Week beginning 13th March
Week beginning 13th March 2023.
We start our bulletin with a host of ‘Well Dones’ for our amazing children who have achieved so much this week. Congratulations to our football team who played 4 matches and won them all. A great team effort. Our players should be really proud of themselves! Well done also to the children in Class 5 who led a wonderful class assembly sharing their incredible knowledge of rocks, superstars! Well done also to our infant and junior choirs who wowed their audiences at the Fairfield Halls with their wonderful singing this week. We are super proud of you all. We hope you enjoyed the concerts as much as we did.
Football: last week our Mixed Football Team played Kenley and won 6-2, played St Davids and won 8-0 played Beaumont two times and won 4-0 both times. Amazing playing this term, super teamwork and it is highly likely they will win the League, watch this space (cannot really announce it until we have been officially told!) Thank you also to all of the parents who have supported at the matches – you have been integral to the success of the team, alongside the coaches, Miss Hale and Mr Clottey. Photos to come!
Choirs: on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, our Infant and Junior choirs performed at the Fairfield Halls after a term of rehearsals and hard work. They were all spectacular and raised the roof! Thank you also to all the parents who supported and came to the concerts. Pupil voice from the Junior Choir: ‘I had the best time of my life, one of my best experiences because I got to sing in front of millions of people and I met the Mayor’. ‘I thought last night was amazing, it feels really good to sing in front of so many and the reception I got after and the response from the audience, made me feel on top of the world’.
Swimming: as stated in last week’s bulletin, we are so immensely proud of our swimmers that took part in last week’s swimming gala at Trinity School. We have since heard that we have won a trophy for Best Team and Best Boys’ Team! Well done all! Super achievements. We look forward to the swimming finals on Friday. Photos of the team, to come.
Identity and Community: we were joined in school this week by Cordelia Shaw who led identity and community workshops with our upper junior children. ‘Cordelia asked us what identity was and explained that we could have multiple identities and communities. She explained that we are all different. I think it was really good, including what she said about finger prints – no two are the same. We did our own finger prints to prove this!’.
Sport: yesterday was a busy and exciting day, joined by Pierre Henry-Fontaine. The children took part in exercise circuits and had the opportunity to ask him many questions. Many thanks to all who have sponsored our children, we have raised over £1309 for our school. This will go towards sporting equipment. Thank you.
PTA: Mother’s Day Gift Room: the PTA will continue to run this room next week, on Monday, Tuesday and Friday.
Inclusion and Diversity: on Monday, Mrs Sinclair is leading an Inclusion and Diversity working party to which parents are invited to attend. This will take place in Class 5 and all are welcome to join. The aim of this group is to explore ways that we, as an organisation, can become more inclusive and better able to celebrate the diversity that we have in our community. There will be a facility for school age children to be looked after whilst you attend the meeting if you require this.
Neurodiversity: next week is neurodiversity week and, on Tuesday, we are hosting our SEND coffee morning. Mrs Roberts will be delivering a Neurodiversity presentation and there will be chance to meet to talk to other parents and the SEND team. If you would like to come along, the meeting will start at 9:00 am.
Strike Days: the National Education Union have called for further strike action from teachers on Wednesday the 15th and Thursday 16th and there is a possibility that our school may experience some classroom closures as a result of this. We will let you know further details, as soon as we possibly can.
On Thursday, staff from the Kenley Aerodrome will be visiting Year 6 to carry out a workshop about the Battle of Britain and how it impacted the Kenley Aerodrome. This is linked to their studies in history and geography.
As per last bulletin, Class 1 Assembly was to be on Thursday 16th March, we have had to rearrange this and it will now be on Tuesday 25th April, from 9:10am. Apologies for the change in day.
Red Nose Day: ordinarily, we would be taking part in this event on Friday and asking for donations towards class sponsorship events. However, we know you have been generous in so many ways this year, not least for yesterday’s fund raising with the Olympian, cake bakes, etc and all this whilst home bills are ever increasing! We thank you so much for your generosity. Although RND is very much in our hearts, this year, we will not be asking for any money. Instead, we invite you all to wear anything funny or red, on Friday.
Photo Competition: many thanks to all those who have entered, the photos, so far, are looking great! Deadline is Friday 17th March, so you still have time to enter!
Have a fantastic weekend and see you all on Monday!
The Hayes Team.