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Welcome to The Hayes Primary School

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Week beginning

Week Beginning 13th January

Welcome back and Happy New Year! We hope you all had a lovely break and that your children have enjoyed their first few days back at school. We are excited for the New Year and all the fun things we have planned between now and summer.


It has been wonderful to hear all about the children’s holidays and many of the children have been keen to tell us about and, in some instances, show us some of their lovely Christmas gifts. Please can we remind parents to keep expensive items or toys at home. For example, expensive smart phones, Apple watches and similar items are at risk of being lost or broken and, for our older children who walk home alone, make them a target for being mugged. Please make sure these items are kept safely at home for children to enjoy.  Items that are brought into school are done so at the children’s own risk and the school will not be held responsible for any loss or damage incurred. Thank you.


We start the year with exciting news that will benefit all of our children. The Council are proposing the installation of a zebra crossing on the raised area outside 131 Hayes Lane (opposite the school) primarily to assist our children travelling safely to and from school. There is a consultation in place for which the LA are seeking the views of local residents prior to the 29th January. Please can we urge you to respond positively to this consultation supporting this installation to inform the Executive Director of Place who will make a decision as to whether or not the proposal should go ahead. Further information on this crossing and the consultation details have been emailed to you already.


Thursday 16th is our school census day and the number of children having a school meal determines a large part of our funding for the remainder of the year. As such, we have a special census day menu of children’s favourites and encourage as many children as possible to have a school lunch on Thursday. Thank you for your support with this.


On Monday, Lexia club restarts so if your child has been invited to attend we look forward to seeing them in at 8:30 in the computing suite on their allocated day. We are hosting our termly coffee mornings next week in the hall at 9:00am so please do come along to your year group meetings on the following days to find out what your child will be learning this term:

Monday: Reception

Tuesday: Year 2

Wednesday: Year 1

Thursday: Year 3

Friday: Year 4

Year 6 and 5 will take place the following week on Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st respectively.


Choir will resume next week with Infants (Year 1 and Year 2) on Monday after school and Juniors on a Tuesday (Years 4-6). This is for children who are participating in the CSMA (Croydon Schools Music Association) concerts taking place in March (Infants 17th and Juniors 16th). These concerts take place at the Fairfield Halls and rehearsals for these require full commitment at the club and at the area rehearsals (letter to follow). Auditions will be held during the club day if numbers interested exceed 25 which is the limit set by the CSMA. Please note that children in Year 1 and 2 are permitted to be in the CSMA choir (CSMA rules due to the difficulty of the music) and children in Year 5 and 6 are permitted in the first instance. Children in Year 4 are welcome to come to the rehearsal on Tuesday but may need to be auditioned if numbers exceed 25.

Boosters for KS2 also resume next week.


Please may we remind parents that swimming lessons are an important part of our school curriculum which is not an optional extra. Children who attend school without a kit will be provided with a clean spare kit to use to enable their participation. Children who are persistently not swimming due to medical reasons are required to obtain medical evidence in the form of a letter from their GP which explicitly states they are too unwell to swim. We thank you in supporting this important essential life skill. We are extremely fortunate to have our own pool and proud to be able to offer the opportunity to swim, to every child, each week.


If your child is going to be absent from school due to ill health, please can we remind parents to call the office before 9am.


A note from our PTA. On Friday 31st January we have our PTA fun afternoon and discos. Please note we have had to change the original date. Reception: in-school fun dance workshop from 2pm-3pm for all children to take part and enjoy. Year 1-6: disco tickets (after school) will go on sale on Monday 13th at 10am, please follow this link to access the website to purchase tickets:

A letter will be sent home from the PTA on Monday with more information.


We hope you have a wonderful weekend.​

The Hayes Team
