Week beginning 20th March
Firstly, a HUGE congratulations to the children who took part this week in the Infant and Junior CSMA concerts. They performed incredibly well and we have received a huge amount of positive feedback from parents who attended the concert. Well done to all of the children involved and enormous thanks to Mrs Yates and Mrs Shaikh who rehearsed and supported the Infant concert and to Mrs Field and Mrs Olley who supported the junior concert. A very special thank you and well done goes to Miss Slade who not only rehearsed our junior choir but the whole junior festival and conducted the concert on the evening!
Well done to our swimmers involved in the tournament yesterday at Trinity, coming 4th place! We are so proud of you. Well done also to Mrs Einecker, our amazing swimming teacher.
On Monday our Year one children have a fun filled day with an Indian workshop which links to their IPC topic of ‘Super Humans’ which focuses on the importance of dance and exercise and their RE curriculum where they have been learning about Hinduism and international culture. They will have the opportunity to learn about aspects of the Indian culture and take part in many fun activities including learning and performing an Indian dance to which parents of children in class one and two are invited to watch at 2:35pm. Please do come along and enjoy!
We also wish good luck to the Year 5 netball team who are taking part in a tournament on Wednesday afternoon. They have done especially well this season and hope this continues…good luck team!
In the evening Mrs Richardson’s creative dance group will be performing at Trinity School. This begins at 7pm. We wish the dancers taking part good luck and can’t wait to see the show!
Our Book fair begins on Monday 20th March and will run to the 22nd. The children will be given an opportunity to view the books available prior to this event. Books will be on sale after school in the ICT suite/music room. Any books sold will raise commission for the school and this will be invested in books for the class book corners. We thank you in advance of your support of this event.
On Wednesday, we host another class assembly. This time it will be led by Class 12. If you are a parent of a child in this class then please do join us in the school hall at 9:15 to watch your child’s special assembly. We look forward to seeing you there!
At 12:30 on Wednesday our school council are meeting for their final meeting of the Spring Term. If your child is their class rep, please do remind them to have an early lunch on this day. The council are extremely proactive and are doing a wonderful job this year in making sure that the children in our school have a voice, that their opinions and ideas are listened to and that we support a democratic society! Well done reps, we are very proud of you.
In anticipation of Mothers’ Day on the 26th March we are hosting our very own Mothers’ Day breakfast on Thursday the 23rd March. Please do come along at the following times to enjoy a special breakfast with your children.
8:00 am- Reception
8:20 Year 1 and 2
8:40 Year 3 and 4
9:00 Year 5 and 6
If you have siblings in different year groups, please chose one of the slots and attend with all of your children so you can celebrate the occasion as a family.
We end the week with our Red Nose Day celebrations. You will have received letters already about the sponsored events taking place in each class. Please may we remind you that your child can come to school dressed in red if they pay one pound. The ‘best dressed’ in each class will be awarded a prize from Miss Slade! In addition, there will be the opportunity to throw a cream pie in the face of various members of staff for the bargain price of just £1! The children will be told on Monday morning which members of staff will be participating in this event so they can begin to make their decisions! All monies raised from this event will go to directly to Comic Relief to support families in need in England and Abroad. There will be an assembly held to ensure the children fully understand the reasons behind their fundraising. We would like to thank you in advance of your support and in anticipation of your generosity. Your kindness will make a big difference to the lives of many. Unfortunately we are sold out of all red noses.
Finally, a polite reminder: There have been a small number of incidents reported in which parents of children in Reception and KS1 have been trying to enter the building in the mornings at the start of the school day. Unfortunately, at this time, it is not possible to allow parents into the classroom as the teachers have already begun teaching and we are trying to promote the children’s levels of independence. We take safeguarding of our school very safely and anyone wishing to enter the school building during the school day must go via the school office where they will be signed in if appropriate. Our members of staff on the door are more than happy to take a message for you to pass on to the class teacher if this is needed. Thank you for adhering to our safeguarding arrangements.
Have a wonderful weekend.