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  • Week Beginning 31st March 2014

    Mon 31 Mar 2014

    Well done to Miss Schoeffer and Class 1 who entertained us with their fantastic assembly last Friday. The last week of the Spring half term is now upon us and here is what you can expect...


    Week beginning 31st March 2014


    On Monday we wish our first group of Year Fives a fantastic time as they head off to Carroty Wood for their residential visit.


    On Tuesday our ever popular film club will be showing Disney's `Frozen' after school. If your child is attending they will have already purchased a ticket which includes their refreshment. Please collect your children promptly from the school hall at 5pm, thank you.


    Our second group of children head off to Carroty wood on Wednesday, we hope they have a wonderful time.


    We have an exciting start to Easter activities as we are holding our first ever Easter Egg Rolling competition. The heats begin on Wednesday, so please help your child by hard boiling an egg ready to bring to school on Wednesday for their races.


    On Thursday we will be holding our Egg rolling finals. Thank you to our wonderful PTA who have kindly donated the prizes for this event. On Thursday we are also holding our usual decorated egg competition. The Reception children will be colouring an Easter egg design and all other classes will be entering their own egg creations. Happy egg decorating and creating! Please remember our judges will be looking for the children's own work!


    To finalise their current topic on `Toys' our Year One children will all be coming into school dressed as various toys on Thursday! They will be playing old school games on the playground and having a fun filled day of activities.


    Thank you to all the staff at The Hayes for donating the Easter Egg prizes for our children's Easter Egg raffle, and good luck to all our children.


    The school will be breaking up for the Easter holidays on Friday at 3.10pm. We do hope that you have a wonderful holiday and look forward to seeing you back at school on Tuesday 22nd April.


  • Week Beginning 24th March 2014

    Fri 21 Mar 2014

    Week Beginning 24th March 2014


    What a busy week last week with so many children’s achievements to celebrate! HUGE congratulations to all of the children who participated in the CSMA concerts. The Infants performed on Tuesday night at The Fairfield halls and the Juniors performed on Wednesday evening. On both occasions the singing was FANTASTIC and we are all very proud of the children for representing our school so well and all the hard work that the children put into rehearsals and learning all the words!


    Congratulations also to the children who participated in the Quick sticks Hockey Tournament, Netball Tournament and The Gymnastics competition. They all did extremely well and showed great sportsmanship whilst representing our school!


    Coming up next week…


    Firstly we will be welcoming some new faces to school. Miss Bowley has been appointed as a specialist teaching assistant working with pupils with hearing impairments across the school and will be starting on Monday. We also welcome 3 new teaching students from Roehampton University. Miss Thorpe who will be working in class 2, Miss Bishop who will be working in class 5 and Miss Davis who will be working in class 12 alongside Mrs Shaikh, Mrs Taylor and Miss Varndell.


    On Monday evening there will be a meeting for parents of children in Year 6 about the up and coming Isle of Wight trip. This will take place in the School hall at 6:30pm.


    Thank you to our fabulous PTA who have organised the Book Fair for us. This will take place from Monday to Wednesday in the ICT suite after school. The theme of this Book Fair is bedtime reading/stories.  Please do come along and show your support.


    Wednesday is also our ‘Onesie / pyjama day’ where the children can pay one pound and attend school in either a onesie or their pyjamas. All monies raised will go to the AT society in support of a pupil currently in our school with this genetic condition. For more information please use the following link. .


    On Wednesday we also have a dentist visiting our school, who will be talking to the children about the importance of brushing their teeth as part of their bedtime routine.  The dentist will explain to the children the most effective ways to look after their teeth- watch out for the children’s improved knowledge about tooth care!


    Wednesday is also a national strike day and this is a reminder that Class 9 and Class 4 will be closed. The children in these classes will be able to wear their onesies/ pyjamas on Thursday 27th instead.  All other classes will remain open as usual on Wednesday 26th March. We apologise for any inconvenience that the closure of these classes will have.


    There is a rehearsal at The Fairfield halls on Wednesday for the children taking part in the Croydon Schools Dance Association Festival. The children should meet Mrs Olley at 9:00 at the performers’ entrance rather than the Arnheim Gallery and be collected at 11:00am. The Final concert takes place on Wednesday evening and the children should meet Mrs Olley at 6:30 at the Arnheim Gallery for a 7pm start.


    On Wednesday we also have our Junior Road safety officers from Year 5 attending a Mayoral Presentation in recognition of their great work. Well done JRSOs!


    We hope to welcome Mrs Sherwood back to school on Thursday 27th March following a period of ill health. I would like to express my thanks to Miss Stratmann who, with the hard work and support of Mrs Farr, has been an excellent teacher to the children in Rainforest class.


    On Friday, the children in Class 1 will be leading our whole school assembly. If you have a child in this class and wish to join us for this event, please come to the school hall for a 10:15am start.


    In recognition of the children’s hard work this term, the staff have all donated an Easter Prize/ Present to go into an Easter Raffle for the children which will be drawn on the last day of term. Tickets will be available to purchase in the playground from next week at 20p a ticket. Teachers will all also be given some tickets that they will be giving away free to children in recognition of their hard work and effort at school.


    Finally, we would like to wish all of our children’s lovely Mummies a very happy Mothering Sunday full of relaxation and pampering! We appreciate all the hard work and support you give to your children. Thank you! Enjoy your day!

  • Week Beginning 17th March

    Fri 14 Mar 2014

    Coming up next week…


    This week is Science week at the Hayes, and we have a week filled with fun investigative activities for your children.


    On Tuesday the Infant CSMA choir will have their final rehearsal at the Fairfield halls during the morning.  If you have been unable to get a ticket for this evening’s performance the CSMA are allowing parents to watch this rehearsal between 10.00 -12.00.  There is no charge for this but you are requested to sit in the upper stalls.  Please continue to help your child at home reinforcing the words and tune.  The music is available for you to hear on Fronter in your messages.  We apologise for the initial problems with this, but think these have been rectified today so please do look again if you had difficulties finding the music.


    On Tuesday evening the infant choir will be performing their music festival at the Fairfield Halls.   The children need to be dropped off outside the entrance to the Arnheim gallery at 6.30pm.  If you could please take your child to the toilet just before you leave them with Mrs Roberts and Mrs Lee that would be most helpful.  They wear their usual school trousers/skirt with their bright coloured t-shirt. Thank you.


    On Wednesday the Junior choir have their final rehearsal at the Fairfield halls during the morning.  Again if you have been unable to get a ticket for this evening’s performance or have Grandparents that would like to watch, the CSMA are allowing parents to watch this rehearsal between 10.00 -12.00.  There is no charge for this but you are requested to sit in the upper stalls.  Please continue to help your child at home reinforcing the words and tune.   During Wednesday evening it’s the turn of the junior choir to perform in their music festival at The Fairfield Halls. The children in the concert should meet Mrs Olley and Ms Spinks at the Arnheim gallery at 6:30 leaving all coats with you and having already been to the toilet.


    Wednesday is also the rescheduled parent/teacher meetings for children in Rainforest class. If you have not done so already, please sign up for an appointment. I am very grateful to Mrs Farr for holding these meetings.


    On Thursday it’s Science day at The Hayes.  The children will be taking part in an exciting range of scientific activities.  All parents are invited to attend our evening meeting at 6.30pm in the school hall which will explain how to support their child with their Scientific learning at home and to explain more about the curriculum at school.


    On Friday afternoon it is our school open afternoon, from 2-3pm. Please do try to come in a look at your children’s learning. They are always keen to share with you and show you what they have been up to. May we politely request that you do not bring buggies or younger siblings to this event as fitting 30 children and 30 parents into our classrooms is a challenge in itself!


    As always, thank you for your ongoing support. Have a great weekend.
