Weekly Bulletin 9th December
On Monday morning, we start the day with a very special visitor! Those who have signed up through the PTA events page may join us in the school hall for Breakfast with Santa. The children will be given some breakfast and the opportunity to meet Santa and those on the nice list may even receive a small gift. We thank the PTA for organising this wonderful event.
We have a post box in school for children who wish to send Christmas cards. To ensure your cards get to the right people, please can we ask that on the envelope you write the child's first name and class number. If there is more than one child in the class with the same name, you may wish to also include the first letter of their name e.g Molly H Class 1. Last day for posting is Wednesday 18th December.
On Monday afternoon, the children in Reception will be leading our first Christmas performance of the year. Have the tissues at the ready for a Nativity to remember. We look forward to seeing you in the school hall at 1:45.Your child will be asked by their class teacher to make their Christmas dinner selection today. There will be two choices red (meat) or green (vegetarian) plus a variety of desserts. Every child, regardless of their lunch choice, will receive a Christmas cracker on the day.
On Tuesday, some children (parental consent dependent) will be given the Flu immunisation from the school nurse. Information about this has been sent home via email last week. To confirm, this is not an injection but a nasal spray.
The School Council will meet for the 3rd time this year on Tuesday at 12:30 in the ICT suite. If your child is the class rep, please remind them to go for an early lunch.
On Tuesday afternoon, it is the turn of our Year One children to wow us with their Christmas performance. Please join us in the school hall for a 1:45 start. We are sure you will see many Christmas stars at this event. Mrs Randall will be organising a cake sale in support of the Royal Marsden Hospital after school on Tuesday. Cakes will be priced at 50p. If you would like to help with baking cakes, please bring them to the office on the day. Thank you in advance
On Wednesday, courtesy of our PTA the children will be visited by a theatre group who will perform a Beauty and the Beast pantomime. Due to this performance, there will be no swimming for Reception children on this day.
The PTA will also be hosting their Elfridges shop at lunch time from 12:00-1:10. The children can come to Elfridges to choose a Christmas present to wrap up and put under the tree for a loved one. You can bring cash of £3 and pay on the day. This pop up shop will be open on Wednesday 11th & Monday 16th December only.
There will be a menu change on Wednesday, the red option will be chicken, all other options remain the same.
There is a friendly netball match at home against Kenley on Wednesday after school and we wish the team the very best of luck.
We are closed to children on Thursday 12th December due to the General Election and our school being used as a polling station. Once more, we apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause but thank you for your understanding that safeguarding our children is our most important concern.
Please may we remind parents and carers that we hold the Healthy School award. We are concerned that some of the packed lunches we have seen recently are not in line with our school policy and packed lunch guide. Please can we remind parents that chocolate items and sugary treats are not permitted and crisps are permitted on Fridays only. Please help us ensure your children are healthy by adhering to our school policies. Thank you.
There will be no Lexia or booster classes week beginning 16th December.
We thank you for your on-going support and wish you a lovely weekend.