Week ending Friday 16th October 2020
Somehow the final week is upon us and this is what we have coming up….
Cross Country: Croydon Schools Sports Partnership (CSSP) will be in school on Tuesday 20th October (weather permitting), to run an exciting inter-house cross country competition for our Reception and Key Stage 1 classes.
Children are to wear their house colours please. KS2 will be after October half term, date to be announced. A reminder of team colours:
*Seacole- Blue
*Johnson- Green
*Lawrence- Red
*Ashcroft- Yellow
Secondary School Transfer: to remind our Year 6 parents (email sent earlier in September and we have a page on our website): https://www.thehayesprimaryschool.co.uk/admissions/ applications for a place at a Secondary School in September 2021 must be submitted by closing date of: 31st October 2020.
To remind you:
*If your child is currently in Year 6, you must apply for a secondary school place for them.
*Visit www.croydon.gov.uk/admissions to find out about the schools available and be guided through the steps in the application process and the online application form.
*If you are familiar with the process and already have an eAdmissions account you can apply straightaway at www.eadmissions.org.uk
*If your application is late it will not be considered until all applications received on time have been processed and your child would be unlikely to receive a place at one of your preferred schools.
*You will be able to view the outcome of your application online on 1 March 2021.
*If you require help making your application, please email school.admissions@croydon.gov.uk and someone will contact you to talk you through the application process. Answers to many common questions are available at: https://www.croydon.gov.uk/education/schools-new/school-admissions/how-toapply/faqs/starting-secondary-school-frequently-asked-questions If you have any additional queries please contact School Admissions at school.admissions@croydon.gov.uk or by telephone on 020 8726 6400.
Coronavirus Update: as I am sure you are more than aware; more areas of England are to move to 'high risk' Tier 2 lockdown restrictions from 12:01am, on Friday. This affects The Borough of London (Kenley, Croydon, etc) and in Surrey, Elmbridge. This is because of an increase in infections.
What does this mean for me?
Meeting Friends and Family
*You must not meet people you don't live with in any indoor setting - whether at home or, for example, a pub or restaurant - unless they are part of your support or childcare bubble.
*You may continue to mix with people outdoors (including in a garden or a park) but you must not meet in a group more than six, and you must follow social distancing rules.
*Meeting in larger groups is against the law, and you can be fined up to £6,400.
*Schools and nurseries remain open. In schools and colleges that teach Year 7 and above, face coverings should be worn by adults and pupils when moving around the premises, but not usually in a classroom.
Leisure Time
*Pubs, bars and restaurants are restricted to table service only and must close at 22:00 BST.
*Customers should not mix indoors with anyone from outside their own household or support bubble. *Outdoors, you can meet in groups of up to six people.
*At least one member of any group should give their contact details to the venue or check in using the NHS Covid app.
*Face coverings must be worn, except when seated to eat or drink.
*You must wear a face covering in shops, supermarkets and shopping centres.
*If you need to travel, you should aim to reduce the number of journeys you make where possible and you are encouraged to walk or cycle, rather than use public transport.
*You should avoid travelling in a car with someone outside your household or support bubble unless you can practise social distancing.
*You can stay at hotels or guest accommodation, inside or outside your area, but only with people in your household or support bubble.
*Travel from your area to Wales will not be allowed from 18:00 BST on Friday 16 October, except for a limited set of reasons such as going to school or work.
*Weddings, civil partnership ceremonies and wedding receptions are restricted to 15 people (the reception must be a sit-down meal).
*Up to 30 people can attend a funeral. Wakes and other related events are restricted to 15 people.
*You should not visit a care home except in exceptional circumstances, for example to visit an individual who is at the end of their life.
Restrictions review: the PM has said that restrictions will be in place for the fortnight and will then be reviewed.
We are pleased to announce that the school swimming will be starting up again as from week commencing 2nd November 2020. We are having to make some changes in order for this activity to work safely for us all, in this respect, swimming for your child will take place every other week. The reason for this is because the changing rooms need to be cleaned in between each session, adhering to the current rules and regulations. The good news is that each lesson has been increased to 40 minutes, with each class split into two groups. A longer session will benefit the pupils, allowing the teacher to focus more on the children’s strokes and confidence in the water.
Below is a time table of when each class will be swimming, please ensure your child/ren have their swimming kit in school on this day:
WB 2.11.20 |
WB 9.11.20 |
WB 16.11.20 |
WB 23.11.20 |
WB 30.11.20 |
WB 7.12.20 |
WB 14.12.20 |
Class 1 Class 3 Class 5 Class 7 Class 9 Class 11 |
Class 2 Class 4 Class 6 Class 8 Class 10 Class 12 |
Class 1 Class 3 Class 5 Class 7 Class 9 Class 11 |
Class 2 Class 4 Class 6 Class 8 Class 10 Class 12 |
Class 1 Class 3 Class 5 Class 7 Class 9 Class 11 |
Class 2 Class 4 Class 6 Class 8 Class 10 Class 12 |
Class 1 Class 3 Class 5 Class 7 Class 9 Class 11 |
Parents Meetings: after half term, our virtual parents’ evenings will be on the following dates:
10th and 12th November. Further details will follow shortly on how to access these meetings.
Reception: from Monday, we will be opening our reception doors at 8:45am in order to stem the overcrowding outside the EYFS doors. Please can you follow our one-way system when leaving the premises (instead of coming back through the gate). This is signposted – and goes around the playground and out through gates by the swimming pool. Thank you.
Below, we are pleased to announce our achievement awards for this week:
Safari: Nurel, for always approaching activities with enthusiasm and a big smile.
Rainforest: Harrison, for being a very kind friend to the class and confidently joining in during carpet sessions.
Class 1: Alby for his amazing vocabulary in his Stick Man story. Well done!
Class 2: Arthur for using fantastic adjectives in his writing.
Class 3: Shree for writing an outstanding version of the Lonely Beast's story using descriptive language.
Class 4: Miguel for working so hard with his handwriting. Well done!
Class 5: Seamus for having a fantastic attitude to his learning and making a great effort in all subject areas. Class 6: Eliza for being a kind, helpful and hardworking member of the class.
Class 7: Henry for demonstrating The Hayes values daily. Henry is positive, responsible and tolerant. He works hard and is a star!
Class 8: Mia for a positive attitude to learning and perseverance to overcome challenging questions in maths.
Class 9: Monet-Alexis for having a fantastic first week at The Hayes and settling so well into her new class.
Class 10: Navaiah for fabulous editing skills when improving the complexity of her sentences.
Class 11: Lily for being a constant ray of sunshine and always looking for a positive solution.
Class 12: Damien for always working to be the best he can be in school.
Well done all! Elbow bumps to all of you!
On Friday 23rd October we break up for half term at normal time. We wish you all a restful week away from school and look forward to welcoming you back to school on Monday 2nd November
That just leaves us to say, have a fantastic weekend and see you all next week! Stay safe!
The Hayes Team