Week commencing 11th July 2016
Week Beginning 11th July 2016
Coming up next week…
To start the week, children will be having assembly with Mrs Olley and finding out who their new teachers will be. All children will be visiting their new classes and getting to know their new teachers and vice versa before September.
All children’s Annual School Reports will be coming home for Parents/ Carers on Monday 11th July. Once you have had a chance to read these comprehensive reports, please ensure you add your own comments for the teaching staff on the slip provided and return them to school. Many thanks!
Our wonderful Year Six children and their teachers have been working very hard to put together this year’s Year Six Leavers Performance, which will be held on Wednesday 13th July at 6.30pm. We invite all parents of Year Six children to come along and see their fantastic performance of “Do You Remember the First Time?” We are all looking forward to it!
Class 9 will be holding their class assembly on Thursday 14th July at 9.15a.m. All Class 9 parents are welcome to attend after drop off in the morning. The assembly will be in the School hall at 9.15a.m.
Sports Day is on Friday 15th July this year. Junior children will be in the morning starting at 9.30 am with a warm-up on the staging area of the playground and the Infants in the afternoon at 1.30pm.
Finally, as you are aware we are saying good-bye to a number of long-standing members of staff at the end of the year…we would like to extend our thanks and gratitude to them for their hard work and dedication and have some collections for them to show our appreciation of this hard work. If you would like to contribute towards these, please see the School office. Thank you.