 Mar 2023

    Week beginning 13th March 2023.

    We start our bulletin with a host of ‘Well Dones’ for our amazing children who have achieved so much this week. Congratulations to our football team who played 4 matches and won them all. A great team effort. Our players should be really proud of themselves! Well done also to the children in Class 5 who led a wonderful class assembly sharing their incredible knowledge of rocks, superstars! Well done also to our infant and junior choirs who wowed their audiences at the Fairfield Halls with their wonderful singing this week. We are super proud of you all. We hope you enjoyed the concerts as much as we did.

    Football: last week our Mixed Football Team played Kenley and won 6-2, played St Davids and won 8-0 played Beaumont two times and won 4-0 both times. Amazing playing this term, super teamwork and it is highly likely they will win the League, watch this space (cannot really announce it until we have been officially told!) Thank you also to all of the parents who have supported at the matches – you have been integral to the success of the team, alongside the coaches, Miss Hale and Mr Clottey. Photos to come!

    Choirs: on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, our Infant and Junior choirs performed at the Fairfield Halls after a term of rehearsals and hard work. They were all spectacular and raised the roof! Thank you also to all the parents who supported and came to the concerts. Pupil voice from the Junior Choir: ‘I had the best time of my life, one of my best experiences because I got to sing in front of millions of people and I met the Mayor’. ‘I thought last night was amazing, it feels really good to sing in front of so many and the reception I got after and the response from the audience, made me feel on top of the world’.

    Swimming: as stated in last week’s bulletin, we are so immensely proud of our swimmers that took part in last week’s swimming gala at Trinity School. We have since heard that we have won a trophy for Best Team and Best Boys’ Team! Well done all! Super achievements. We look forward to the swimming finals on Friday. Photos of the team, to come. 

    Identity and Community: we were joined in school this week by Cordelia Shaw who led identity and community workshops with our upper junior children. ‘Cordelia asked us what identity was and explained that we could have multiple identities and communities. She explained that we are all different. I think it was really good, including what she said about finger prints – no two are the same. We did our own finger prints to prove this!’.

    Sport: yesterday was a busy and exciting day, joined by Pierre Henry-Fontaine. The children took part in exercise circuits and had the opportunity to ask him many questions. Many thanks to all who have sponsored our children, we have raised over £1309 for our school. This will go towards sporting equipment. Thank you.

    PTA: Mother’s Day Gift Room: the PTA will continue to run this room next week, on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. 

    Inclusion and Diversity: on Monday, Mrs Sinclair is leading an Inclusion and Diversity working party to which parents are invited to attend. This will take place in Class 5 and all are welcome to join. The aim of this group is to explore ways that we, as an organisation, can become more inclusive and better able to celebrate the diversity that we have in our community. There will be a facility for school age children to be looked after whilst you attend the meeting if you require this.

    Neurodiversity: next week is neurodiversity week and, on Tuesday, we are hosting our SEND coffee morning. Mrs Roberts will be delivering a Neurodiversity presentation and there will be chance to meet to talk to other parents and the SEND team. If you would like to come along, the meeting will start at 9:00 am.

    Strike Days: the National Education Union have called for further strike action from teachers on Wednesday the 15th and Thursday 16th and there is a possibility that our school may experience some classroom closures as a result of this. We will let you know further details, as soon as we possibly can.

    On Thursday, staff from the Kenley Aerodrome will be visiting Year 6 to carry out a workshop about the Battle of Britain and how it impacted the Kenley Aerodrome. This is linked to their studies in history and geography.

    As per last bulletin, Class 1 Assembly was to be on Thursday 16th March, we have had to rearrange this and it will now be on Tuesday 25th April, from 9:10am. Apologies for the change in day.

    Red Nose Day: ordinarily, we would be taking part in this event on Friday and asking for donations towards class sponsorship events. However, we know you have been generous in so many ways this year, not least for yesterday’s fund raising with the Olympian, cake bakes, etc and all this whilst home bills are ever increasing! We thank you so much for your generosity. Although RND is very much in our hearts, this year, we will not be asking for any money. Instead, we invite you all to wear anything funny or red, on Friday. 

    Photo Competition: many thanks to all those who have entered, the photos, so far, are looking great! Deadline is Friday 17th March, so you still have time to enter!

    Have a fantastic weekend and see you all on Monday!
    The Hayes Team.










  • Week beginning 6th March 2023

    Fri 03 Mar 2023

    Week Beginning 6th March 2023

    Book Week: Wow, wow, wow! What a fun packed book week we have all had. From cake decorating to dressing up, an amazing author visit and stop everything and read, we have been immersed in a love of reading! A massive well done to Mrs Farr, our reading lead, who has organised the week, we have all loved every minute!

    A message from Mrs Farr! Mrs Farr would like to thank all the staff, children, parents and carers, for their effort in making our Book Week such a fun and memorable event. It was lovely to see so many parents and carers at our stop and read session on Wednesday afternoon. The theme of the week was 'Reading for Pleasure' and we really hope that the children have enjoyed their week and continue to build a love of reading. The cake sale on Monday was a huge success raising just over £150 for the school. 

    Our Cake Competition winners were as follows:

    • ​Hayden's Gingerbread Man Cake
    • Lola's Hungry Caterpillar Cakes
    • Ruth’s Edward Tulane Cake
    • Darcey’s Moonlight Rider Cupcakes

    Thank you to all the children that took part. Photos of the event will go up on our Gallery, in due course.

    The Scholastic Book Fair will return to school on Monday 13th to Wednesday 15th March where you will be able to purchase books and a range of stationery goods after school on these dates. 

    Our thanks go to Mrs Farr for organising the week’s events!

    Mixed Football Team: a massive well done to our mixed football team who won 3-0 against Oakwood on Wednesday. You all played fantastically and we are very proud of you. Particular note to Harry who was injured mid game and carried on, scoring 2 goals. Superstar! Well done also to Kayden who scored the other goal. Additionally, there are a number of matches coming up next week (Monday: Kenley Primary, Tuesday: St Davids and Thursday against Beaumont) which Miss Hale would have contacted you about already.

    Swimming Gala: congratulations to all children who participated in the Croydon School's swimming gala today. Everybody gave their best effort and were excellent ambassadors of the school. We are proud of all those who took part and thank Miss Browne and Mrs Aamir for their time in preparing the children for this event. Thank you also to our parents who came along to support and cheer for the children taking part. We appreciate your encouragement. We will find out the results soon.
    Mrs Morrish and Mrs Edwards came back to school after and said: ‘we are so proud of The Hayes children who supported each other beautifully throughout the gala. They showed great sportsmanship and all swam brilliantly, giving their best efforts’.

    On Monday next week, we celebrate International Women’s Day (8th March) with a special assembly to promote Gender Equality. To promote a world that is free from bias and stereotypes we will be publicly celebrating women’s achievements and raising awareness of discrimination.

    Height and Weight Checks: also on Monday, the children in Reception will be visited by the school nursing team for their height and weight checks. The information obtained by the team is not shared directly with the school. You will be contacted directly to discuss any concerns that come to light.

    After school on Monday there is an away football match verses Kenley with a 3:30pm kick off. Go team Hayes, we wish you the best of luck!

    PREVENT: on Tuesday 7th March and Wednesday 8th March, the Local Authority PREVENT advisor will be visiting school to lead some ‘Identity’ workshops with our children in Year 5 and Year 6. We want all children to feel a sense of belonging and through these workshops children recognise that we are all unique and have differences to celebrate but that we are also connected and share aspects of our lives and identities.  Having a strong sense of identity and belonging has been shown to reduce future risks and vulnerabilities.

    Class 5 will be leading our class assembly to the school on Wednesday morning. If you have a child in this class and wish to join us for this event, please come to the school hall for a 9:10 start.

    The Infant Choir have their final rehearsal at The Fairfield Halls on Wednesday morning and will be travelling to and from this event by coach. The concert will take place in the evening at 7pm. We wish all children taking part the best of luck, we know you will be FAB! Likewise, the children taking part in the Junior CSMA concert will have their final rehearsal on Thursday morning and will be travelling to and from the event by coach. The Junior concert is at 7pm in the evening and we know, that those of you attending are in for a treat! Our thanks go to Mrs Sinclair for preparing the Infant children and to Miss Slade and Mrs Field for their hard work with the Junior Choir.

    Sales for Mothers Day Gift Room are now live to book, Friday 10th March is the shopping day for Rainforest and Safari and the 13th, 14th and 17th for the rest of the school. Sales will close at 10pm on Wednesday 8th March.

    On Friday, we welcome Pierre Henry- Fontaine into school who will be leading sporting activities with all of our children. We are excited to meet him and hope that our children will be inspired to live healthy and active lifestyles and fulfil any dreams of becoming pro-athletes! Thank you to all those who have sponsored your children to take part in this event. Some of the monies raised will come to the school to purchase sporting equipment for the children.

    Please note, Class 1 Assembly was on Thursday 16th March. We have had to rearrange this and it will now be on Tuesday 25th April, from 9:10am. Apologies for the change in day.

    Have a lovely weekend.
    The Hayes Team
