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Week Commencing 27th February

Week commencing 27th February 2017


Firstly good luck to all of the swimmers who are taking part in the Swimathon tomorrow! We are sure the event will be a great success and as well as raising lots of money for charity, we hope it will also be great fun! Thank you to all who have helped organise and support this event.


This week we celebrate book Week with a whole host of fun activities taking place to promote children’s love of reading.


On Tuesday there will be a full CSMA rehearsal at The Hayes for the Junior children. This will be the first time the North and South Choirs sing together and we are looking forward to hearing the amazing harmonies! If your child is involved in this event, please note the later pick up time of 3:30 and that there will be no choir rehearsal after school.


On Wednesday we invite parents of children in Early Years, Year 1 and Year 2 to a phonics workshop led by Mrs Farr in the hall at 9:00 am. Please do come along to find out more about how your children are taught phonics in school and how you can support this learning at home. For our working parents this meeting will be re-run at 6pm for your convenience.


Wednesday is also our annual Governors’ day when we will be joined in school by members of our Board of Governors who will spend the day seeing us all in action! This helps our governors to remain well informed about what goes on at The Hayes and gives them valuable information that is required to ensure they can continue to provide the school with further challenge and support to be the best we can be!


There is an Infant rehearsal on Wednesday afternoon for the children who are taking part in the Infant CSMA concert. This rehearsal will be at West Thornton Primary School rather than Wolsey. We estimate arrival back at school to be approximately 3:45pm.


On Thursday, it is national World Book day and all staff and children are invited to attend school dressed as their favourite book character.


On the 10th March, the children will meet Jeremy Strong, a famous children’s author. Between now and next week you may wish to have a look at some of his stories in preparation for his visit. Our thanks go to the PTA for organising and funding this exciting opportunity for our children!

Have a great weekend!
