Week ending Friday 23rd October 2020
We have reached October half term break – well done to everyone in what we know has been unprecedented times. However, when working together in partnership, something far easier to get through- together. Thank you, as always for your support and for supporting our staff who face a very different day, every day.
Please remember that we are now Tier 2 and therefore need to be very aware of these rules- I wrote about them in my previous bulletin. Please stay safe, particularly as we move into the October half term break and if you are intending on taking part in Halloween. Please remember: do not meet people socially anywhere indoors (unless in your household/support bubble), only meet people outdoors in groups of up to six and wash hands, cover face and make space. Please take care.
Cross Country: this week, Croydon Schools Sports Partnership (CSSP), alongside The Hayes, organised a cross country event for our children in KS2. The event formed part of an inter-house competition so the aim was for children to earn points for their team. We saw some fantastic running talent and many children persevered to finish the course. It was also a great way for the children to get some exercise and fresh air. Well done to Lawrence House who finished as overall winners. Last Friday, they were awarded the House Cup in our virtual assembly! Well done all. Children in KS1 and EYFS, we look forward to your cross country event after half term!
Drum Lessons: if you would like your child to learn to play the drum kit, we have spaces. If you are interested, please contact the school office for more details.
Our One Way System: still exists even if the signs have blown away. These will go up again after October half term break to remind everyone. Thank you to the many of you who walk around the playground and leave the school via the gate by the swimming pool gate. Please do not leave the school via the front gate – the way you entered the school because parents are likely to be walking towards you. We must continue to keep a distance and remain safe. Thank you.
Ventilation: when dealing with an airborne virus, ventilation is the key. Therefore, alongside our hygiene regimes, with handwashing, sanitising, face coverings, etc, we also must keep all rooms ventilated. We therefore need to open windows to ensure there is a flow of air. We cannot allow rooms to get stuffy. Current guidance is to maximise the outdoor air as much as reasonably possible but without giving children or staff pneumonia. So! Please do make sure your child has a school sweatshirt school jumper so s/he does not get cold. Additionally, we don’t need to open all windows, but each classroom must be well ventilated.
A Message from our All Saints Church, Kenley: we are hosting a Thanksgiving and Remembrance service for loved ones who have died at 3pm on 1st November. This will be in church at All Saints Kenley (strictly limited places which must be booked in advance) and also via zoom, where all are welcome. Coping with a loss can be a lonely and bewildering experience; although grief is a very personal thing it can sometimes be helpful to meet with others who are in a similar situation. The service will be held at All Saints’ Church, Kenley on Sunday 1st November at 3pm, with places for up to 30 people. Places must be booked in advance and a separate space should be booked for each attendee (up to four people from the same bubble).
Please book your places via this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/thanksgiving-remembrance-service-for-loved-ones-all-saints-church-kenley-tickets-125402986709
If you do not feel able to come to the church building, the service will also be live-streamed via Zoom. The link and log in details are as follows: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86795262212?pwd=VkI2amJJcUFPa0wwM0Facm1NK0xpUT09
Meeting ID: 867 9526 2212 Password: 105986
News from the office
School Photographs: The school photographer will be here on Monday 16th November to take individual and sibling photographs. The company’s risk assessment passes our expectations and we are more than satisfied that photos will be taken with the correct distance. Please let the school office know you if you not want your child(ren) to have their photo taken.
School Uniform: We know parents have struggled to source Marks and Spencer logo uniform in the last few weeks. The uniform is now back in stock and will be available to purchase through their website later this week. https://www.mandsyourschooluniform.com//m-s-uniform/uniform-by-school/surrey/the-hayes-primary-school/5637147002.c
Sal's Shoes: Collection of outgrown shoes for the charity Sal’s Shoes has been suspended via the donation box located in the infant entrance. However, you can still donate your shoes by post. Please click on the link https://www.salsshoes.com/send-us-your-shoes-1
Birthdays: The Hayes take an active role in promoting, supporting, and modeling healthy eating habits for our children. We recognise that our children love to celebrate special events such as birthdays, however we would like to request that they do so without making food the focus of our celebrations. We would therefore kindly request that children no longer distribute edible treats. Instead, we would ask that parents donate a book to the class book corners which will be labelled with the child’s name and birthday for all the class to share and enjoy.
Attendance: If your child is unable to attend school, due to illness, please can we kindly request that your call/email the office before 9am. Thank you.
Nasal Flu: If you wish for your child to receive the Nasal flu vaccination on Thursday 19th November, please return your form no later than 2nd November and place it in the red postbox at the entrance to the school office.
Below, we are pleased to announce our achievement awards for this week:
Safari: Amber for settling in to school so well and always having a wonderful smile.
Rainforest: Esme for always wanting to challenge yourself and being a happy kind friend.
Class 1: Charlotte for her fantastic maths skills, finding number bonds to 10. Well done
Class 2: Khadijah for fantastic number bond work in maths.
Class 3: Josh for having an incredibly positive attitude with all of this work.
Class 4: Hollie for having a great attitude to her learning and always being helpful. Well done
Class 5: Polly for using interesting sentence openers in her information paragraphs about sharks.
Class 6: Lemar for always having a positive attitude towards his work as well as contributing well to class discussions.
Class 7: Chloe for her creative and supportive approach when making paper clothing and using tie dye.
Class 8: Sam for always being kind and encouraging to other children in their learning.
Class 9: Nikita, for being a fantastic, hardworking member of the class and I wish her all the success in her new school. Good luck!
Class 10: Nia, for working hard in everything she does and being a team player during group activities.
Class 11: Olly for creating, leading and performing a brilliant Haka routine.
Class 12: Maylo for using rhetorical questions and brackets to mark parenthesis in a persuasive letter- great presentation too!
Well done all! Elbow bumps to all of you!
That just leaves us to say, have a fantastic week, please stay safe and see you all on Monday 2nd November!
The Hayes Team