Week commencing 9th May 2016
Week beginning 9th May 2016
Coming up next week…
Year 2 and 6 SAT’s begin next week. We wish all of our children in these year groups, the very best of luck and praise them for all their hard work to date! We are very proud of you and know you will be great! Parents, you can help support your children and their teachers further, by ensuring that they are having lots of early nights coupled with hearty and healthy breakfasts, that will sustain their brain power during the mornings.
For children in Year 6, we would like them to bring in a named water bottle to school, so that they can keep it on their desks during the tests, helping them stay nice and hydrated, especially as the weather starts to get hotter!
Please note that as of Monday 9th May, there will be no further Booster groups for Year 6 children before the school day.
We are very excited as deliveries of the new books for the Key Stage One reading scheme start to arrive. We hope that these additions to the scheme will be interesting and inspiring for our younger readers! There are hundreds of different titles, both fiction and non-fiction, so watch out for these coming home with the children soon!
On Monday afternoon some of our Year 3 and 4 children will be participating in a Basketball Competition at Woodcote Secondary School. We wish them all the best of luck!
On Tuesday we will be welcoming back the Croydon Schools’ Sports Partnership to continue to work with some of our Year 5 children, in training them as ‘Play Leaders’.
On Thursday 12th May, our Year 4’s will be going on a trip to Lullingstone Roman Villa, as part of their topic on “Roman Life” where they will also be participating in a workshop called “Magic and Medicine”. Please remember that on this day Year 4 children will need to be in school uniform, with weather appropriate outer layers, sensible shoes and a sun hat if hot! All children will need to bring a packed lunch with them including a non-fizzy drink please!
Wishing everybody an enjoyable sunny weekend!