Week Commencing 20th February 2017
Week beginning 20th February 2017
We look forward to welcoming you all back to school on Monday 20th February at normal time after what has hopefully been an enjoyable half term break.
Firstly, Miss Slade apologises for not publishing her HT Newsletter today. Yesterday her external hardrive was corrupted (now lost) which had amongst many other documents and photos, the near completed newsletter. She will re write the newsletter during the holidays. Note for all: please back up your external hardrive!
On Tuesday 21st there is an Area CSMA Junior rehearsal in the hall which will end at 3:30pm. Please note there is no Hayes Choir rehearsal after the Area rehearsal.
On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we will be looking forward to welcoming Arty Party back to school to work with some of our children across the school to enhance our learning environment and ensure our school values are clearly displayed using our children’s creative talents.
There is an Infant CSMA rehearsal on Thursday for the children taking part in our Infant concert. We anticipate the coach will arrive back at school at approximately 3:45.
On Thursday the 23rd February the PTA are hosting their Annual General Meeting. All are welcome to attend. It begins at 2:30 in the ICT suite.
School Council will meet on the first Friday back at 12:30 in the ICT suite. Please do remind your child to have an early lunch if they are their class representative.
Drama club and Fizz pop take place on Friday after school.
Some Reminders:
1) The remaining class assemblies have been scheduled for the following dates:
Wednesday 8th March - Class 5
Wednesday 22nd March – Class 12
Thursday 27th April - Class 2
Wednesday 3rd May- Class 10
Thursday 11th May – Class 1
Wednesday 24th May- Class 6
Thursday 15th June – Rainforest
Wednesday 21st June – Class 11
Thursday 29th June – Safari
Wednesday 5th July – Class 7
These assemblies begin at 9:15 in the school hall. We welcome parents of children in each of the above classes to join us for these events.
2) Infant CSMA Festival Night: Monday 13th March: 7-8pm (ish!).
3) Junior CSMA Festival Night: Wednesday 15th March: 7-830pm (ish!). For the CSMA concerts, there will be 2 tickets per family reserved and at a cost of £5 each. The venue, which is Trinity High School cannot accommodate any more than 2 per family because of the seating. However, nearer the time, should not all families across Croydon need 2, there could be more on offer. Tickets will be available after half term when we receive them ourselves. Thank you.
4) Red Nose Day: Friday 24th March: Miss Slade will put in her newsletter what is going on during the day. Some fun activities for sure!
It has been brought to our attention that there are a number of children who are walking to school alone in the mornings. Whilst we acknowledge that this is a parental decision as to whether or not you feel this is appropriate, as a school we would not advocate children younger than Year 5 walking alone. Please may we also remind parents that no child will ever be released from school at the end of the day to walk home alone unless we have your written permission for them to do so. If your child does travel alone to and from school and you provide them with a mobile phone to have on the journey, may we please remind you to ensure your child hands it in at the office upon arrival at school and collects it once the class has been dismissed. Please also remind your children that walking home whilst looking at their mobile phone can increase the risks and hazards that they are exposed to. It has been proven that concentration when crossing roads for example can be affected and they can be at risk of a theft. We would advise all children to keep their mobile phones safely in their bags as they travel to and from school.
Have a wonderful half term break!