Week Beginning 27th March 2017
They say time flies when you are having fun and somehow the final week of the spring term is upon us! Here is what’s coming up…
Firstly a huge thank you to all those who supported our Red Nose day fund raising on Friday. We will soon confirm how much we managed to raise for this worthwhile charity. Look out for photos on Twitter and the school website too!
We begin the week with some Easter celebrations. Our annual Egg rolling competition takes place on Tuesday. If your child would like to participate they must bring a HARD BOILED egg to school. They will be given the opportunity to roll their egg down a drain pipe and the owners of the eggs that travel the furthest distance will be awarded a prize! Thank you to the PTA for organising this and providing the prizes.
There will also be an opportunity for the children to show off their creative talents by decorating an egg for our ‘Easter Egg’ creations competition. This could be simply painting it with a pattern or turning an egg into a more extravagant creation…for ideas, please see The Hayes PTA Facebook page with examples of entries from last year. There will be prizes awarded to the winning designs in each year group. Please can we remind everybody that the winning designs are always the eggs that are clearly the children’s own work. Thank you again to our PTA for funding these prizes. Entries to this competition should be brought into school on Tuesday 28th of March at the start of the school day.
Wednesday is an exciting day for our Year 5 children as they head off to Carroty Wood for their residential journey. We are sure they will have a brilliant time and be excellent ambassadors for the school while they are away. We look forward to welcoming them back on Friday. Our thanks go to the staff who have kindly agreed to attend this visit and look after your children around the clock ensuring that their primary experience is full of great memories and moments of awe and wonder!
Friday is the last day of the Spring term and we finish for the Easter break at normal time. We also bid a temporary farewell to Mrs Derodra who begins her maternity leave. We wish her good luck with the forthcoming birth and will share the happy news when baby Derodra arrives! In her absence, we are delighted to inform you that Mrs Lishmund has kindly agreed to teach class 12 full time to see them through their forthcoming SATs. Mrs Lishmund currently teaches in the class one day a week and has already developed a good rapport with the children. Obviously this will impact on her responsibilities in Year 5. We are in the process of finalising arrangements for class 10 and hope to be able to confirm these next week. We are confident that the arrangements are putting in place will ensure that all children in the classes affected will continue to make good progress.
With sadness, we also bid farewell to Mrs Norris who is leaving The Hayes to start a new job in the secondary sector. She has contributed enormously to the school over the four and a half years that she has been part of the team working in a variety of roles. In particular she has made a huge contribution to The Arts leading KS1 music for some time and supporting the Year 6 drama club. We thank her for her hard work, will miss her enormously and wish her all the best in her new role.
May we take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and restful Spring break. We look forward to welcoming you back to school on Tuesday 18th of April.