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Week beginning Monday 9th October 2017

Week beginning 9th October 2017

Another busy week at The Hayes which started off with our Grandparents breakfast which was enjoyed by all. Many thanks to The Hayes Church who helped us with this popular event.

Our School Improvement Partner visited in the afternoon on Tuesday and was particularly impressed with how well our Reception children have settled and enjoying their learning, the children’s writing in KS1, the mathematics challenges in upper juniors and the general happy and caring ethos of our school. Good to hear! Thank you to the PTA for organising film club on Tuesday, our children really enjoyed it.


We welcomed our EYFS parents on Wednesday who found out how their children learn, we hope you found the session informative and interesting.


We have a lot to feel proud about with our sporting achievements this week: congrats to our football team who played against Elmhurst and won 3-2. Our Year 5 and 6 cross country team ran amazingly well with 3 of our girls finishing in the top 15 out of over a hundred children. Well done to all of you!


On Thursday we held a special assembly for World Teachers Day to say thank you to our teachers for all their hard work. We really do have a fabulous staff team.


Thank you for all the contributions today for our Harvest Festival. We know the donations will be gratefully received from the Purley Food Hub who have supported less fortunate local residents over the last 5 years.


Upcoming next week

On Tuesday at 9.30am, we are holding an open morning for families whose children are due to start EYFS in September 2018. This will include a talk about us and a tour of our school. Please do come along if your child is due to start school next year.


On Thursday 12th October, Year 3 and 4 will be taking part in their cross country competition at Lloyd Park. Good luck to you all!


The Junior Disco and Infant Fun Afternoon is taking place on Friday 13th October. This is a PTA event and tickets should be booked through the PTA events page:


Congratulations to all of those children who received commendation certificates today and our Hayes Champs!


Have a great weekend.
