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Week Beginning 18th April 2017

Week Beginning 18th April


Today is the last day of the spring term and once more we would like to wish you a very restful Spring Break. The children are due back in school on the 18th April and here’s what’s coming up the week you return to school and some advance notice of summer term events!


Further to the bulletin last week, we are now able to confirm the arrangements for class 10 cover (x 2days a week). After Easter Mrs Draper will be teaching the children on a Monday and Tuesday. Ms. Saunders will continue to teach the class for three days, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Mrs Draper is a highly experienced teacher who is very well known to the children having worked at the school for eleven years. We are confident that these new arrangements will ensure the children continue to receive an excellent education and make good progress.


We would like to express our ENORMOUS thank you and well done to all those who have supported our comic relief fundraising. If you still have outstanding sponsorship money at home please send it in to us as soon as possible so we can pass it on to the charity. So far we have raised a staggering £2780.68 and this figure is set to rise! Incredible!


We welcome the children back to school for a 9:00am start on TUESDAY 18th April. On this day we will be hosting a first aid course for parents in the ICT suite. If you are interested in finding out more about this event please speak to Jo Doble, Chair of the PTA who can let you know if there is any further availability.


Auditions take place on Wednesday and Thursday for our ‘Hayes Got Talent’ Competition. Good luck to all children auditioning. We do wish that we could let everybody through to the final concert but sadly this is not possible because if we did the concert would run until midnight! We are very proud of all children who have the confidence to audition for this show regardless if they make it through to the final evening or not!


Advance notice of some upcoming events this term…

  • Arts week begins on Monday 24th of April with a Jazz theme! On the Friday of this week you are welcome to come into the Playground slightly earlier to watch (or join in with, if you wish) a whole school line dance to finish off the week!
  • There will be an SEN coffee morning coming up on 25th April.
  • We will be hosting an art gallery after school on Wednesday 26th of April (all children will be exhibiting art work at the gallery in the hall. If you would like to buy the framed piece of art, it will be £8.50
  • 27th April, Class 2 Assembly (9:15) and Rainforest trip to Pizza Express.
  • 28th April Hayes Got Talent competition at 6:30pm
  • Week beginning 1st of May- swimming watching week.
  • 3rd May Class 10 Assembly to parents at 9:15 in the school hall.
  • 5th May Year 3 School Trip to Butser Farm.
  • 8th May- KS2 SATs week.
  • 11th May Class 1 Assembly in the hall at 9:15.
  • 12th May at 9:00 there will be a parent workshop in the hall on how we as a school promote the ‘Fundamental British Values’ that is now a statutory requirement for all schools.
  • 24th May Class 6 Assembly to parents at 9:15.


Finally, some points for clarification from the Important School Dates 2016-2017 Document that was sent out at the start of the year.

  • Sports day has been scheduled for 30th June. For those of you wishing to attend we can confirm that this will be juniors (Year 3-6) in the morning and Infants in the afternoon.
  • The open evening scheduled for the 11th July will actually be an Open Afternoon, from 2:15pm.
  • And lastly, as many of you will be aware, in the past, we have often been used as a polling station at some point in May. Consequently we saved an INSET day for this purpose to avoid having to close the school twice, once for INSET and once for Polling. This week we have been informed that we will not be used for polling this year. Therefore we have now set our final INSET day for the year for the 26th May. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but hope that by giving you almost two months’ notice you will have enough time to make childcare arrangements if necessary. We have tagged this onto the start of the May half term in an attempt to minimise disruption to parents. It is essential that this takes place to ensure that our staff receive their full allocation of 5 days in service training sessions that they are entitled to throughout the course of the year. This means the last day of the first half of the summer term for children will be Thursday 25th May 2017.


We thank you for your ongoing support and have a restful and fantastic holiday.
